Douluo: Accepting Huo Yuhao as a disciple, the martial soul awakens infinitely

Chapter 26 Fan Yu: I will be your master!He will be your master's wife!

Chapter 26 Fan Yu: I will be your master!He will be your master's wife!

[Ding!The host disciple Huo Yuhao was seduced by Qian Duoduo, Fanyu, Zhou Yi and the others, who used becoming a titled Douluo, a core disciple, a tenth-level soul master, a gold soul coin, and a beautiful woman as bait, and he has entered a state of swing! ]
[Solution: Let Huo Yuhao give up this idea! ]
[Solution reward: 10 upgrade points! ]
[Please resolve this incident within 24 hours, otherwise Huo Yuhao will enter a rebellious state after 24 hours, and the host will deduct 10 upgrade points every day! ]
Nie Xiaozhuang, who had already entered the third-floor dormitory behind the freshmen cafeteria to rest, suddenly heard the sound of the system in his mind.

Then he closed his eyes and went to sleep. We will talk about tomorrow's matters tomorrow.

Freshman dormitory.

Room [-].

At about ten o'clock in the evening, Wang Dong, who was still lighting a lantern at night, was lying on the bed thinking about Huo Yuhao's situation.

Suddenly the door lock was unlocked and Huo Yuhao pushed the door open and entered.

Wang Dong immediately jumped up from the bed and looked at Huo Yuhao in surprise and even some surprise.

Wang Dong said: "Are you still alive?"

Huo Yuhao said angrily: "He's not dead at all."

Wang Dong said: "Yuhao, where have you been these days? No, now is not the time to talk about this. You have been late for so many days. If you don't go to Teacher Zhou and talk to him, you will be expelled from the school soon!"

"." Huo Yuhao ignored the reply and ran directly towards the dark, gray teaching building with the lights out.

There is also such a thing as being fired
This was the first time Huo Yuhao knew about it.
In the sea of ​​spirits.

Tianmeng Bingshen said slowly: "Yu Hao, don't be anxious. You are now the proud son of heaven who has twin martial souls and the ultimate ice. No one in Shrek dares to fire you. As long as you reveal your martial soul, those title fights will be over." Luo, I have to kneel down, please don’t leave!”

Huo Yuhao nodded, but a titled Douluo knelt down to beg him?Huo Yuhao couldn't believe this.
Like Wang Dong, the lights in Zhou Yi's office seemed not to be turned off, and the warm yellow light inside could be seen through the window.

Huo Yuhao was startled when he opened the door. Zhou Yi, who was sitting on the masculine eighth-level soul master Fan Yu, immediately jumped down.

Zhou Yi wanted to get angry, but when she saw that the person coming was Huo Yuhao, her surprise suppressed Zhou Yi's anger.

Huo Yuhao was stunned. Zhou Yi without the old mask was really stunningly beautiful, and her whole body was filled with a unique and unique charm.

Fortunately, Fan Yu even coughed twice and broke the deadlock.

Although Zhou Yi had a straight face, the pale pink color on her pretty face was still there. She straightened her clothes, sat on the stool beside the desk, tapped Erlang's legs, and asked: "Huo Yuhao! Where are you going these days?" Where is it!"

It was still that stern tone that made people stand on end, but Huo Yuhao couldn't be scared anymore. Teacher Zhou turned out to be a great beauty.
Huo Yuhao blushed slightly and quickly explained: "Teacher Fan Yu, I have always been with my master."

"Hmph!" Fan Yu snorted coldly: "Master? Go on, tell me where your master took you and it took you more than two months to come back! If you don't tell me why, just keep standing there. !”

Yesterday, Qian Duoduo, Fanyu and Zhou Yi searched all the canteens in Shrek's outer courtyard, but could not find the figure of Huo Yuhao's so-called master, so they all agreed that Huo Yuhao's master abducted Huo Yuhao.
Zhou Yi hugged Fan Yu's neck very sadly and cried for a while. Fan Yu was also heartbroken and heartbroken.
Huo Yuhao's sudden appearance at this time shocked both of them, and their grief and anger suddenly turned into joy!

Suddenly, another person pushed in the door. Zhou Yi and Fan Yu quickly covered their faces with their hands. This scene made people doubt whether they had done something shameful or bad in the office.
Zhou Yi saw Wang Dong through the gap between her fingers and let out a small breath.

Fan Yu was also belatedly aware that he and Zhou Yi were a well-known couple, why were they covering their faces?

Wang Dong was stunned when he saw Zhou Yi without a mask. Zhou Yi was such a beauty. Wang Dong recognized Zhou Yi only because of her dress and hair color!
Wang Dong asked cautiously: "Teacher Zhou?"

"It's me. This matter is the teacher's secret. Don't tell anyone outside!" Zhou Yi nodded, smiling and pointing at her cheek. After all, Wang Dong is the best student in her class, No. 1. , such students are the ones who please the class teacher the most, so Zhou Yi thinks that there is no harm in letting Wang Dong know his secret.

Wang Dong smiled, nodded and said, "Okay!"

Zhou Yi asked Wang Dong to stand beside her, and Wang Dong passed by.

Zhou Yi continued: "Yuhao, keep talking!"

But Huo Yuhao lowered his head, crossed his hands, twirled his fingers, and muttered incoherently, not knowing what he was talking about.
He raised his head from time to time and glanced at Wang Dong beside Zhou Yi.Zhou Yi and Fan Yu also understood immediately that Huo Yuhao didn't want Wang Dong to hear these things.

Before Zhou Yi could ask Wang Dong to leave.

"I'm so sleepy. Teacher Zhou, I'm going to go back to bed first." Wang Dong is very smart and good at taking care of other people's emotions. Naturally, he feels how redundant he is here.
He stretched out and looked sleepy.

Zhou Yi nodded and encouraged: "Okay, Wang Dong, you should rest early. Only when you have enough energy can you win the first place for our class in the upgrade assessment the day after tomorrow!"

Wang Dong smiled, then pushed the door open and walked out.

After closing the door, Wang Dong did not leave, but stood for a moment before leaving. Everyone has secrets, and Wang Dong knew it, but Wang Dong regarded Huo Yuhao as a good friend, but Huo Yuhao was willing to tell the teacher the secret but not to him
Wang Dong is not a person who likes gossip, but Huo Yuhao's move undoubtedly made Wang Dong feel a little unbalanced and felt that Huo Yuhao did not regard him as a good friend.
Wang Dong sighed, walking at night with mixed emotions, and walked alone to the freshman dormitory.
Seeing that Wang Dong was gone, Huo Yuhao breathed a sigh of relief.
What secret was he going to say?What he was going to say was a lie!

If Wang Dong heard these lies and Wang Dong went to find Nie Xiaozhuang out of curiosity, wouldn't he be exposed?
Fan Yu said: "Yuhao, you can speak now."

Huo Yuhao nodded and began to talk with confidence.

After Huo Yuhao brewed his feelings for a while, he began to perform at the level of a movie king.

Afterwards, Huo Yuhao told a lot about Nie Xiaozhuang, who took him to the far north, but when he arrived, not only did he not hunt for soul rings for him, but he also suddenly disappeared, leaving him alone in the snow-covered snow. mountain
Huo Yuhao's eyes were wet, he took off his shirt, showed his opportunity, the torso bone of the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion, and released a white and purple soul ring, and used a simulated soul skill to change it into a 10-year soul ring. Zhou Yi Fanyu was shocked by his appearance.

Huo Yuhao sobbed: "Although I was a blessing in disguise, I got the soul ring and soul bone of this big green scorpion. But for the second time, I felt the feeling of being abandoned. The first time was my mother. My mother has already"

Fan Yu's eyes were complicated. As a man, he couldn't show too much care like a woman, but his bear eyes were full of regret and care.

As a woman, Zhou Yi is inherently emotional. It was very rare that she cried when she heard Huo Yuhao's realistic speech.

She didn't expect that Huo Yuhao turned out to be a child who had lost his mother since childhood.

Zhou Yi was choking while waving to Huo Yuhao: "Yuhao, come to me!"

Huo Yuhao walked over, and Zhou Yi opened her arms and pulled Huo Yuhao into a warm embrace.

Huo Yuhao smelled Zhou Yi's fragrance and cried more intensely, but he seemed to be crying with joy.
Expansion!A loud noise made Zhou Yi and Huo Yuhao, who was in Zhou Yi's arms with tears in his eyes, both turn their heads and look over.

Fan Yu's domineering punch created a gap in the thick solid wood desk.

Fan Yu was furious and said: "It's so disgusting! Yuhao regards you as his master! But you are so disgusting and disgusting! Damn you! I'm going to chop him up!!"

Zhou Yi wiped the tears on her face and said hoarsely: "Fan Yu, the child is still here, don't use bad words."

Fan Yu looked at Zhou Yi, then at Huo Yuhao who was lying in his wife's arms, and sighed: "I'm sorry, I'm angry, I can't control myself!"

Huo Yuhao left Zhou Yi with some reluctance, his cheeks were hot and he pretended to continue: "Teachers, please don't blame my master. He may not have meant to ask you not to trouble him. After all, he Also helped me”

Zhou Yi said with tears in her eyes: "Huo Yuhao, you are such a good boy!"

Fan Yu looked at Huo Yuhao seriously and nodded.

Fan Yu said earnestly: "It's getting late, Yuhao, you go to the cafeteria tomorrow and call your master to the soul guidance department building. We won't embarrass him, but he is really not suitable to continue to be your boss." Master. Call him here. Tomorrow, Dean Qian Duoduo and I will tell him in person that he will sever the master-disciple relationship with you!"

Fan Yu patted his chest and said, "Then I will be your master! He will be your master wife!"

Seeing Fan Yu's finger pointing at Zhou Yi, Huo Yuhao's cheeks became even hotter, "Master. Master."

Fan Yu and Zhou Yi nodded with satisfaction when they heard these two words.

(End of this chapter)

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