Chapter 99 Song Xin has delusional disorder

Song Xin's agent received the news immediately, and immediately called Song Xin after seeing Fu Jinye's clarification in the live broadcast room.

It took a long time before the call was answered.

The manager asked directly, "Song Xin, what are you doing?"

Song Xin frowned slightly, "What's wrong?"

Normally agents wouldn't bother her.

The tone doesn't sound good either.

What happened again?

The agent said, "Have you watched Fu Jinye's live broadcast?"

"No." Song Xin yawned, "I played too late yesterday and didn't get up yet."

"Really, when are you going to change your routine?" The manager almost couldn't help complaining, "Do you still remember that you are a female star?

Your face is going to be on the big screen, so there shouldn’t be any flaws. "

This agent is one of the few people who dares to talk to Song Xin like this.

Song Xin lay on the bed and said impatiently, "Don't worry, I have money.

At worst, I'll get a few more beauty projects by then.

As long as you're willing to spend money, what's the point? "

After hearing what she said, the agent did not continue to dwell on this issue.

"What did you say happened to Fu Jinye just now?" Song Xin asked curiously, "Isn't he the relationship between Guan Xuan and me?"

"Indeed." The corner of the agent's mouth twitched.

Fu Jinye did officially announce his relationship with Song Xin.

It's just that this relationship is completely different from what Song Xin thought.

"Really?" Song Xin sat up from the bed excitedly, "Where is it? I'll go see it right now!"

The agent sighed and interrupted her, "Stop looking.

The official announcement is true, but it has nothing to do with you. "

Song Xin seemed not to hear it and directly opened Weibo on another phone.

Sure enough, Fu Jinye and her name appeared on the hot search list.

In a short time, it was squeezed from more than 20 hot searches to the top ten.

#Fujinye said he has nothing to do with Song Xin#
#松信, the number one dog licker in domestic entertainment#
#松信 recognize the reality#
A series of entries about Song Xin were on the hot searches.

Song Xin's attention was attracted by the first one.

In the live broadcast, Fu Jinye clarified the relationship between the two very seriously, "Song Xin and I have no relationship other than cooperation, and there is a high probability that we will not cooperate together in the future, so friends, please stop making random guesses."

Hearing the voice on the other end of the phone, Song Xin's manager couldn't help but comfort him, "Are you okay?
Actually, it’s better to explain it clearly like this.

Your resources are not bad, so you don’t necessarily have to tie Fu Jinye to develop together.

Even if you like him, you can find other ways.

Song Xin, are you okay? "

Seeing that Song Xin didn't speak, the manager thought she was hit, so he hung up the phone and went to the villa to find Song Xin.

Who knows, next second.

Song Xin rolled around on the bed excitedly, "Ah ah, Fu Jinye called my name.

My name sounds so good in his mouth.

It would be nice if I could say a few more words. "

Hearing Song Xin's words, the manager suddenly froze.


She is so stupid.

How could she forget how much the little princess Song Xin liked Fu Jinye?

Even if Fu Jinye scolded her, she would probably accept it with a smile.Speaking of this matter, the agent couldn't help but worry.

Why did she find a romantic artist?

"What are you doing?" Hearing Song Xin's side become quiet, the manager suddenly had a bad feeling, "Are you going to post on Weibo again?
At this time, it is better to be still than to move.

Ancestor, can you please stop causing trouble for me? "

Song Xin didn't take it seriously, "I will definitely post on Weibo about such a memorable event."

Song Xin: Konno’s voice sounded so nice when he called my name. If he didn’t like me, why would he go out of his way to clarify our relationship with everyone?So, please don’t alienate the relationship between us.One day, I will throw the marriage certificate in front of you and slap you in the face!

After Song Xin posted this Weibo, she immediately attracted ridicule.

She didn't care, however.

So what if these people ridicule.

As long as she gets Fu Jinye, these people will be slapped in the face.

1L: Xinxin is right, come on Xinxin, try to catch your brother-in-law as soon as possible!

2L: Song Xin, please go take a look at #thisxia#. That’s how Fu Jinye likes someone. They don’t like you at all. Stop wishful thinking.
3L: I don’t understand, I really don’t understand, why does someone like Song Xin still have fans?

1044L: Boycott Song Xin, Song Xin gets out of the entertainment industry!
1045L: Compared with Song Xin, I suddenly feel that Xia Zhi can’t be my sister-in-law, especially since Ranbao is so cute and she is exactly the same as Brother Fu.

1046L: If she can catch up with Fu Jinye, I will live broadcast Chi Xiang!

Comments refresh very quickly.

Except for Song Xin's fans and Fu Jinye's fans, the ones with the most comments were "this summer" CP fans.

Xia Zhi?

This was the first time Song Xin saw this name.

Who is Xia Zhi?

When did such a person appear in the circle?

Dare to compete with her Song Xin for a man? Don’t you want to live? !
"Who is Xia Zhi?" Song Xin asked casually.

This name is not unfamiliar to Song Xin's agent at all.

Since cp became popular this summer, she has been paying attention to it.

I was just afraid that Song Xin would ask about it one day.

Unexpectedly, this day came so early.

The agent explained, "Xia Zhi is currently partnering with Fu Jinye in a parent-child variety show.

Fu Jinye seems to be very fond of her and always takes care of her in the show. "

"Are you sure?" Song Xin asked in disbelief, "When did Fu Jinye have the time to participate in some parent-child variety show?"

"Miss, do you really like Fu Jinye?" The manager was helpless, "Why don't you even know his schedule?"

Song Xin said matter-of-factly, "I like his person, not his schedule. Isn't that normal?"

The broker was speechless.

She said helplessly, "Actually, I'm also curious about why Fu Jinye participated in this kind of program.

Maybe it’s because it’s hard to refuse the director’s request. "

"Who is the director?" Song Xin said, "Find a way to include me. I also want to participate in this show."

Song Xin hung up the phone without waiting for the agent to refuse.

the other side.

The barrage told Fu Jinye about Song Xin's Weibo post through the live broadcast room.

After seeing the message, Xia Zhi immediately opened Weibo to eat melon.

The number one hot search topic became: Song Xin’s advanced stage of hypochondriasis

Click on it and the first post is Song Xin’s Weibo.

Xia Zhi was a little shocked: This person is too crazy!
(End of this chapter)

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