I, Lord of Heaven, join the chat group

Chapter 359 The biggest villain in the world

Chapter 359 The biggest villain in the world
Zhutian Chat Group will not allow group members to rely too much on the power of the chat group.

However, the Zhutian Chat Group will also provide certain help when all members are initially weak.

In the final analysis, the existence of Zhutian Chat Group is just to allow group members to seize opportunities, change their destiny, and grow on their own.

Emperor Daughter Su Xiaoyu: "Yes, you can sacrifice to the Demon Suppression Tower, or any monster in the tower. Of course, the more precious and powerful the thing, the more points you will get."

Normally, the more precious the thing, the more powerful the creature, the stronger their luck.

Therefore, the more points they can redeem.

Of course there are abnormal situations, but they are rare.

Demonic Sword Spirit Nightshade: "Is this okay? All the monsters in the Demon Suppression Tower can be redeemed for points?"

There is not much else in the Demon Suppression Tower, but there are really many demons and ghosts.

If all these monsters and ghosts could be redeemed for points.

Then she exchanged all the monsters in the Demon Suppression Tower.

How many points does she have by then?

And with so many points in hand, how much more strength can she improve?
At that time, breaking the Demon Suppression Tower was probably very simple.

She wants to be directly invincible in her world.

Empress Dazhou invited Yue Yue: "Yes, all living beings can do it. Of course, the more powerful they are, the more lucky they are, and the more points they have. This is normally the case."

Demonic Sword Spirit Nightshade: "Thank you everyone, I understand, thank you for your answers."

Nightshade received the information from the group members,

In the Demon Suppression Tower, I started thinking about how to get points.

In other words, start from that aspect.

It would be too wasteful to exchange the Demon Suppression Tower directly.

All the monsters in the Demon Suppression Tower should be exchanged first.

Then break the Demon Suppressing Tower and exchange it for the Demon Suppressing Tower. This is the perfect use.

At this time, Solanum Solanum felt that the monsters and ghosts that usually caused trouble for her had become cute.

Because now they all represent points.

Just when Solanum Kui was thinking about how to exchange all the monsters in the Monster Suppression Tower into points.

An evil voice suddenly sounded in her ears.

"Do you want to go out? Do you want to gain great power? Contribute your emotions and you can gain great power."

"Do you hate being in this dark demon-suppressing tower? Hate, that's all right. Contribute your hatred and surrender to me. I can take you out."

"I will give you a chance to surrender to me, and I will allow you to follow me."

This voice carries a kind of evilness and a power to confuse people's hearts.

Even the sound, the negative power, has a terrifying contagious power.

Long Kui sneered in her heart, this was not the Evil Sword Immortal.

The Evil Sword Immortal is the fusion of the evil thoughts of the five elders of Shushan after they practiced the forbidden arts of Shushan.

It is precisely because of this that the Evil Sword Immortal has become a very strange existence.

In essence, he is not any kind of creature in the six realms.

But he happens to be able to take shape and have his own thoughts.

The five elders of Shushan suppressed the Evil Sword Immortal in the Demon Suppression Tower, hoping to slowly destroy the Evil Sword Immortal.

As everyone knows, such a situation makes the Evil Sword Immortal feel like a fish in water.

Because the Evil Sword Immortal is a very special existence.

Can emotions and evil thoughts be eliminated?
impossible.Everyone has a light and dark side. If the light dominates, then this person is a good person, otherwise, he is a bad person.

Even if light dominates, there is still a dark side between emotions.

It's just that this dark side has always been hidden.

This is the evil thought of human nature.

Everyone has this kind of evil thought in their human nature.

It's just that it's usually hidden beneath the surface.

And what makes the Evil Sword Immortal so powerful?
He relies on sentient beings, evil thoughts, hatred, resentment and other negative emotions to strengthen himself.

It can be said that as long as there are beings in the world and the theory of the Evil Sword Immortal, one is immortal.

Everyone in this world has evil thoughts.

As all beings in this world exist, then this dark side exists.

The evil sword immortal who feeds on darkness can naturally live forever.

Even if he is really killed, he might be able to return again with the help of the evil thoughts of sentient beings.

The Evil Sword Immortal can tap into the dark side of the human heart and absorb all viciousness, resentment, hatred and other negative emotions.

Among the demon-suppressing towers, what is the most popular one?
They are all kinds of monsters and ghosts suppressed by Shushan, as well as all kinds of extremely vicious people.

Most of these people have evil thoughts.

Most of these creatures are the worst evil in the world.

Otherwise, they would not be locked up in the Demon Suppression Tower.

It is precisely because of this that the Evil Sword Immortal was imprisoned in the Demon Suppression Tower. Not only did it not destroy him, but it allowed him to absorb more negative emotions and continue to grow stronger.

In the Demon Suppression Tower, everything will be lacking, but the most indispensable thing is the evil thoughts of human nature.

It can be said that the Demon Suppression Tower is completely tailor-made for the Evil Sword Immortal.

If the Evil Sword Immortal had not been imprisoned in the Demon Suppression Tower, it would not have been possible for the Evil Sword Immortal to quickly overcome his period of weakness and grow to where he is now.

The five elders of Shushan imprisoned the Evil Sword Immortal in the Demon Suppression Tower, which completely indirectly made the Evil Sword Immortal possible.

The evil sword fairy passed through the period of weakness, and now, it is difficult to be eliminated.

When Long Kui heard the voice of the Evil Sword Immortal, she sneered and said, "A bunch of evil thoughts ask me to surrender to you, are you worthy?"

"Things that can't be put on the table."

At this time, Black Nightshade is in control.

The Black Nightshade is arrogant and strong, so naturally she looks down on the Evil Sword Immortal.

In essence, the Evil Sword Immortal is not a living being.

It is precisely because of this that he is so special and cannot be easily eliminated.

Even before, there was no chat group in the heavens.

Even if Solanum Solanum wanted to go out again, she would not make sword intentions with the Evil Sword Immortal.

Without it, this is just Nightshade's arrogance.

What's more, now that the All Heavens Chat Group exists, she can naturally increase her strength and break the Demon Suppression Tower.

Do you still need to cooperate with the Evil Sword Immortal?

After reading the relevant plot, Long Kui knew very well that the Evil Sword Immortal was not a good person.

On the contrary, his nature destined him to be cunning and cunning, and also destined him to be the biggest villain in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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