I, Lord of Heaven, join the chat group

Chapter 200 I am the third holy emperor of the human race, coming to destroy heaven.

Chapter 200 I am the Three Holy Emperors of the human race, and I am here to destroy heaven.
Heavenly Court army, destroy all those who invade.

Then the three holy emperors of the human race led the army of the human race and entered heaven.

The demon master Kunpeng led the army of the demon clan to kill the land of the blood clan.

The god of war Xingtian leads the army of witches into the demon world.

The Twelve Ancestral Witches are looking for the existence of the main god level of this plane.

Heaven came not only to help the ancient human race and repel these invaders.

Heaven came to rule this world completely.

And this world, whether it is the Lord of Light or the Lord of Darkness, does not need to exist.

The Heavenly Emperor did not, to subdue the thoughts of these main gods.

Heaven conquers the heavens and the world, and some people can conquer it.

But some people, Heavenly Court does not need it.

And the main god is in this range.

The main god who competes for faith has launched several wars of gods and demons, sweeping through countless dimensions and planes.

There are too many living beings that perish because of a single thought of the Lord God.

Whether it is the Lord of Light or the Lord of Darkness.

Among them, there are no innocents, and each of them has endless sins.

Therefore, God's goal is very clear.

That is to kill these main gods and wipe out the existence of these main gods.

This world does not need the existence of God.

Based on the power of faith, the main god held high at the top of the pyramid.

Should have been erased.

In heaven, the three holy emperors of the human race led the prehistoric human race and the ancient human race to descend.

On this day, the peace that had been peaceful for thousands of years was broken.

For thousands of years, the plane of heaven has been high above the nine heavens, and has ruled countless planes.

Even if it is as powerful as the demon world, it has never invaded the heaven.

Who would have thought that the heaven, which has been peaceful for thousands of years, has an enemy descending today.

And now these enemies have entered heaven.

"Who are you? How dare you invade my heaven?"

"This is a human race? When did the ancient human race have such strength and invaded heaven?"

In heaven, the archangels appeared one after another, and their eyes were full of anger.

For thousands of years, heaven has ruled countless planes.

Among the countless dimensions and planes, the name of heaven is sung.

Who would have thought that one day, heaven will be marked on the doorstep of the house?
Who are these criminals?
How could they have such strength to break the defense line of heaven?
"What about the patrolling angels? Do all the patrolling angels eat dry food?"

"Is it really the Taikoo Human Race? Isn't the Taikoo Human Race under our pressure all the time, lingering and kicking?"

"What's going on now? The Taikoo people can still invade heaven?"

In heaven, all the angels assembled.

They couldn't believe that someone could break through the defenses of heaven and break into heaven.

But now this scene has indeed happened.

The enemy had already knocked on the door before they realized the presence of the enemy.

This is heaven, the stronghold of angels.

What makes them even more puzzled is that.

There is still the existence of the Taikoo people here. When did the Taikoo people have such strength?
Can you counterattack heaven?

Isn't the ancient human race suppressed and can only hide in the ancient land?
And now, why the human race can enter the heaven.

The three holy emperors of the human race looked at all the angels in heaven.

At this moment, humanity gathered on the body of the three holy emperors of the human race.

This is not just the humane luck of the Great Desolate Human Race.

There is also the humane luck of the ancient people.

Their Holy Emperor's Avenue, under the blessing of humanistic luck, is about to succeed.

They finally understood why His Majesty would lead them to this world.

Your Majesty is giving them a chance, a chance to become enlightened.

His Majesty wants them to take this opportunity to break through themselves, attain the Great Dao, and ascend to the position of true saints.

The three holy emperors of the human race were grateful, and naturally they did not want to disappoint the emperor.

As long as the heaven is destroyed, the humanistic trend of the two worlds will be united.

They will be able to attack the sage with a humane momentum and gain the status of the sage.

Now, the opportunity is at hand.

Destroy heaven, preach the sage.

Even in the state of the Three Holy Lights of the Human Race, he was a little excited at the moment.

Daoist saints, they don't know how long they have waited until this moment.

Holy Emperor, Holy Emperor.His status is noble, he is above the rank, and he is equivalent to a saint.

But not a true saint after all.

The three holy emperors of the human race all opened their mouths.

"I am Fuxi, the emperor of the human race under Heaven's court."

"I am Shennong, the emperor of the human race under Heavenly Court."

"I am Emperor Xuanyuan of the human race under Heavenly Court."

"We are here today to destroy heaven."

The prehistoric human race shouted in unison, "Destroy heaven, destroy heaven."

And the ancient human race is agitated.

Can they really destroy heaven?

Is it possible that the heaven that has been pressing on the heads of the Taikoo people will be destroyed today?

In the past, the Primordial Human Race might have doubts, but after witnessing the strength of Heavenly Court.

They suddenly discovered that, for them, a mighty paradise.

It seems that now, it is not invincible.

Today, under the leadership of the Heavenly Court army, it might be possible to destroy Heaven.

The high heaven is no longer scary.

"Destroy heaven? Hahaha! Such a big tone, my heaven rules countless planes, and it is the supreme existence. Just because you want to destroy heaven?"

"Heavenly Court? I've never heard of you, do you want to destroy Heaven just by Heavenly Court? Are you afraid that you are not dreaming?"

"I said that the Taikoo people have the courage to enter the heaven. Is it because of you?"

"Ridiculous Primordial Human Race, ridiculous Heavenly Court."

In heaven, all the angels are ridiculed.

Destroy heaven?

Do not joke.

Heaven is supreme, and behind it stands the Lord of Light.

With the suppression of the Lord God of Light, how could heaven be destroyed?

For thousands of years, it is not that he has no power and wants to resist the rule of heaven.

But those forces, under the army of heaven, all turned into ashes.

I don't know where this heaven came from.

And take advantage of the unpreparedness of heaven, and attack into heaven.

Now it is even more clamoring to destroy heaven.

If you say, just relying on this, you want to destroy heaven.

That was simply whimsical.

This is the thought of all the angels in heaven.

They all didn't care about the intruding Prehistoric Human Race and Taikoo Human Race.

Arrogance and pride are the nature of angels.

But soon, these angels paid the price for their arrogance.

The three holy emperors of the human race ordered together.

"The army of the heavenly court, the ancient human race, will destroy all the angels in the heavenly court, leaving no one behind."

Angels, such creatures that go against common sense, should have been wiped out.

Angels, creatures of the gods.

There is no will of one's own, and all wills of God shall prevail.

In the final analysis, the angels are only the Lord God of Light, for and the Lord God of Darkness.

A tool created in order to compete with the demon world.

You say he is a kind of creature, yes.

It's okay to say that he is not a living being.

At this moment, the Heavenly Court army and the ancient human race all killed the angel of heaven.

"Destroy heaven and slaughter the angels."

The ancient human race is more eager to charge.

Hundreds of millions of years, and now they can finally see the dawn of the destruction of heaven, they will never retreat.

The ancient human races all exploded in combat power, killing one angel after another.

In terms of combat power alone, the single combat power of the Taikoo humans has always been the highest.

The prehistoric people are even more ferocious.

They used their own means, tearing the angels with their hands, and slaying the angels with their swords.

In the eyes of the Honghuang people, the angels are too weak.

The power of the angel's light is undoubtedly tickling them.

For the prehistoric human race, this is no longer a battle, but a massacre.

(End of this chapter)

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