I, Lord of Heaven, join the chat group

Chapter 114 Tianjun is jealous

Chapter 114 Tianjun is jealous
Qin Tian put the crossing talisman and the cross-border gate on the exchange mall, and then told the group members.

Heavenly Emperor: "The Qun Mall has launched the cross-border gate, which can lead the army to come to another world. Through the talisman, one can come to another world alone."

Cross-travel and cross-border gates are not expensive.

This is also a favor Qin Tian gave them.

After all, these functions may be used frequently in the future.

After Qin Tian finished speaking, he went offline again.

He has more important things to do.

Although it is said that he controls the Avenue of Destiny.

But there is also an avenue of cause and effect.

The strongest road under fate.

He also needs to take a trip in the eternal world.

Get the Great Cause and Effect Technique and practice it successfully.

At this time, the Zhutian chat group has exploded.

Great Qin Zulong Yingzheng: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness."

In the world of Daqin, Ying Zheng couldn't help the excitement in his heart and let out a long roar.

Let Daqin's officials think what happened to him.

In the world of Daqin.

Ying Zheng laughed loudly and said, "Great Qin has completely ruled this world. It's time to set its sights on other worlds."

"His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven is really like a sea of ​​grace."

Before the change, how would Ying Zheng think of this day?

He himself has become immortal and is transforming towards immortality.

And his Great Qin swept the whole world and became a real earthly immortal dynasty.

This is just the beginning.

The Great Qin Immortal Dynasty will also step out of this world and fight against the heavens.

Now all this is brought by the Heavenly Emperor Heavenly Court.

Ying Zheng's gratitude to the Heavenly Emperor was beyond words.

What he can do is to lead Daqin's army and conquer more worlds.

Let all the world be bathed in the radiance of heaven.

Great Qin Ancestor Long Yingzheng: "Sect Master Yue, now there is a cross-border gate, do you need my help? I can lead the Great Qin army and help you fight against foreign races."

The existence of the cross-border gate allows the army to descend into other worlds.

Therefore, it is not a problem for Daqin's army to come to Yue Buqun's world.

In the martial arts plane, Yue Buqun began to think when he saw Ying Zheng's words.

If Ying Zheng leads the army and comes to this world, help him conquer the foreign races.

For Yue Buqun, all things are naturally not things.

After all, he can't fight a war.

But Ying Zheng's subordinates came so many, and the Daqin Iron Cavalry, naturally swept the alien race.

But if Daqin comes, then Yue Buqun's points will definitely decrease.

Yue Buqun was thinking about the feasibility of this.

There are also pros and cons.

Therefore, he did not directly agree to Ying Zheng.

Yue Buqun, the head of Huashan: "Thank you, His Majesty the First Emperor, let me think about it again. If it doesn't work, I will ask you for help."

Yue Buqun didn't hide it either and said it directly.

They are a group of people, and naturally they clearly understand each other's thoughts.

No need to cover up.

Concealed, but it was inferior.

Ying Zheng also knew Yue Buqun's worries.

Therefore, Ying Zheng did not say more.

Great Qin Ancestor Dragon Ying Zheng: "It doesn't matter, Master Yue, if you need help, don't be polite to me. My Great Qin cavalry can come at any time." As for the other members in the group, they also talked excitedly.

Yihua Palace invites the moon: "Traveling Talisman, doesn't this mean that we can meet offline?"

Yanran, the young sect master of Yunlanzong: "I can go to your world? Isn't this too incredible?"

Tianjun Fang Qingxue: "This is the power of time and space. Your Majesty has refined the rules of time and space."

Fang Qingxue's strength is the strongest, so her vision is naturally different from others.

Seemingly simple cross-border gates and traversing symbols, there are rules of time and space in it.

Tomb Little Dragon Girl: "Welcome to my world and play together. I look forward to meeting you all."

Demon God Liu Xiaogu: "There is a time-travelling talisman, if that's the case, then I won't be afraid. If I encounter an invincible enemy, I will directly ask for help, and please help me."

In Shushan, Liu Xiaogu muttered to himself.

If you can't beat them in the future, those high immortals.

Directly shake people over, and then kill them all.

Backed by the chat group of the heavens, you can shake people for help at any time,

What is she afraid of, Liu Xiaogu?
If the Emperor of Heaven can come in person, this world will be even better.

All in all, the appearance of the crossing talisman and the cross-border gate made the group members very excited.

This is for them.

The real offline meeting is already feasible.

And being able to go to other worlds is also very attractive.

It's a novel experience.

Yihua Palace invites the moon: "By the way, what about Xiaoyu? Why don't you see Xiaoyu? She is not the most talkative in normal times, so why is it quiet now."

Yihuagong Yaoyue: "At this time, shouldn't she jump out?"

Administrator Su Xiaoyu: "Ah! Ah! Ah! I just saw Your Majesty, the living Majesty."

Su Xiaoyu spoke excitedly.

And seeing the group, the newly-appeared crossing symbols and cross-border gates.

She was even more excited.

Administrator Su Xiaoyu: "I tell you, the reason why you were able to travel to other worlds was the sacrifice made by me, Su Xiaoyu, you must remember."

Administrator Su Xiaoyu: "Without my sacrifice, how could there be the emergence of the Crossover Talisman and the Crossover Gate."

That's actually true.

If it weren't for Su Xiaoyu, who knows when the Emperor of Heaven will have time to watch the group.

Yihuagong Yaoyue: "Yes. Yes. Yes. You made the sacrifice."

After all, ordinary people don't dare to just casually use Emperor Aite.

That's what you foolish bastard dares to do.

As for Fang Qingxue, he found the key point.

Tianjun Fang Qingxue: "Have you seen the Emperor? Did the Emperor just go to your world?"

Administrator Su Xiaoyu: "Yes, the boss of Heavenly Emperor is going to attack this innocent girl like me, but unfortunately I am influenced by my justice."

After Su Xiaoyu finished speaking, he yelled bad again.

You can't speak like that.

This is too disrespectful to the big boss.

Administrator Su Xiaoyu: "Nothing, nothing happened, I just met Your Majesty."

The more she said this, the more everyone felt that she must be hiding something.

In the eternal world, Fang Qingxue gritted her silver teeth and said.

"Heavenly Emperor, you are really amazing, you have to walk through every world, right?"

In her words, there is something abnormal in her words.

"Go to Xiaoyu's world, nothing happened, I don't believe it?

In short, Fang Qingxue didn't even notice that she was jealous.

(End of this chapter)

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