I, Lord of Heaven, join the chat group

Chapter 191 Let the new leader of the human race commit suicide

Chapter 191 Let the new leader of the human race commit suicide
"Every time I see the ancient people, I feel a chill, not afraid of death, not afraid of death, how did they do it."

"For such a race, even if it is an enemy, I can't help but have respect."

"Not afraid of death, even angels in heaven can do it, but angels are just the creation of the gods."

"Such a race is terrible. If you give them a chance, all our creatures will not be their opponents."

"That's why we are here to exterminate the Taikoo human race, just today."

"Exterminating the Taikoo Human Race? It's too difficult. How many years have I waited to suppress it. Many times this invasion has been blocked by the Taikoo Human Race."

"Even if they are not exterminated, the backbone of the ancient people must be interrupted."

The leader of heaven, demon world, and blood clan, looking at the battlefield.

Even after so long, every time they see the battle of the ancient people, they will be surprised.

It's no wonder that even the gods in the sky are wary of the ancient human race.

The blood race and the angel are in great conflict, and the devil world and the heaven are tit for tat.

The main god of light and darkness, once launched a huge war between gods and demons.

But now they are all united, just to deal with the ancient people.

From this, we can see how vigilant the Taikoo people are.

Of course, the Taikoo people are also proud of themselves.

Because even if it is as powerful as the Lord God, when facing the ancient human race, it is full of fear and fear.

This kind of fear and fear is not because of the strength of the ancient human race.

It is because of the ancient human race, the inextinguishable spiritual fire, and the spine that will always stand upright.

In the ancient land, blocking the three major forces, fighting the gods and demons, and guarding countless lower-level human races.

Go forward with a heavy load, protect countless lower planes, and block the gods and demons.

Heaven, blood clan, demon world, on the ancient earth, slaughtered.

The Taikoo people were unyielding and fought bloody battles with them.

However, in the face of the joint efforts of the three major forces, the Taikoo people are still losing ground.

Primordial Human Race was originally above the high-end combat power, and was no better than other major forces.

Now that the three major forces have joined forces, even if the Taikoo people fight for their lives, they are still not opponents.

It's frustrating, but it's a gap in strength.

Even if the ancient people were not afraid of sacrifice, this gap in strength could not be smoothed out.

The king of the demon world came and said, "Huangfu Wuji of the human race, slaughter my demons of the demon world, the human race, and hand over the murderer of Huangfu Wuji."

That's an excuse, of course, everyone understands.

Whether it's the Demon World, Heaven, or the Blood Race, it's not the murderer that needs to be caught.

Instead, Huangfu Wuji must die.

"Hand over the sinner Huangfu Wuji, we will retreat."

"Let Huangfu Wuji kill himself, and we will leave."

"Everyone, this is a matter between Huangfu Wuji and us. Do you have to sacrifice for him?"

"Huangfu Wuji, you coward, get out quickly. Aren't you ashamed to see so many human races die because of you?"

The dark monarch of the demon world, the second-generation blood monarch of the blood clan, and the archangel of heaven each spoke.

As soon as they opened their mouths, it was a word of punishment, and they wanted to divide the human race.

In fact, they have used this method more than once.

Once the Taikoo people have Tianjiao, they will take various measures.

Or suppress, or assassinate.

All in all, let the arrogance of the ancient people slowly wither.

The ancient human race is getting weaker and weaker, and the blue and yellow are not connected, all because of the joint efforts of the three major forces.

Reverse black and white, refer to a deer as a horse.

These forces are used more skillfully than the other.

Even the angels who symbolize light only maintain faith in the Lord God of Light.

Facing the ancient human race, these so-called angels brought only killing and darkness.

This time, the three major forces joined forces to act.

The first goal is to kill that Huangfu Wuji.

If they could kill the entire Taikoo human race, they would definitely not hesitate.

It is a pity that the toughness of the Taikoo people is too high.

For so many years, their three major forces have joined forces and tried their best to suppress and weaken the ancient human race.

The Taikoo people can never go extinct.

Now we can only operate on Huangfu Wuji first.Huangfu Wuji's threat was too great.

In less than a year, he has become a god-level powerhouse.

The supreme level is right in front of his eyes, and he will break through the supreme realm at some point.

If Huangfu Wuji is given a chance, can Huangfu Wuji be able to attack the Lord God?

The masters of the supreme level of the ancient human race are very troublesome for the main god.

And now, for Huangfu Wuji, the breakthrough to the supreme is right in front of him.

Such a talented generation, I am afraid that it is not a problem to hit the main god level.

If it is the ancient human race, there will be a master of the main god level.

After that, it is impossible to threaten the Taikoo people.

The Taikoo human race might rise by taking advantage of the situation.

This is something they will never allow.

The existence of a main god level, no one can ignore.

And if this is the main god of the ancient human race, then they need to be more vigilant.

Even the dark king of the demon world and the archangel of heaven are envious of the ancient people.

The potential of the ancient human race is too great, and the combat power is too strong.

In the same realm, the Primordial Human Race can almost beat the peers of the other three major forces.

In the ancient human race, the powerhouse of the supreme level can threaten the existence of the main god level.

If it is said that the ancient human race, a main god-level existence was born.

Who would regard him as an ordinary Lord God?

The main god of the ancient human race, who knows how many can be beaten by one.

And heard the coercion of these three major powerhouses.

The Taikoo people were filled with righteous indignation and could not wait to fight for their lives.

This is very helpless.

In order to cultivate geniuses, the ancient human race hid the geniuses of the human race as much as possible and guarded their growth.

But no matter how hidden it is, the arrogance of these human races will be exposed.

One is because, as a genius, the road to rise is from the battle.

Can blindly retreating, can you grow into a peerless powerhouse?

Not impossible, but such cases are rare.

Most of the strong are in the battle, ascend to the highest, and achieve the best.

As a genius, if you want to become a strong person, you must fight constantly.

Only in battles big and small can you find your own way.

Therefore, no matter how the Taikoo people try to protect and hide.

The arrogance of the ancient people, if they want to become stronger, they need to fight.

Once fought, it will be exposed.

And second, and most important.

The forces in heaven, the blood clan, and the demon world are all stronger than the ancient human race.

Therefore, they continue to infiltrate the Taikoo people.

Because of their strong strength, the Taikoo people are hard to guard against.

Thus, it is difficult to hide messages that are absolutely safe.

For the three major forces, any news from the Taikoo people seems to be undefended.

Heaven, the blood clan, and the demon world coerced the Taikoo people and asked the Taikoo people to hand over Huangfu Wuji.

The ancient people are full of grief and anger.

Huangfu Wuji is the new leader of their Taikoo people.

It is the hope for the future of their ancient human race.

No matter what, the heaven in Huangfu Wuji's mouth is not true.

With the speed of Huangfu Wuji's current cultivation, he is definitely the most qualified to hit the supreme god level.

So, how could they hand over Huangfu Wuji?

The three major forces, I don't know how many geniuses they killed their ancient human race.

Now even the new leader of their human race is not willing to let him go.

(End of this chapter)

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