I, Lord of Heaven, join the chat group

Chapter 221 The Origin of Cangtian and Qin Shihuang’s Resistance

Chapter 221 The Origin of Cangtian and Qin Shihuang’s Resistance
Zhang Jiao laughed, facing the wrath of heaven and the punishment of God.

He was not afraid at all and went up against the sky.

With one sword, he cut off the power of divine punishment and faced the sky.

The so-called divine punishment from the heavens was vulnerable in front of Zhang Jiao.

Heaven, this is the biggest black hand of the human race, who has been hiding in the dark since the Zhou Dynasty.

If he hadn't joined the Zhutian chat group, no matter how much he planned, he would still fail against the heavens.

This is determined by strength and vision.

That is heaven after all.

But after joining the Zhutian chat group, the sky is nothing to him.

Heaven, to a certain extent, it is just a special creature
Above the sky, there is a figure that vaguely emerges.

That figure, dressed in imperial robes, had indifferent and ruthless eyes.

It was the figure of Ji Fa, the former King Wu of Zhou.

He is also the first true emperor in this world.

However, this is not Ji Fa, King Wu of Zhou, but the heaven of this world.

In the past, Ji Fa made a deal with Cang Tian and became the first emperor.

In the same way, Ji Fa also betrayed his soul.

So after the sky, it has always been Ji Fa's appearance.

The world of Fantasy Three Kingdoms is a strange world.

Heaven is not the way of heaven in this world.

In the most ancient times, the human race galloped on this continent.

The human race moved mountains and made seas, changed the world, and continued to grow along the way.

Three emperors and five emperors have risen, and they have become emperors from generation to generation, leading the continuous strengthening of the human race.

Under the leadership of one emperor after another, the human race prospered like never before.

Looking around, the human race has no opponents, and the entire world is under the rule of the human race.

But this time, the sky appeared.

How did the sky appear?

In the most ancient times, the human race sacrificed to heaven and earth.

The thought power of hundreds of millions of people merged together, and finally had its own consciousness, which was the original sky.

When the sky was born, it was ignorant.

With the sacrifice of the human race, the sky has become stronger and stronger, and thus has its own joys and sorrows.

Cangtian first wants to pursue greater power, and wants all human races to worship him and support him

It can be said that there was no heaven in this world originally.

But the sky appeared because of the human race.

However, the sky appeared because of the human race, but it did not help the human race.

The pursuit of strength, the pursuit of strength.

Cangtian gradually came up with an idea, he controlled the human race in his hands.

Let all human races believe in the sky day and night, and believe in the sky day and night.

In this way, it can continue to be strong.

That's how it was born.

The birth of the sky gathers the mind power of all living beings, and also gathers the bad roots of human nature.

Greed, meanness, indifference, etc.

Therefore, as soon as Heaven had this idea, he immediately began to prepare for action.

If you want to control the human race, let the human race crawl under the sky.

The first thing to deal with is the emperor.

The existence of the Human Sovereign, suppressing the luck of the human race, is the lord of the human race.

The human race is getting stronger and stronger under the leadership of generations of emperors.

And in every era of the human race, a human emperor will be born.

The emperor is the leader of the human race and the spiritual belief of the human race.

When there is a human emperor, the human race will sacrifice to the sky.

But definitely not, believe in heaven.

The human race has always been one, full of pride.

Therefore, there is a Nishiqi cutting merchant in this world.

Cangtian chose Ji Fa and made a deal with Ji Fa, overthrowing the rule of the Yin and Shang Dynasty.

After that, the emperor disappeared.

The emperor replaced the human emperor and claimed to be the son of heaven.The first thing the emperor did when he ascended the throne was to bring a minister of the dynasty to worship the heaven.

As a result, the human race of this world will always be under the control of heaven.

As long as the human race in this world believes in the sky and believes in the sky.

Then the sky can always be strong.

With this kind of power, Cangtian devoured the newly born Heavenly Dao of this world.

Therefore, this piece of heaven and earth has no heaven.

Heaven is not the way of heaven, because heaven and earth do not agree with it.

Even if he devours the Heavenly Dao, there will still be a new Heavenly Dao slowly born.

However, no matter how many times the Heavenly Dao was born.

In the end, it was swallowed up by the sky.

Therefore, heaven is not the way of heaven.

But in the process, it stole part of the authority of Heaven.

Since the emergence of the Son of Heaven, the entire world has been under the rule of the heavens.

Coupled with stealing some of the power of the heaven, the sky is stronger than ever.

In this world, there is no one who is qualified to be invincible with him.

Even if it was the rebirth of the most amazing Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors in the past, the sky would not be afraid at all.

Therefore, heaven has relaxed its supervision over the human world.

At this time, Qin Shi Huang Ying Zheng appeared.

Qin Shi Huang was a powerful man who ruled the world.

After that, twelve golden figures were built.

Qin Shihuang wanted to fight against the sky and restore the glorious status of the ancient emperor.

His Yingzheng is the first emperor, and what he wants to do is the emperor of Daqin, not the emperor of Daqin.

Therefore, Qin Shi Huang guarded Da Qin with twelve golden men.

Raise the power of Qin and fight against the sky.

It is a pity that Qin Shihuang's success was in vain.

As a result of this, the Qin Dynasty died.

However, even though Qin Shi Huang's success was close to failure, he still brought heavy damage to the sky.

This is also the reason why the Canglong Qiyun no longer chooses the Overlord of Western Chu after that.

The golden dragon of luck represents the will of heaven.

Cangtian didn't want to choose another person like Qin Shi Huang.

So Cangtian chose Liu Bang, a human race that he thought he could control.

Therefore, Liu Bang became the emperor of the Han Dynasty, and there is today's Han Dynasty.

The luck dragon suppressed the Han Dynasty, and every moment used the luck of the entire human race to support the sky and make the sky stronger.

This is the reason why there are fewer and fewer strong people in the human race nowadays.

All the luck of the human race is not used to worship the sky.

The human race's own lack of luck, how can it be conceived.More powerhouses?
The three immortals of the Han Dynasty today are extremely powerful in this era.

In the era of the emperor, it was nothing at all.

In the era of the Human Emperor, such immortals could only be considered middle-level.

There are many existences stronger than them.

In order to become the emperor, Liu Bang paid more.

Therefore, there are almost no real powerhouses in this era.

According to this development, the human race will be cut off sooner or later.

No longer able to give birth to any strong men, and gradually entered the end.

After Qin Shihuang, Cangtian's plundering of the human race became more intense.

The sky is high above, secretly stealing the luck of the human race for thousands of years.

It seems that the human race is ruled by the Son of Heaven, but in fact everything is planned by the sky behind the scenes.

The Son of Heaven is nothing but a puppet chosen by Heaven to herd the human race for him and contribute to the fate of the human race.

It is precisely because he learned the truth that Zhang Jiao made a plan.

Everything is for the sake of beheading the sky.

Let the people reappear the emperor, not the emperor.

Everything is now.

(End of this chapter)

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