Douluo: Accepting Huo Yuhao as a disciple, the martial soul awakens infinitely

Chapter 94 Wang Donger who accidentally entered the underworld

Chapter 94 Wang Donger who accidentally entered the underworld
The Sword Lord later heard that his apprentice, who was above the heaven in a certain plane, relied on his poor alchemy skills and finally became a general.

He also once wanted to refine a wild monkey formed from the essence of heaven, earth, sun and moon into monkey elixir, but in the end he failed because the heat was far different from his master.
This quaint room has a dim yellow mirror on the left.

On the right is an old wooden table with many open packages displaying various medicinal herbs for alchemy.

There are also many strange things.

"It's Xiaoxiao's martial spirit!" Wang Donger was surprised and ran towards the table on the right.

On the far right side of the table, there is a long black recorder, but the ignorant Wang Donger mistakenly thought it was Xiaoxiao's martial spirit, Jiu Feng Lai Yi Xiao!
When she got it in her hand, Wang Dong'er couldn't help but feel happy. The way Xiaoxiao played the Nine Phoenix Ritual Flute was very sassy and beautiful. She wanted to play it too, but the martial spirit was not Xiaoxiao's.
Wang Donger, who was holding the black flute at this time, immediately wanted to play it, but after thinking about it, he shook his head and said: "This is Master's thing, how can I use it casually."

Wang Dong suddenly became embarrassed.

"Ah! It's all covered with dust. It seems like Master doesn't blow this stuff often!" Wang Dong'er used her white sleeves to wipe off the dust very carefully.

Then he started playing by himself. Since it was all dusty, the master definitely didn't pay attention to it. If he blew it, the master wouldn't scold him.

But when Wang Donger really imitated Xiaoxiao and played Jiufenglai Xiao, she found that she couldn't play it. For a moment, she thought it was because she was not smart or stupid.
Only found out.

This black Xiao is actually different from Xiaoxiao's Jiufenglai Xiao, and the two playing methods are different!
Xiaoxiao's Jiufenglai flute is played horizontally.

The Xiao left by her master was played vertically.

"Master is indeed extraordinary!" Wang Dong praised Nie Xiaozhuang who didn't know where he was going.

After that, I was minding my own business, playing the long flute left by my master in this quiet and antique room.

Wang Dong was playing, sweating all over his body and his face was red, "Why is Xiaoxiao playing so easily, but I feel like I can't breathe?"

"Is this the difference between Wuhun and Wuhun?"

Wang Dong is tired
gave up playing the flute.

His eyes looked back and forth on the old tabletop again.

In addition to the herbs for alchemy, there are actually many treasures that Wang Dong has never seen on the left side where the flute was just placed.

For example: male and female double swords, heavenly swords, dragon-slaying knives, deer-cutting knives, ink knives, simple knives, long-tasseled spears and other weapons that cannot be called, and there is also a bright short blade that looks like a flying knife.

Looking further to the left, there are various secret books on various exercises, such as "Great Kindness and Great Compassion Qianye Hand", "Heaven and Earth Conquer Yin and Yang and Great Compassion", "Shadowless Divine Skill", "Nine Yins and Nine Yangs", and "Moving Flowers and Trees".

But the words on these books were ancient and obscure. Wang Donger had no idea what was written on them and had no interest in picking them up and reading them.

Wang Donger, who was very bored, finally turned his head, and his perfect and lovely body happened to be aimed at the dim yellow round mirror.

While Wang Donger looked in the mirror and admired herself, her body shape was also changing.

Wang Dong'er's body kept reappearing with divine power that was not her own. The phantom of a man holding a Poseidon Trident shrouded Wang Dong'er's body.

"Ah - ghost -" Wang Dong'er screamed and covered her eyes not to look.

For a long time——

Looking at the weapons in the master's room, there are also super-powerful secrets that cannot be named or understood.

Wang Donger suddenly turned his head and looked at the elixir furnace that was glowing with blazing fire.

burst into tears.

Faced with the risk of burns, Wang Donger rushed to the front of the alchemy furnace with tears in her eyes and cried: "Master. Master"

Wang Donger thought that his master couldn't accept that Huo Yuhao turned into a fool, and then was beaten into a vegetative state by Xu Sanshi and jumped off the building. It was wrong. It was because his mental quality was too poor and he couldn't accept the reality, so he jumped into the pill furnace.
"Master!" Wang Dong'er cried with tears in her eyes. He couldn't believe the scene.

He quickly activated his soul power, released his martial soul, and flew to the top of the alchemy furnace.

Withstanding the stimulation of high temperature and flames, and the bone-gnawing and heart-burning pain.
Wang Donger exerted all her strength and was covered in fragrant hot sweat.Pushed open the lid of the alchemy furnace.

But Wang Donger didn't dare to look.
A normal person jumps into a burning alchemy furnace and becomes a burning person.
Let alone a soul master
It’s not Sun Wukong. He was refined by Taishang Laojun for three days and three nights.
Wang Donger wiped away the hot tears that flowed from her beautiful pink and blue eyes. Although she could not accept the fact that her master jumped into the alchemy furnace, she had to be strong!Even if her master has turned into ashes, she will still fish him out. It will be a great sight.
Suddenly, a cold wind blew on Wang Donger's body, making her shiver.

"Hey" he was close to the alchemy furnace, where was the cold wind coming from?

Wang Dong'er suddenly opened her eyes, and the scene below made her cover up in shock.

There is no rolling fire in the alchemy furnace at all!
This is all a deception!

Wang Donger looked in from the mouth of the Danlu.

It's like a giant looking at humans.

Elephant looking at ants

The painting style changes suddenly, and there are all kinds of wailing, crying, hawking, ghost calls, and all kinds of strange sounds.

The streets, the colors, are all gray.

Wang Donger saw passers-by, shops, and in the distance, a huge and eerie archway filled with cold will-o'-the-wisps.

There are two big characters written on the top of the archway!

"Fengdu"! ! !
"How can there be Yang Qi here?" The bull-headed horse-faced man at the door suddenly asked in confusion.

Looking up at the sky, I was shocked to see a round crack. A beautiful human woman was blinking her cute big eyes, observing them with the same curiosity.

"Ah!" Niutou was startled.

The horse-faced artist was so bold that he flew directly into the sky, pulled Wang Dong down and put him in shackles.

He was escorted into the office of Emperor Fengdu, also known as King Yama.

The office of King Yama is just a building, but because it is built in the underworld, it is also full of coldness, darkness, and wind. Most people who come here will be frightened just by looking at the buildings here.

The majestic-looking King Yama looked troubled as he looked at the man in front of him who was calm and composed, stroking his mustache.

"Nie Daxian, the Huo Yuhao you mentioned is not in the control of our world."

King Yama was confused for a while. Who knew that Immortal Nie, who was trapped by the Emperor of Heaven and transferred to another plane and was even more feared than Sun Wukong, came back?
It seems that the other party has already transcended the Three Realms and Six Paths and is no longer among the Five Elements. Even the laws between heaven and earth cannot restrain him. He can go wherever he wants.
King Yama was a little envious of Nie Xiaozhuang.

"Oh? I just came here and you want to drive me away?" Nie Xiaozhuang said calmly.

King Yama: "That's not what I mean. Please sit down and have a cup of tea. I'll see if you can communicate with the underworld in the Douluo world."

Nie Xiaozhuang nodded.


The bull-headed horse-faced man walked in boldly and interrupted King Yama who was about to make a phone call.

"What's the matter?" King Yama asked.

Niutou cupped his hands and said, "Sir, I found a human from the underworld at the gate of the city."

King Yama couldn't help but widen his eyes. Is there such a good thing?He is worried that the annual targets are not met.

"Where is this place? Let me go, let me go!" Wang Dong'er cried with tears in her eyes, which made people feel sorry for her.

Nie Xiaozhuang's beard suddenly became crooked.
My own disciple is here too.
(End of this chapter)

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