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Chapter 214 Multiverse consciousness is also the licking dog of the Emperor of Heaven

Chapter 214 Multiverse consciousness is also the licking dog of the Emperor of Heaven
And hearing the words of the Lord of Destiny, the rest of the Lord Gods were all excited.

With the help of cosmic consciousness, they don't seem to be able to defeat these ancestor witches.

At this moment, they are all doing their best to suppress Di Jiang and Zhu Jiuyin.

Di Jiang and Zhu Jiuyin didn't care at all.

That is, in an instant, Di Jiang once again exploded a main god.

Zhu Jiuyin also slammed a palm, destroying a main god.

At this moment, they did not even use the power of the Dao.

The battle ahead is not worth it at all.

They just shot at will, nine main gods, and then the other two, only seven are left.

And just when the Lord of Destiny spoke, Di Jiang and Zhu Jiuyin moved again.

There are no surprises and doubts.

This time, the two main gods fell again.

In just a few seconds, only five of the nine main gods remained.

And there are already six main gods who have fallen into the hands of Di Jiang and Zhu Jiuyin.

Di Jiang and Zhu Jiuyin really explained what it means to kill a god like killing a dog.

The main god is like an ant, holy like a mustard.

The six main gods were all destroyed by one move of Di Jiang and Zhu Jiuyin.

There were no surprises and no superfluous resistance.

Di Jiang and Zhu Jiuyin told these main gods.

What is the main god like an ant.

The remaining five main gods were horrified on the spot.

This is too outrageous for him.

The laws of the multiverse are so powerless in front of Di Jiang and Zhu Jiuyin.

The most powerful being in the multiverse, in front of Di Jiang and Zhu Jiuyin, couldn't make a move.

Under such circumstances, how could they fight against Di Jiang and Zhu Jiuyin?

At this time, they even doubted.

Even if the consciousness of the multiverse is awakened, so what?
Can the consciousness of the multiverse be able to suppress Di Jiang and Zhu Jiuyin?

At this moment, they finally understood why the Lord of Prophecy was so desperate.

Why, the Lord of Prophecy, advise them to escape directly, or surrender.

In the face of such existence, how can we not despair?
More importantly, what appears now is only the subordinate of that Heavenly Emperor.

Heavenly Emperor never made a move.

The emperor's subordinates have such strength.

The Emperor himself, how powerful is he?

Just thinking about it is despair.

And in the multiverse, the laws of the universe rumble.

Countless dimensions and planes are shaking.

All the laws of the universe are active like never before.

This is the awakening of consciousness in this multiverse.

The Lord of Destiny said with anger and pride, "The consciousness of this multiverse has awakened. You are very powerful, but you are ready to pay enough price."

"When the consciousness of the multiverse takes action, even if it is stronger than you, it will still bleed."

And the remaining few main gods can only put hope on the consciousness of the universe.

The consciousness of the multiverse is indeed very powerful.

After all, this world is an interweaving of countless planes and dimensions.

This world, this multiverse world is not ranked first.

The multiverse consciousness awakens.

The Lord of Destiny laughed.

The rest of the main gods are also much easier.

Even if Di Jiang and Zhu Jiuyin are very powerful, they are very evil.

But they are in this multiverse.

The consciousness of the multiverse can always suppress it, right?
And just when the consciousness of this multiverse awakened and was ready to show its power.

But I heard a voice with Diwei ringing.

"Go back."

In the dark, above the river of time, there seems to be a supreme figure standing.

As long as you pay attention to that figure, an idea will pop up in your heart.

The avenue is boundless, but that figure is the peak of the avenue.

Now, past, come.

It seems that from a different time, the voice of the stalwart figure sounded.

Command the heavens, do not dare to obey.

His will is the will of heaven and earth, the will of the great road.And the cosmic consciousness, which was already active and boiling, fell silent under this sound.

Between the multiverse, countless dimensions and planes.

Visions of heaven and earth continued to emerge, surrounding the emperor shadow.

That seems to be ingratiating.

The multiverse consciousness is relying on its instinct to please the emperor.

Who would have thought that the consciousness of the multiverse is just a licking dog.

However, the Emperor of Heaven had long been accustomed to such a scenario.

Once in a world, the way of heaven in that world is not like this.

The cosmic consciousness of the multiverse is equivalent to the consciousness of heaven.

The consciousness of the multiverse originally felt that people from outside the domain came and wanted to destroy the people outside the domain.

For a universe, a world, this is aggression.

The way of heaven and the consciousness of the universe cannot interfere with the development of the world in ordinary times.

However, if people from other worlds come, Heavenly Dao and Cosmic Consciousness can take action.

Originally, the consciousness of the multiverse was ready to take action.

But feeling the existence of the Heavenly Emperor, he gave up directly.

The power of the Heavenly Emperor is no longer something that cosmic consciousness can resist.

Under normal circumstances, people from other worlds enter other worlds.

The way of heaven in that world can suppress it.

Take this multiverse.

The awakening of the consciousness of the multiverse can suppress the twelve ancestor witches.

Of course, this kind of suppression is a partial restriction on strength.

The Twelve Ancestral Witch could have exerted [-]% of their strength.

Under the suppression of the multiverse consciousness, only [-]% of the strength, or even [-]% of the strength, can be exerted.

This is the self-protection mechanism of a world.

The multiverse's status is not low, so even in the face of the twelve ancestors, they can suppress part of their strength.

But facing the Heavenly Emperor, he wanted to suppress the Heavenly Emperor's strength.

The multiverse is also subject to backlash and forcible suppression will only make the multiverse collapse.

Therefore, the consciousness of the multiverse is directly afraid and cowardly.

The multiverse consciousness started licking the dog without hesitation.

Of course, the consciousness of the multiverse was also discovered.

The Emperor of Heaven can take it with him, and the status of this world will be promoted.

The world level of the multiverse is already very high.

It is very difficult to get promoted.

The existence of this stalwart now is the opportunity of the multiverse.

Therefore, the consciousness of the multiverse did not hesitate to do licking dogs.

As for the Lord God?
What's the matter with it?
It is just the consciousness of a multiverse.

Just be responsible and the multiverse is not destroyed.

The coming of heaven did not destroy the multiverse.

Even if it is destroyed, there are only three planes.

So, what about it?

The multiverse consciousness wakes up and directly licks the dog.

This made the Lord of Destiny stunned on the spot.

Nima, when I woke you up, I asked you to lick the dog?
Lao Tzu woke you up to help us fight.

Words can no longer describe, the Lord of Destiny felt aggrieved at this time.

The consciousness of the multiverse has become each other's licking dog, how can this fight?
Hit with your head?

This Nima is too outrageous.

As the consciousness of the multiverse, how do you say it, you are half the master of this world, right?

In this case, shouldn't you protect the multiverse?
Why are you there, giving me dog licking?

Words cannot describe the suffocation in the heart of the Lord of Destiny at this moment.

He has always used it as a trump card, as the cosmic consciousness of the savior, and has all surrendered to the enemy.

What can he do?
Cosmic consciousness, half master of this world.

All are now against the enemy.

Does he need to keep fighting?

Why is he fighting like this?
In order to make the multiverse conscious, do dog licking?

The Lord of Destiny smiled miserably.

This is what God wants to kill me.

(End of this chapter)

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