Chapter 96 Uncle Fu, will you be my dad?

After comforting the three cubs, Xia Zhi came to Fu Jinye.

He had already finished his meal and had been standing in front of the pile of tools for some time.

Xia Zhi got straight to the point and asked, "How are you going to arrange it?"

Fu Jinye narrowed his eyes and asked, "What do you think?"

Xia Zhi really has some ideas.

She told Fu Jinye her thoughts, "I just asked the three children what show they wanted to perform.

In fact, it would be a bit of a waste of manpower to build a professional stage.

The most important thing is that there is a sense of distance.

How about we do something different, something down-to-earth. "

"Hmm?" Fu Jinye looked at her curiously.

Xia Zhi said slowly, "We can make a smaller stage and create the background board ourselves.

At the same time, let the children participate and draw together.

Your painting skills haven't deteriorated, right? "

"It's okay." Fu Jinye said, "Just do it as you said."

After the two told Fan Yimin their plan, they also received his support.

After all, it was a talent show for the three little ones. Apart from guests like them, the only audience was the staff.

Building a stage that is too big would be disharmonious.

"Then the task of painting the background board will be left in your hands."

Xia Zhi nodded, "Okay."

After getting permission, the two people entered the preparatory stage.

at the same time.

the other side.

Ye Qi and others walked into the vegetable market surrounded by staff.

This vegetable market is different from the place where they sold vegetables before.

It's open-air over there, and it's indoors here.

Several people set out early, and there were not many people in the vegetable market.

Part of the reason is that the director team negotiated with the people in the village and temporarily borrowed the food market for filming.

"What do you want to buy?" Shen Jiangqi looked at Ye Qi.

Ye Qi opened the shopping list, which only listed the types he wanted to buy.

The specific quantity was not indicated.

Ye Qi read, "Chicken wings, chicken gizzards, abalone, scallops, fresh shrimps, and vegetables."

"Let's buy it," Zhou Yiran said, "Six adults and three children, and then buy a little more on this basis."

"Okay." Shen Jiangqi nodded, "Let's buy seafood and meat first."

Ye Qi nodded, "It's just in time to buy vegetables while the boss is marinating the meat."

The island is rich in seafood resources.

A few people with sufficient funds bought many kinds of seafood. In the end, Ye Qi even wanted to buy a few Olongs and bake them.

Shen Jiangqi directly stopped her behavior, "After buying these Aolong, the money in our hands will be at the bottom.

I haven’t bought the beef, mutton and vegetables yet. "

"Okay." Ye Qi felt a little regretful.

The grilled Orlong is quite delicious.

[Ah ah ah, buy it for Qiqizi quickly, see how greedy she is]

[I have to say, it’s really fun to be a celebrity, you spend money to buy things without looking at the price]

[Everyday envy, I’m a country bumpkin and have never eaten Olong. I’ve only seen it on TV and in novels]

[You guys are so low, but I am different. I watch videos every day. Some people can smell seafood, Aolong, and Dongxingban across the screen. I am no longer in the same class as you who have never experienced the smell. 】

[I beg a friend who lives by the sea, can I go to your house to eat seafood?I have a small appetite, and I will be full after eating a hundred million points]

[Zhou Yiran is good at managing the household, whoever marries her is really lucky]

[Qi Mo, who has the lowest sense of presence, is my favorite. With his looks and personality, he is simply the cold and tyrannical boss of romance novels! 】

[Aloofness is quite aloof, but Boss Ba didn’t feel it. Maybe it’s a matter of aura.]

Ye Qi's purchase went extremely smoothly.

Xia Zhi and Fu Jinye were in trouble.

The two people faced the empty background board and didn't know what to draw. "How about painting three of our families?" Xia Zhi suggested, "The Q version should not be time-consuming, right?"

"It's okay." Fu Jinye said, "It's just..."

He hesitated.

"Just what?" Xia Zhi asked doubtfully.

Fu Jinye will also encounter difficulties? !

It's time for her to show off her skills!
Fu Jinye said truthfully, "I need to compare photos to draw it."

It turned out to be this reason.


Although the paintings in the Q version are not completely realistic, they pay more attention to personal style.

People can guess at a glance who the painting is.

"Just wait, I'll ask the director team if they have any photos."


After Fu Jinye responded, Xia Zhi got up and went to find the director team.

Fu Jinye, who had never written before, suddenly picked up the pen and started tracing on the background board.

He divided the backdrop into three areas.

And start painting in the middle of the middle area.

[Bet a pack of spicy strips, Fu Jinye is now drawing a Q version of Xia Zhi’s character]

[I bet my salary this month that Fu Jinye is definitely painting Xia Zhi! 】

[Is it possible that he is drawing his own Q territory? 】

[Aren’t you curious that Fu Jinye can draw Q-version figures?Besides giving birth to children, what else does he not know how to do? 】

[I know one, he will not marry you]

【Tightened, old heart】

[Fu Jinye is multi-talented and Xia Zhi is outstanding in appearance. They are a perfect match! 】

"Hey, Uncle Fu, are you painting Aunt Xia Zhi?" Ye Heng ran to Fu Jinye's side instead of concentrating on singing, and curiously looked at the painting on the background board.

"so cute!

Uncle Fu, Xiao Heng also wants to draw.

You make Xiao Heng look more handsome! "

Ye Heng pestered Fu Jinye, but he was very measured and did not move his arm. Instead, he kept talking in his ear.

I even started thinking about what pose I would do later.

"Okay." Fu Jinye raised his pen and looked at Ye Heng, "Uncle will draw you later."

"Yeah." Ye Heng smiled and showed his big white teeth, "Uncle Fu is the best!

Uncle Fu, can you be Xiao Heng's father? "

"Huh?" Fu Jinye raised his eyebrows, "Want to do homework again?"

Hearing this, Xiao Heng immediately shut up and stopped talking, "Xiao Heng suddenly remembered that the song hadn't been practiced yet, so Xiao Heng left first.

Goodbye Uncle Fu! "

"Run slowly." Xia Zhi couldn't help but warn her.

When she came back from the director's group to take photos, she happened to hear Xiao Heng asking Fu Jinye to be his father.

Then Xiao Heng was "scared" away by Fu Jinye.

Xia Zhi walked to Fu Jinye and handed the painting to him.

Fu Jinye glanced at Xia Zhi and explained, "Xiao Heng is joking, don't take it seriously."

Xia Zhi blinked, was Fu Jinye explaining to him?

"Yeah." Xia Zhi nodded and said half-jokingly, "I think Sister Qi may not like you."

[Ah ah ah, if this is not considered love! 】

[Fu Jinye, you really don’t love me too much! 】

[Xia Zhi, I hate you for being a piece of wood. Why are you mentioning Ye Qi at this time? Ask him directly if he likes me!Come right on in! ! ! 】

[It’s true this summer, but Xia Zhi seems to be totally clueless. Fu Jinye, please give me a harder time]

[Fu Jinye secretly poked me, don’t poke me too hard]

[I really like Fu Jinye’s character. If there is any misunderstanding, I will explain it to you face to face.Fortunately, this is reality. If it were placed in an ancient drama, these two people wouldn't have misunderstandings for several episodes because of these words? 】

[How do you think those romantic dramas with more than 100 episodes were filmed? 】

(End of this chapter)

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