I, Lord of Heaven, join the chat group

Chapter 346: They all licked new tricks

Chapter 346: They all licked new tricks

The Lord of the Heavens has no idea.

If the Emperor of Heaven wants to, he can break through even if it is a great road, let alone half a step towards the great road.

Half-step avenue can be said to be very powerful in all the worlds.

But in front of the Emperor of Heaven, it actually means nothing.

In the supreme heaven, figures appeared one after another.

Those are the saints in heaven.

For the saints in heaven, the confrontation between the Emperor of Heaven and the Lord of the Heavens is a big opportunity for them.

After all, the realm of heaven is the direction they strive for.

Even if you are half-way to heaven, if you can watch such battles and confrontations, you will be able to gain some insights and move faster.

The ways of the Emperor of Heaven and the Lord of the Heavens are both very unique ways. If they can understand one or two of them, it will definitely accelerate their own breakthroughs.

In fact, every heavenly realm is a legend and a unique existence.

Their way is unique and cannot be copied.

But it can provide unlimited possibilities to others.

"Lord of the Heavens? I really didn't expect that there is such a powerful existence outside this ancient world."

Taiqing Laozi sighed, "Is this Lord of the Heavens evenly matched with His Majesty? Is there anyone outside the Supreme Being who can rival Your Majesty?"

Taiqing Laozi has just broken through half a step to the realm of heaven, and I haven't had time to be proud yet.

Now seeing the Lord of the Heavens, he was greatly shocked.

It turns out that half-step to heaven is just the beginning, nothing.

In fact, it is not just Taiqing Laozi, but also other saints.

The Supreme Heavenly Court has already conquered many worlds.

But no matter how powerful the world they encountered, the highest combat power was only that of a saint.

In most worlds, the highest combat power is lower than that of saints.

So, in each world, they directly push forward.

This makes these saints in heaven think that the prehistoric world is the most powerful existence.

Outside the prehistoric world, there can be no existence more powerful than a saint.

The supreme prehistoric world is the source of all heavens and realms, and is the most powerful among all heavens.

But the appearance of the Lord of the Heavens obviously broke their understanding.

Outside the supreme world, there are still beings more powerful than saints.

If you put it this way, who dares to say that among all the worlds, there is no world comparable to the supreme and primitive world, or in other words, a world more powerful than the supreme and primitive world?

At this moment, whether it is a saint in the heaven or a half-step in the realm of heaven, they all feel an atmosphere and a sense of crisis.

To the Supreme Heaven, they are the ministers of Heaven, and the Emperor of Heaven is the king.

The Lord humiliates the minister to death.

Now, there is a powerful existence outside the heaven, and it actually requires the Emperor of Heaven to take action personally. This is a humiliation for them.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of enemy needs them to bring peace to heaven.

The need for the Emperor of Heaven to take action casts doubt on the strength of all of them.

Of course, this is also because the Emperor of Heaven himself has itchy hands.

The appearance of the Lord of the Heavens was beyond the cognition of the Heavenly Saints.Almost everyone in the heaven is even more anxious.

Ancestor Minghe was not happy when he heard what Taiqing Laozi said.

He said directly, "What Lord of the Heavens? How could he be His Majesty's opponent? You have no idea how powerful His Majesty is."

"You deliberately doubt anyone, but you must always trust His Majesty."

"Wait a minute. Seeing the Lord of the Heavens being beaten by His Majesty, he still dares to plot against our ancient world and the Heavenly Court? He is looking for death."

Ancestor Styx looked at the saints around him with the superiority of being alone in the world.

To be honest, Ancestor Styx was really shocked.

When the Zhutian Game first appeared, the Saint was very interested in it, but the Saint did not know what was behind it.

Facing the realm of Heavenly Dao, even if it is a saint or a half-step to the realm of Heavenly Dao, it is difficult to deduce anything.

After all, the Lord of the Heavens is not only in the realm of Heavenly Dao, but also in the realm of half-step Dao.

Now it seems that there is a big conspiracy behind this.

This Lord of the Heavens was so bold that he plotted against their prehistoric world.

This is a provocation to the Emperor of Heaven and a provocation to each of them.

Unfortunately, now they can only watch as the Emperor of Heaven takes action.

Such an enemy should be destroyed and let him know the majesty of heaven and never be provoked.

Although it is said that the ancestor of Minghe realized his own breakthrough and the way of heaven through the game of the heavens.

But he was still full of anger towards the Lord of the Heavens.

The Taoist leader also spoke up, "I agree with this. Lord of the heavens, don't look at it. It seems that the situation is evenly matched now. That's because Your Majesty is just warming up. You are waiting for His Majesty to truly show his strength." When he shows his strength, Nao Shizi, the Lord of the Heavens, is afraid that he will be directly defeated."

"What he said is true. If the Lord of the Heavens dares to scheme against our Heavenly Court or provoke His Majesty, he will definitely die."

Taoist Zhunti looked at Taiqing Laozi with dissatisfaction and said, "How can you doubt His Majesty? Fellow Taoist, I feel that I have to doubt your loyalty to Heaven and your loyalty to His Majesty."

Zhunti Taoist's words left Taiqing Laozi speechless at all.

Ancestor Minghe, Taoist Jieyin, and Taoist Zhunti all looked at Taiqing Laozi with anger.

Taiqing Laozi looked at the three of them, and for a moment, he seemed to understand something.

He always felt like he was being played by these three people.

Now think about it, these three people are using him as a background and a licking dog.

Simply, he is not a son of man.

This licking was done in new ways by them.

Could it be that in this heaven, these three people are all very good in front of His Majesty? It turns out that it is because of this.

Taiqing Laozi clearly realized the truth and snorted coldly and said, "I am extremely loyal to Heaven and Your Majesty."

"If His Majesty needs it, Pindao can join the battlefield now and block the sword for His Majesty."

Upon hearing his words, Taoist Jie Yin, Taoist Zhunti, and Ancestor Minghe all looked down upon him.

Besides, above the sky, the Lord of the Heavens and the Emperor of Heaven clashed in momentum.

Their respective ways and wills clashed with each other in the void.

This is an absolutely terrifying confrontation in all the worlds.

In a single thought, birth and death are infinite.

(End of this chapter)

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