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Chapter 318 Taiqing and Yuanshi hid in fear

Chapter 318 Taiqing and Yuanshi hid in fear

Taiqing Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun were beaten and cried directly.

Facts have proved that even the sages of the Tao of Heaven don't dare to speak harshly after being beaten enough.

Taiqing Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun were like this.

Taiqing Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun had no choice but to be beaten because of the action of Tongtian Cult Leader.

The suppression of the Half-Step Heavenly Realm is not something that Taiqing Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun can resist today.

What's more, there are three Hunyuan Saints outside.

At the beginning, Taiqing Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun kept saying harsh words.

In the end, they didn't dare to speak harshly.

As for begging for mercy, they can't afford to lose that kind of person.

But he didn't dare to let go of a ruthless word.

Because, they also discovered that the more harsh words they said, the harder they were beaten.

After Empress Sanxiao beat up Taiqing Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun violently, she left directly.

When Taiqing Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun came out again, their noses and faces were bruised.

Taiqing Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun looked at each other and were speechless.

They really didn't expect that they would be dignified, and they would be beaten up one day.

And being beaten so badly, the injury, with the cultivation of their saints, could not be recovered for a while.

They still don't understand, this is what San Xiao did on purpose.

This is humiliating them.

In the past, when I saw Daoist Jieyin and Daoist Zhunti, they were violently beaten by the Twelve Ancestors, and I felt very relieved.

But now, when it was their turn, they realized what it was like.

"Too much deception, too much deception."

After Yuanshi Tianzun confirmed that Empress Sanxiao had left, he couldn't bear to curse.

Empress Sanxiao was here, and he didn't dare to speak.

He didn't dare to continue talking until he left.

"What does he think of me as a sky-high? How dare he be so bold."

Although it was said that it was Empress Sanxiao, she beat Yuanshi Tianzun and Taiqing Laozi violently.

But they remembered this matter on Tongtian Sect Master.

Who made Tongtian sect master secretly take action?

How else would you say?
Do you really want to declare Heavenly Court, they were beaten by the juniors?
In the final analysis, this is all because of the fault of the leader of Tongtian.

When Yuanshi Tianzun spoke, Taiqing Laozi also had a gloomy face and said, "Tongtian, it's really too much."

What made Yuanshi Tianzun and Taiqing Laozi feel the most angry was not being beaten up by Empress Sanxiao.

But now Tongtian Sect Master, actually looks down on them so much.

The Tongtian Sect Master was going to deal with them, but he didn't do anything himself, but only let Empress Sanxiao do it.

Only let a few juniors make a move?

Isn't that what, look down on them?
This is actually the point that Yuanshi Tianzun and Taiqing Laozi care about the most.

After all, both are Sanqing, Yuanshi Tianzun or Taiqing Laozi.

They are unwilling to admit that they are not as good as Tongtian sect master.

Yuanshi Tianzun and Taiqing Laozi have never suffered such a big loss since their debut.

Even in the face of the two Western saints, they have never fallen into such a big upswing.

When the gods were conferred, although they said Western religions, they were even better, and they grabbed the fruits of victory.

But that is actually, Yuanshi Tianzun and Taiqing Laozi have their own calculations about Western religion.

That scene was between saints and each other.

Yuanshi Tianzun and Taiqing Laozi are not at a disadvantage.

Only now.

Taiqing Laozi and Tongtian Sect Master felt what it means to be beaten by society.

This is simply to hit their faces on the ground.

Yuanshi Tianzun pondered for a while, and said, "Senior brother, the power of the sky is great, we have to break through the realm of the heavens quickly. Otherwise, this is probably just the beginning."

"At least you have to break through the realm of half-step heaven, so that you can protect yourself."

When Yuanshi Tianzun said this, he also felt a kind of fear.

It is really a lesson for the reception of Daoist and Zhunti Daoists, and it is still in sight.

Think about the quasi-promoting Daoist and the accommodating Daoist, what kind of life are they living now?
When he is fine, he will be beaten by the Twelve Ancestors.

The Twelve Ancestral Witch's daily life, training and beating the Second Sage.

Although it was said that the last meal was beaten, nothing was lost.

But that's a little bit, and there's no such thing as a saint.

And even a saint will feel pain after being beaten.

The lessons of the two Western saints are just ahead.

Yuanshi Tianzun can't be sure, he will only move his hand this time when he intercepts the teaching line.

Who knows, after San Xiao started.

After the rest of the disciples of the Intercepting Sect are sanctified, will they continue to attack them?

Now Yuanshi Tianzun also has some regrets.

If I had known it earlier, it would appear like the heaven established by the emperor today.

What were you doing in the first place?

Calculated, calculated, in fact, no benefit was obtained.

It also caused the current situation.

"That's not bad."

Taiqing Laozi shuddered, obviously thinking about the fate of the Second Saint of the West.If he is beaten every day in the future, will he still maintain his status as the leader of the Three Pure Ones?

"We must immediately break through the half-step Heavenly Dao, and we will talk about everything until we break through the Heavenly Dao."

As for saying, get back to the place.

Taiqing Laozi does not dare to say it directly now.

Half a step into the realm of heaven, I am afraid that I will not be able to find a place.

Only by breaking through the realm of heaven can we find the place.

But even if he broke through the realm of heaven, Taiqing Laozi didn't dare to do it easily.

Who knows, when the disciples of the interception line will catch up again.

In today's Heavenly Court, who can be sure that the only ones who can break through the realm of Heavenly Dao are the Saints of Heavenly Dao?

Feng shui turns around, and those who come out to mix will have to pay back sooner or later.

Today, it is not an era of domineering that relies on cultivation.

Today, you can break through the realm of heaven and force the opponent with the realm of heaven.

Tomorrow people will be able to break through the realm of heaven and find their way back.

What's the most important thing?
The most important thing is that Taiqing Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun sat down as disciples, too few.

Taiqing Laozi said bitterly, "I knew earlier that the poor Taoist should accept more apprentices, otherwise, why is this?"

"What the senior brother said is very true, that Tongtian sect master relies on the fact that he has a lot of apprentices."

"Now his apprentices are going to preach and be sanctified one by one."

Yuanshi Tianzun echoed with a sour voice.

If they want to get rid of it now, there are only two ways for them in the current situation.

Either break through the realm of the heavenly way immediately, and the realm of the heavenly way can give them a sense of security.

Or the disciples under their sect can also break through the realm of saints.

As long as there are enough saints, then they don't have to be afraid to intercept the sect.

It's a pity that they don't have that kind of condition at all.

Taiqing Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun have to admit that.

Their disciples and disciples are indeed inferior to intercepting the lineage.

This cannot be said that Tongtian Sect Master has a good vision.

It is more because the Master of Tongtian has many disciples.

The base of disciples is large, and there will always be such arrogance and evildoers.

There is no need to say more about the disciples of the teaching line.

Almost all of them have been hanged and beaten in the face of the interception.

And Taiqing Laozi is actually the one who regrets the most.

He established the Human Religion for the sake of the luck of the human race.

So at the beginning, he only accepted it symbolically, a big disciple - Grand Master Xuandu.

In fact, when he established the Human Religion at that time, when the human race was spreading the Golden Elixir Way, there were many human races who wanted to apprentice.

It's a pity that Taiqing Laozi didn't look down on the original human race.

He spread the Golden Core Avenue and established the Human Religion, all for the sake of sanctification, and for the luck of the human race.

So many people, what are you doing?
Thinking about it now, I really regret it.

If he could have recruited more human disciples at the beginning, what would happen now?

The heels of the human race are not very good in the prehistoric world.

But what is the human race called?
The human race is called, the body of the natural Dao.

This is one of the reasons why the human race can become the protagonist of heaven and earth.

The human race is inherently weak, but the potential of the human race is not weaker than any Holy Spirit.

The understanding of the human race is the best in the world in the prehistoric world.

Otherwise, the human race would not give birth to three emperors and five emperors under the condition of different luck.

Fuxi and Hongyun are able to reincarnate into the human race and embark on the path of the Holy Emperor again.

This is all because of the special nature of the human race.

Therefore, the human race has always been a very special race in the prehistoric world.

Their heels may not be comparable to the rest of the powerful races.

But their future is more terrifying than any other race.

Not to mention, for example, the luck of today's court gathering, there are people who are near Chengdu.

If Taiqing Laozi was able to accept human disciples at that time.

Now, it's another look.

Yuanshi Tianzun and Taiqing Laozi looked at each other, both full of bitterness.

Revenge blood shame.

Right now, at least, not yet.

Taiqing Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun both regretted their bowels.

The first regret is that I should have recruited more disciples in the first place, at least not so passively now.

The second regret is that at the time of conferring God, it really shouldn't have offended so many people.

Who would have thought there would be today?

Taiqing Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun did not dare to show their faces, and hid in the dark to heal their wounds silently.

They were frightened and immediately hid.

At other times, I was thinking about how to quickly break through the realm of heaven.

Otherwise, there is no way to guarantee even your own safety.

(End of this chapter)

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