I, Lord of Heaven, join the chat group

Chapter 210 How does the light of fireflies compete with the scorching sun?

Chapter 210 How does the light of fireflies compete with the scorching sun?

The Twelve Ancestral Witches are just eleven Hunyuan saints.

There are thirteen main gods in the ocean of light, and there are also thirteen main gods in the dark abyss.

The Ocean of Light was let go of three main gods, and there should be ten more.

But in the past history, the Lord God of Light died.

So now there are nine main gods of light in the ocean of light.

Dark Abyss also once lost a main god.

Therefore, the Dark Abyss now has a total of twelve main gods.

There are now a total of 21 main gods in the ocean of light and the abyss of darkness.

Of course, there is also the King of Gods who is rumored to be hiding in the Sea of ​​Chaos and controls the two main gods of the Universe Law No. 14.

No.14 Lord God, the King of Gods, the most powerful Lord God.

However, this No. 14 Lord God was nowhere to be seen.

I don't know if it exists or not, so it's not included for the time being.

And the king of the gods, according to rumors, is not in the sea of ​​light and the dark abyss, but hides in the sea of ​​chaos.

As of now, eleven Hunyuan saints are facing off against 21 main gods.

The main god is almost twice as many as the Twelve Ancestral Witch.

But the twelve ancestors were not afraid at all, but were eager to try.

This is their first shot after landing on the Primordial Saint.

They have been looking forward to this battle for a long time.

So, how could the Twelve Ancestral Witch not be excited?
The nine main gods of light in the ocean of light, and the twelve main gods of darkness in the dark abyss, all gathered together at this moment.

Clearly, heaven has come.

And everything that Heavenly Court has done has also made the Lord God sense and sense the abnormality.

Even if these main gods are slow, after the extinction of heaven, demon world and blood race.

The Lord God also felt the crisis that came from somewhere.

No matter what the Lord God said, it is also an existence standing at the peak of the multiverse.

It would be ridiculous if it didn't have the ability to do that.

Under normal circumstances, even the enemy.

It is impossible for the Lord of Light and the Lord of Darkness to join forces.

But the heaven, the blood race, and the demon world were destroyed too quickly.

Almost all the main gods are restless and feel that there is a crisis of life and death coming.

Therefore, at this moment, the Lord God of Light and the Lord God of Darkness all gathered together.

"I really didn't expect that the main god of light and the main god of darkness would sit here and talk peacefully one day."

"Yeah, who would have thought? Light and darkness are always tit for tat."

"But we didn't even think that there were powerful forces that forced us to join forces."

"Haha! It's ridiculous to think about it. There are actually people who can make all our main gods feel a sense of crisis."

All the main gods of darkness and light, all fell silent.

In the multiverse, the main god of light and the main god of darkness compete for the beliefs of countless planes and dimensions.

Therefore, numerous wars broke out.

It even triggered a huge war between gods and demons, sweeping through countless dimensions and planes.

The Lord of Light and the Lord of Darkness have always met each other.

The Lord of Light or the Lord of Darkness.

All the time, they are thinking about how to kill each other.

Who would have thought that one day they would be able to sit down peacefully.

And all the reasons are because of that court.

Heavenly Court, where did this power come from?

There is also the sense of crisis on a whim, which seems to be the horror of life and death, which is about to come.

Is that true?
"Lord of Prophecy, what kind of future do you see?"

All the main gods looked towards the Lord of Prophecy.

It's ridiculous and sad to say the least.

The enemy has erased the special plane they controlled.

They even said that they were about to hit their door.

But right now, they don't know the exact information about the enemy.

The Lord of Prophecy, mastering the laws of prophecy in the multiverse.

So to a certain extent, you can see the unknown future.

The Lord of Prophecy is not the most powerful among the many gods.But definitely one of the most mysterious gods.

There used to be an existence infinitely close to the Lord God who wanted to covet the power of prophecy.

With one blow, he was killed by the Lord of Prophecy.

The Lord of Prophecy was silent for a long time, and then said, "I saw that there was an absolutely stalwart presence coming, I saw the Lord God whimpering, and I saw the multiverse trembling."

"I saw that majestic presence"

When the Lord of Prophecy said this, a mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth.

He smiled miserably and said, "Have you seen it? This is the existence of that stalwart. It cannot be peeped, it is unpredictable, and if you want to spy on the existence of that stalwart, even I will suffer backlash."

"I saw the blazing sun, and now I know that we are just the light of fireflies."

"How can the light of the firefly compete with the scorching sun?"

Lord of prophecy, see the future.

But not everyone's future can be spied on.

He foresees a corner of the future, and the mighty Heavenly Emperor looks at him from the future.

The Heavenly Emperor didn't do anything, but just the kind of imperial power he carried on his body brought such a terrifying backlash.

Unpredictable, unpredictable.

Some people are born to be admired.

Using your shallow thinking to think about such an existence is simply ridiculous.

This is how the Lord of Prophecy feels now.

Really faced that stalwart existence.

Only then did he realize his own insignificance.

"Stalwart? Between countless planes and dimensions, no matter how stalwart it is, it is nothing but our main god. The main god is the pinnacle of power and ability in the multiverse."

"Could it be that the stalwart in your mouth is a main god? If there is only one main god? Then we don't need to be afraid of so many main gods."

Many gods of light and gods of darkness began to discuss.

They did not take the words of the Lord of Prophecy seriously.

In their opinion, the Lord of Prophecy is too alarmist.

Their shallow cognition tells them that the Lord God is already the most stalwart existence in the multiverse.

Maybe there is a gap between the strength of the main gods, there are powerful main gods, and there are relatively weak main gods.

These are related to the laws of the multiverse mastered by the Lord God.

The laws they master are powerful, so the Lord God will be even more powerful.

But if it comes, it is just the words of a master god.

Then they don't have to be afraid.

There is a gap in strength between the main gods, but the gap will not be large.

The laws have strengths and weaknesses, but the gap between the laws is not like a moat.

"No, that's not the main god, that's an existence greater than the main god."

The Lord of Prophecy said tragically, "I saw the wailing of the Lord of Light, I saw the Lord of Darkness shed blood, and I saw that the Lord of God was nothing but ants."

"God? Multiverse? Just frogs in the well. We are all frogs in the well."

The Lord of Prophecy spoke while vomiting blood.

"Run for your life! Or kneel in front of such a stalwart existence and pray for his tolerance. In this case, we still have a chance."

Obviously, he didn't have the slightest confidence in the future without peeking into a corner.

Among the many main gods, this one is one of the most mysterious main gods.

At this moment, my heart is full of despair.

To be the enemy of such a mighty and eternal existence?

Do not joke.

Even the main god, in front of that existence, is still an ant.

Inadvertently glimpsed the greatness, so I knew that I was small.

Such an existence, Destroyer Lord God, is afraid that he just waved his hand.

In the face of such existence, there are only two ways.

Run away, run away now.

In other words, kneel down and beg for mercy.

Other than that, there is no other way.

However, the words of the Lord of Prophecy made the gods a little wary at most, and they still did not take it seriously.

Proud like a god, let them run for their lives, or kneel down and beg for mercy?
This is simply ridiculous.

(End of this chapter)

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