Douluo: Accepting Huo Yuhao as a disciple, the martial soul awakens infinitely

Chapter 17 Soul Fighting Zone?A life and death battle!

Chapter 17 Soul Fighting Zone?A life and death battle!
Du Weilun's status is equivalent to Fan Yu's status in the soul guidance system.

Behind him is Yan Shaozhe, the dean of Shrek's outer courtyard, who is the deputy dean of soul guidance who doesn't care whether he is an individual soldier or not.

And this happened on his martial soul territory.

Therefore, He Caitou and Fan Yu were all criticized without exception!It can be said that there is no shame at all!

How could he and Caitou swallow this breath?His face doesn’t matter!But even his master Fan Yu’s face was lost!
He is angry!He is angry!

It's all this chicken chef's fault!

Otherwise, how could he end up like this!
Faced with He Caitou's pursuit and interception, for the third time, he followed the principle of not doing more than three things.

Nie Xiaozhuang agreed to He Caitou's request to commit suicide.

However, with the Jianzun's surprise and superhuman insight, he has already known that there are crouching tigers and hidden dragons everywhere in Shrek, so for the sake of unnecessary trouble, he will not let He Caitou die for the time being.

In the past, before he had a disciple, such a poor thing would not have the right to appear in front of Nie Xiaozhuang, nor would he have the opportunity to speak, let alone the opportunity to issue a challenge to death.

But in order for Huo Yuhao to be able to practice safely, Nie Xiaozhuang had no choice but to take action. If this problem was not solved and the gorilla did not get a reply, he might cause trouble for his disciple. His disciple was in danger. Nie Xiaozhuang would never allow it.

"Tomorrow at five o'clock in the afternoon! Soul fighting area! I'm waiting for you!" He Caitou said the harsh words and turned around and left.

[Disciple Huo Yuhao takes Xuanshui Pill and his soul power increases by 2 levels!Currently level 13!Reward 2 upgrade points! ]
[Source of Xuanshui Pill: Beibei defeated Xu Sanshi in the Soul Fighting Area to obtain a Xuanshui Pill and gave it to his disciple Huo Yuhao! ]
[Disciple Huo Yuhao takes the upgrade pill and his soul power increases by 1 level!Currently level 14!Reward 1 upgrade point! ]
[Source of the upgrade pill: Ma Xiaotao, a student of the inner court who lost control of his martial spirit, accidentally injured his disciple Huo Yuhao by the Sea Cucumber Lake. His pet Tianmeng Ice Silkworm protected him in time. After his disciple Huo Yuhao survived, the powerful men of the inner court who came over gave him He gave his disciple Huo Yuhao an upgrade pill as hush money! ]
[Upgrade point balance: (22+30) = 52 points]
The fighting spirit area is a very important area in Shrek Academy, located in the northwest corner of the martial spirit department.

Various competitions can be held here, with dedicated teachers acting as referees to determine the outcome, protect students, provide aid, treatment, etc. Of course, these all require payment.

For a game in the Soul Fighting Zone, both parties need to pay 10 gold soul coins as venue fees.

As Fan Yu's direct disciple, Qian Duoduo, the dean of the Soul Guidance Department, is not short of money, so 10 gold soul coins are nothing to He Caitou.

For Nie Xiaozhuang, whose monthly salary is 3 gold soul coins, it is nothing.

Because last night, he went to the Star Dou Forest, randomly captured a few century-old soul beasts alive, and exchanged 100 gold soul coins from an old man who was in urgent need of soul beasts.

Of course, if sold at the Shrek City Auction House at normal prices, these soul beasts are far from being worth only 100 gold soul coins, at least 3000 gold soul coins.

But there is no market for it, and Nie Xiaozhuang doesn't have that much extra time. The only one keeping soul beasts in captivity on Douluo Continent is Shrek Academy.

The spirit fighting area is hexagonal, almost as big as Shrek Square, with a large open space in the center, which is obviously a place for students to compete.

Surrounded by a circle of seats that gradually rise upward, it looks like it can accommodate more than 3000 people.

Few people know about the duel between Nie Xiaozhuang and He Caitou, because He Caitou challenged Nie Xiaozhuang in the freshman cafeteria. He would undoubtedly not get an answer, and would be regarded as a lunatic and treated as a righteous teacher. Drag out.

As for the back door of the freshmen cafeteria, few freshmen would pass by, so not many people could see He Caitou's block.

Therefore, there seemed to be only 300 people sitting around the edge of the venue, which was not too busy.

But there seemed to be a few acquaintances in the stands?
"I'm so angry! Let me forget that the big plate of chicken I bought with the two gold soul coins I invested is in vain! Tang Yabei and Beibei are two shameless people. Yesterday, they pretended to give some benefits to the inner courtyard teacher's apprentice. In I'm going to pry away a Xuanshui Pill! These two gods of plague, I have to take a detour when I see them in the future!" The speaker was wearing a black school uniform. He looked about the same age as Beibei. He was as tall as He Caitou and had thick eyebrows. The eyes, nose are straight, the mouth is square, and the appearance is dignified.

This person is none other than Xuanming Turtle Soul Lord Xu Sanshi.His anger was not deliberately acted out, but he deliberately made a loud noise in order to arouse the sympathy of the stunning girl next to him.

The people around Xu Sanshi are the key factors in whether Xuanming Turtle's martial spirit can complete its true evolution. They have a slender and well-proportioned figure, long golden hair hanging in big waves on the back of his head, skin as good as snow, and eyes like a pool of clear water. When looking at it, it has an elegant and noble temperament.Her face is like jade, like the crescent moon, like flowers and trees piled with snow. She is tender and graceful, charming in words, delicate and graceful, and she is incomparably beautiful.Is that Jiang Nannan, the most beautiful woman in Shrek's outer courtyard, whose stunning appearance seems to dim all the colors around her?

But how could Jiang Nannan, who had always been cold to Xu Sanshi, speak casually?
When Xu Sanshi saw Jiang Nannan's appearance, he immediately flattered her and said, "Nan Nan, don't be angry. I will buy the big chicken for you tomorrow. Don't blame me, Tang Yabeibei, for this. It's the big chicken chef who is lining his own pockets." , Eat it all for yourself! Don’t be angry because we can’t even drink the soup dregs, don’t be angry. I will personally teach the chef of the big chicken tomorrow! And bring you a big portion back? "

Seeing that Jiang Nannan was silent, Xu Sanshi's thieving hands couldn't help but want to climb onto Jiang Nannan's shoulders, but they hadn't touched her yet.

"Get lost." The cold word made Xu Sanshi tremble in an instant. He greeted him with a smile, straightened his body and stared at the battlefield below.

Although there is no shortage of money, it is very painful to lose a Xuanshui Pill.

The reason why Xu Sanshi and Jiang Nannan stayed in the Soul Fighting Zone all day was not just to be spectators, but to place bets. It would be great if they could recover their health!

At the entrances on both sides of the battle platform, two figures appeared.

When Jiang Nannan saw the tall figure who looked as cold and aloof as herself, her eyes immediately swayed, and she stared with interest at the figure holding the scabbard on the left side.

The loyal licking dog naturally smelled a hint of unspeakable hostility and followed the beauty's gaze.

"Haha." The two words of ridicule spilled out of Xu Sanshi's mouth instantly. These two words also made Jiang Nannan frown.

Xu Sanshi's body is as tall as He Caitou, and he is even more than two meters tall.

The person walking from the left passage to the center of the battle platform looks very tall, but according to visual inspection, he is only about 1.7 meters eight.

Among soul masters, this kind of height is considered short among short ones.

But does being tall help?Obviously useless!
Because no matter how much Xu Sanshi criticized Jiang Nannan, this kind of dwarf was completely different from a strong man like him, but Jiang Nannan remained indifferent and stared at the frosty side of the 1.7-meter-high figure. The face is watching.

Hou Xu Sanshi, who had been ignored by a beauty once before, still hadn't really thought clearly about why Jiang Nannan was so indifferent to him.

Obviously, Jiang Nannan doesn't like macho men, and she also knows that Xu Sanshi is not a macho man at all.

Because the less some people have, the more they crazily highlight something. Compared to Xu Sanshi, Jiang Nannan had to expect more from this expressionless man holding a sword and looking like a prodigal on the field, and was even more impressed.

The calm, mature and reliable temperament is something Xu Sanshi cannot and cannot possess now, and these three temperaments are the most attractive to women.

These three temperaments are all gathered in one person at this time, which is enough to make every woman's eyes boil. If that person is showing unparalleled strength in the world and making even the titled Douluo tremble, then this person , enough to make every woman go crazy for him!boiling!

Seeing Nie Xiaozhuang walking towards him, He Caitou carrying a huge soul guide cannon on his shoulders, an evil smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Because he is not a gentleman, he will change his mind at the last moment, so this battle is not an ordinary soul fighting competition.

It's a life and death battle.
The winner lives.

The loser dies!

(End of this chapter)

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