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Chapter 335: The Great Way Returns to 1, 3 Clears the West and 2 Saints, Breaks Half a Step into the

Chapter 335: The great road is unified, the two saints of the West are three clears, and they break half a step of the realm of heaven
Reflected in the highest heaven, Nantian Gate and Lingxiao Palace.
In the world of Journey to the West, all the creatures are boiling.

That can be said to be exactly the same existence.

But the supreme heaven looks majestic and majestic.

It's like, from the eternal river of time, crossing the border.

Great, supreme, grand, eternal and unique.

That is the decay of time, and it is the absolute only thing that does not decay.

It was hard to put into words, indescribable.

And Journey to the World in Heaven is a fake.

In front of the genuine product, Journey to the West looks very ridiculous.

No, it can even be said that comparing the Heaven of Journey to the West to the Heaven of the Prehistoric World is a humiliation to the Supreme Heaven.

Real or unreal?
At this moment, all the creatures in the world of Journey to the West even began to doubt their own existence.

Could it be said that they only exist as a shadow?

At this time, the power of the emperor spread throughout the world of Journey to the West.

The emperor's power was like the sea, and the voice of the Emperor of Heaven rang out.


The supreme prehistoric world, heaven, reflects the world of Journey to the West.

The heaven in the world of Journey to the West could not bear the supreme majesty and began to dissipate.

With the reflection of the supreme heaven, the heaven of Journey to the West began to turn into light and disappeared directly.

It's like everything has been wiped out, and there is no trace of its existence.

Under the Supreme Heavenly Court, the Westward Journey Heavenly Court is just a false court.

And the Supreme Heaven appeared, and the Journey to the West Heaven directly turned into dust.

This is not, the Supreme Heavenly Court takes action against the Heavenly Court of Journey to the West.

The Heavenly Court of Journey to the West is simply not qualified to let the Supreme Heavenly Court take action.

It’s because when illusion meets reality, illusion will dissipate on its own.

Among all the heavens and worlds, the highest heaven is the absolute reality, and the rest are all illusions.

The heaven in the world of Journey to the West turned into dust, gathered into a beam of original light, and then merged into the destiny of the supreme heaven.

This is growing, the origin of the supreme heaven.

Of course now, with the great power of the supreme heaven.

The source of this growth can almost be ignored.

Today's supreme heaven rules too many worlds, and with the blessing of luck, it even begins to surpass the nature of the prehistoric world.

The supreme ancient heaven reflects the world of Journey to the West.

The heaven in Journey to the West disappeared directly, as if it had never existed at all.

This scene shocked everyone.

The great powers of Journey to the West couldn't help but prostrate themselves in the face of that supreme and majestic aura.

They were really prostrate on the ground, everyone kowtowed.

Under such aura, they had no power to resist at all.

It is even said that even the soul cannot help but tremble.

The majesty and supremacy far exceeded their knowledge.

They finally understood why Sun Wukong, already standing at the pinnacle of this world, chose to join the Supreme Heavenly Court.

In such a heaven, even Sun Wukong is nothing but dust in front of it.

Sun Wukong suddenly broke out of the Five Fingers Mountain, rose up again, and killed the Jade Emperor and Tathagata Buddha.

All these strange things are probably due to the Supreme Heaven, right?
Only the Supreme Heaven can create a being like Sun Wukong.

At this moment, above the high heaven of the ancient world, the shadows of Taiqing Laozi, Yuanshi Tianzun, Taoist Jieyin and Taoist Zhunti were reflected.

Of course this is not the case. Taiqing Laozi and his temperament descended on the world of Journey to the West.

Today's Taiqing Laozi, these saints are still in the heaven of the prehistoric world.

This is just a reflection of what they have descended from by tracing the cause and effect of their own holy path.

Of course, this is still due to the blessing of the ancient heaven.

Only they can achieve this easily.

Without the blessing of the ancient heaven, even if they were saints, it would be difficult for them to easily reflect the world of Journey to the West.

This is not because the saints of the prehistoric heaven are not strong enough, but because they are the barriers between the heavens and the world.

It is the self-protection mechanism of every world.

Taoist Jie Yin, Taoist Yuanshi, Taoist Jie Yin, and Tao Zhunti are reflected in the world of Journey to the West.

In the world of Journey to the West, all the creatures feel a kind of insignificance born from the bottom of their hearts.What kind of existence is that?

Even if it was just a reflection, it made them feel as humble as dust.

This is a fundamental difference in the essential level of life.

Just like in the world of Journey to the West, all living creatures are just two-dimensional beings.

Sanqing and the others are three-dimensional or even multi-dimensional existences.

In other words, those reflections are absolutely real, and they are just illusions.

Taiqing Laozi reflected on the world of Journey to the West and shouted, "The great road is unified."

The great road is unified, and all the heavens and all the ways are unified.

The voice of Taiqing Laozi spread throughout the world of Journey to the West.

From the world of Journey to the West, a source of light appeared and merged into the body of Taiqing Laozi.

This is the origin of the Taiqing saints who once existed in the world of Journey to the West.

Now this origin, the great road has been unified, and all the heavens have been unified, integrated into the body from which Taiqing came.

Following the actions of Taiqing Laozi, Yuanshi Tianzun and the Two Saints of the West all made their own actions.

Yuanshi Tianzun shouted loudly and said, "The causes of all the heavens have returned to me.

Similarly, in this world, a part of Yuanshi's origin is integrated into his body.

Immediately afterwards, Taoist Yin Yin and Taoist Zhunti were greeted, and they shouted loudly at the same time.

"Infinite Heavenly Venerate!"


Endless Buddha light reflects the world of Journey to the West.

The Buddha's way roars, knocking on all heavens and all realms.

In the world of Journey to the West, the origins of Taoist Jie Yin and Taoist Zhunti appeared and merged between their bodies.

The four heavenly saints of the Supreme Heavenly Court each merged with a part of their origins in the world of Journey to the West.

In the ancient and high heaven, these four saints reflected the world of Journey to the West. They embarked on an opposite path.

Under normal circumstances, one would first break through half a step to the realm of Heavenly Dao, or break through to the realm of Heavenly Dao.

Then, with its own great power, it will reflect and influence all heavens and all realms, and then embark on the road of unification of all heavens.

But now, they are doing the opposite.

First, unite all heavens and strengthen your own origin.

This is of course because people like Taiqing Laozi cannot sit still.

In the prehistoric heaven, the strength of the saints of heaven is no longer just embarrassing.

Rather, the strength of the Heavenly Saint cannot even guarantee his own safety.

Be it Taiqing Laozi, Yuanshi Tianzun, or the Two Saints of the West.

During this period of time, they had been taught a good lesson several times in Heaven.

In the heavenly palace, one might be thrown into a sack and beaten violently at any time.

Therefore, these four saints are eager to break through the half-step realm of heaven.

Only after a breakthrough can they feel safe.

Otherwise, given the strength of the saints, they would only be beaten in heaven.

It is precisely because of this that the four great heavenly saints did the opposite, uniting all heavens first and strengthening their own strength.

This is naturally inferior to the orthodox path.

But they no longer care about so much.

The four heavenly saints in the Supreme Heavenly Court absorbed four parts of the origin of the world of Journey to the West.

Of course, as I said before, this origin is very weak.

The blessings from the four heavenly saints can be said to be very small.

But what these four saints lack now is just this little bit.

After all, they have broken into many Yuanhui of Tiandao Saints.

After joining the Heavenly Court, he had reached the quasi-sage perfection very early on.

It can be said that they are infinitely close to the realm of half-step to heaven.

What's bad is just an opportunity.

And now, this opportunity has appeared.

This weak source can be ignored in normal times.

But now is their biggest opportunity to break into the half-step of Heavenly Dao.

(End of this chapter)

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