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Chapter 224 The Human Emperor is nothing more than a lackey under my Cangtian Sect

Chapter 224 The Human Emperor is nothing more than a lackey under my Cangtian Sect

Heaven laughed happily.

Summoning the Dao Seals of these once-powerful men was a huge drain on him.

This summoning will consume at least five layers of his source power.

This is also the reason why I don't want to use this trick.

If you want to replenish these consumptions, I am afraid it will take tens of thousands of years.

Still, it's all worth it.

He wanted Zhang Jiao to die at the hands of these former emperors.

This is definitely the greatest irony in the world.

Think how ridiculous this is.

Zhang Jiao wanted a human emperor to appear in the human race, so he opposed him.

Painstakingly planned to kill him.

The emperor only appears for the human race, and the human race truly controls its own destiny.

Now Zhang Jiao is dead, under the Human Sovereign in the past.

Isn't that funny?
If Zhang Jiao was beheaded by the former emperor.

The backbone of the human race will be cut off.

Think about it, all of you emperors have become my lackeys.

You human race, still want to rebel against the sky?

This is God's purpose.

In front of all the people, let Zhang Jiao die under the imprint of the former emperor.

Let all the human races see what happens when they rebel against him.

He doesn't believe it, there are still people who dare to resist him in the future?
This is a heartbreaking move.

What is punished is the heart of the human race, and what is broken is the backbone of the human race.

Cangtian became more and more complacent, and brought the emperor and sages of the human race to suppress Zhang Jiao.

"Zhang Jiao, have you seen it? The Human Emperor, Qin Shihuang, and all the powerful men of the human race are all lackeys of my Cangtian Sect. Are you sure you still want to go against me?"

"Hahaha! Zhang Jiao, surrender. As long as you surrender, I will give you a chance to become my lackey."

"If you don't want to, you can. I will let you be the emperor. The most honorable person in this world is below one person and above ten thousand people. How about it?"

When Zhang Jiao heard this, his heart was burning with anger.

God must die!must die!
These are the sages of the human race and should be respected.

How dare Heaven dare to humiliate them like this?

There has never been a moment when Zhang Jiao wanted to cut off the sky so much in his heart.

Zhang Jiao took a deep breath and fought against the marks of the powerhouses of the past.

This is Zhang Jiao fighting against the entire human race.

Against the long river of time, and one after another, as enemies.

But for Zhang Jiao.

Although these people were once the emperors of the human race, or the peerless powerhouses of the human race.

However, this is not their deity after all.

It was the Dao Marks they left that were now awakened.

More importantly, Zhang Jiao's strength is very strong now.

Even stronger than when they were at their peak.

Therefore, Zhang Jiao can resist the siege of these people.

If Zhang Jiao is cold enough, these past marks can also be erased.

But after all, this is the sentiment of the former Human Emperor and the mark of the Human Emperor.

Zhang Jiao couldn't let go for a while.

The battlefield was like this, and it fell into anxiety.

On the mainland of China, countless people looked at Zhang Jiao's figure and were shocked.

Especially for those who were ambitious and were prepared to take advantage of the situation and compete for the throne of the emperor.

At this moment, seeing Zhang Jiao's majestic appearance, he felt a sense of dullness.

These people stand at a high enough level.

So, about the sky, about the truth of the world.

Most of them know it.

However, to know, to know.

But they never thought about going against the sky, against the sky.

Because that's simply not possible.

Qin Shihuang, who was brilliant and talented, all failed.

The overlord of Western Chu, who was born with heavy pupils, died without a whole body.

Then how can they succeed?

Therefore, these people, from the very beginning, set their goal on the position of the Son of Heaven.

Because they can't resist the sky, they fight for the throne of the emperor.

Rather, this is everyone’s helplessness.Rather, it is a kind of numbness.

Everything is under the control of the sky, so they must do things according to the rules set by the sky.

But who would have thought that they were secretly planning, and have been preparing, when they plotted the throne of the emperor.

Zhang Jiao has already set his eyes on Cang Tian.

Zhang Jiao wants to cut off the sky, and wants the human race to appear as a human emperor.

This is a difference in vision, pattern, and mind.

At this moment, all the people above the sky, under the shadow of the sky, eclipsed.

Ashamed of yourself!Ashamed of yourself!

Zhang angle is very big.

Han Dynasty?

Ha ha!

What is the Han Dynasty?
Zhang Jiao's eyes have always been the sky, the emperor.

"Haha! The pattern, the pattern, my pattern is still too small, I am not as good as Zhang Jiao, not as good as Zhang Jiao."

"I hope you can succeed, Zhang Jiao, if you can succeed, I will bow my head and be a servant, so what?"

"Zhang Jiao, if you can kill the sky, then you have done what Qin Shihuang couldn't do. There is no problem with being loyal to such a person."

At this moment, countless people looked towards the sky.

They don't have this pattern, they don't have such a vision.

More importantly, there is no such strength.

But no matter who it is, I hope Zhang Jiao can succeed.

If Zhang Jiao succeeds, the real emperor will appear in the human race.

Who will do it, son of heaven?

It was just a desperate choice.

The throne of the emperor, isn't it fragrant?
So, no matter what ambition these people have.

At this moment, I really hope that Zhang Jiao can really succeed and cut off the sky.

If it is Zhang Jiao, it can cut off the sky.

Then a new era will begin.

The human race will be able to restore the glory of ancient times.

This is what all races look forward to.

Above the sky, the battle between Zhang Jiao and Cangtian fell into an anxious battle.

Cang Tian summoned the sages and strong men of the once human race to suppress Zhang Jiao together.

At this moment, Zhang Jiao can be said to be against all the powerhouses in the history of the human race.

Cang Tian mockingly said, "Let's capture it! It is also a good destination for you to die under the hands of the former Human Sovereign of your human race."

"Don't you want a human emperor to appear in the human race? Now that the human emperor of the human race is here, why do you still wave your sword at the human emperor?"

"It's a big deal, it's really a big deal!"

While suppressing Zhang Jiao, Cang Tian opened his mouth.

Every word, every word, is every word to punish the heart.

As a collection of human race ideas, the sky is definitely not that kind of people who are arrogant.

On the contrary, his grasp of people's hearts is very precise.

Every word he said stuck in Zhang Jiao's heart, shaking Zhang Jiao's will.

Zhang Jiao's figure is looming in the void,

He went back and forth step by step, disillusioned step by step.

At this moment, on the mainland of Shenzhou, the great formation reflected Cangyu.

All the human races, in an instant, all the feelings.

Zhang Jiao laughed and said, "Heaven, if you think that this will allow me, the emperor of the human race, the sages of the human race, to fight for you, then you are too naive."

"My human emperor, how can I bow my knees to the sky, so it is their mark in the past."

"The light of humanity will awaken the emperor of the human race and the sages of the human race for the poor."

As his words fell, rays of hope rushed out from the land of Shenzhou.

These rays of light merged together and became a galaxy.

Since the emperor disappeared and the emperor appeared.

The humane bell is not there, and the humane is dejected.

Now, the sound of the bell of humanity, after a lapse of tens of thousands of years, is ringing in this piece of heaven and earth.

On the land of Shenzhou, countless human races are boiling.

And in the void, the figures of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, Qin Shihuang and other sages of the human race.

At this moment, there is a little more agility.

If the mark just now is just a puppet, fighting with instinct.

So now these imprints come alive.

At this moment, the three emperors and five emperors of the human race, as well as Qin Shihuang, woke up under the light of humanity.

(End of this chapter)

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