I, Lord of Heaven, join the chat group

Chapter 394 Where the road goes, I go

Chapter 394 Where the road goes, I go
What is admirable about Pangu is not only his strength and supreme realm.

This kind of realm, this kind of strength, is also possessed by the emperor today.

In the eyes of the Emperor of Heaven, strength is just a meaningless number.

Because in all the worlds, looking around, no one is stronger than the Emperor of Heaven.

At least not yet.

What really impressed the Emperor of Heaven was Pangu's charisma and character.

Possessing great power, the power to dominate all living beings in the world.

He has an immortal life, but he is willing to give up everything for the Tao in his heart.

Give up your life for that prehistoric world.

Never regret it.

This is a kind of great love, a kind of selfless love.

In fact, the more powerful you have and the longer your life, the harder it is to give up.

But for Pangu Great Heavenly Lord, there is none.

He has no obsession with life, and everything he does is chosen so easily.

This was something that the Emperor of Heaven once puzzled about, but now he admires.

In all the worlds, there are very few beings that can arouse the emotions of the Emperor of Heaven, almost none.

There is only one Pangu Heavenly Lord that the Emperor of Heaven can truly admire.

Qin Tian continued, "Pangu, this is your way? Do you regret it now?"

"Power, life, eternity, passing away, passing everything, just for the Tao in your heart, do you regret it?"

Sacrificing himself to create a prehistoric world, he eventually fell.

This is the way of Pangu Great Heavenly Lord.

Give up your immortal life, give up your powerful power, give up everything.

Sacrifice yourself to achieve the supreme prehistoric world.

Does Pangu Great Heavenly Lord regret it?

Pangu Tianzun took the initiative to give up his life and fulfill the prehistoric era.

This is not a joke, but something that many people may ignore.

With an existence like Pangu Great Heavenly Lord, he is powerful and majestic and immortal.

If he doesn't want to die, who can kill him?

There are rumors in the supreme prehistoric world that Pangu Heavenly Lord had to incarnate into all things to protect the prehistoric world because he was plotted by Dao Dao.

Pangu Tianzun was assassinated by Dao Dao and was attacked by the Great Tribulation of Kaitian.

Therefore, I have to incarnate all things and fulfill the prehistoric world.

That seemed to be the end, a helpless choice at the last moment of life's passing.

But is the truth really like this?
In the past, even Qin Tian had such doubts.

But now that he has reached his current strength, he truly understands Pangu Great Heavenly Lord.

Qin Tiancai discovered, what avenue?
Can the Great Dao really do anything, Pangu Great Heavenly Lord?


Just like Qin Tian today, even if he is a great person, he still has to bow before him.

At their level of strength, Dao Dao is just a toy in their hands.

Even the immeasurable catastrophes that affect the world can be directed and used by them.

Regardless of the great road or the immeasurable catastrophe, it is difficult to harm existences like them.

The reason why Pangu Great Heavenly Lord fell was not because he was plotted by Dao Dao, nor was it because of the backlash of the Great Tribulation.

But because he chose to do this, he chose to embark on such a path.

No one, no existence, can calculate such a majestic existence.

Pangu Great Heavenly Lord sacrificed himself to achieve great success.

Just because he wanted to.

He thought, so he did it.In other words, this is the Tao in Pangu's eyes.

This is the choice of Pangu Great Heavenly Lord.

His choice is to sacrifice himself.

His way brought success to the prehistoric world.

This is not helplessness at the last moment of life, but it is possible for Pangu Heavenly Lord to make such a determination at the beginning.

This is great love, this is willingness.

That's why the Emperor of Heaven asked like this.


Great Heavenly Lord Pangu laughed heartily with indescribable heroism.

"Hear the Tao in the morning, and die in the evening. Where the Tao goes, I will go, and I will never do anything that will make me regret."

Pangu Heavenly Lord turned around and looked at the supreme prehistoric world.

There are thousands of miles of mountains and rivers there, and there are magnificent mountains and rivers there.

There are immortal creatures there, galloping on the vast land.

There are also ancient creatures there, soaring under the sky.

It contains all the hard work of Pangu Great Heavenly Lord.

This is the prehistoric world, this is the prehistoric world for which Pangu Great Heavenly Lord dedicated everything.

Pangu Tianzun smiled and said, "I saw it. This is the prehistoric world. This is my prehistoric world. I have no regrets about such a prehistoric world, such a world, and such creatures."

"Pangu, you are still like this after all."

The Emperor of Heaven sighed softly and said, "Giving up your eternal life, giving up everything, even saying that you no longer exist, is this your choice?"

Give up everything, give up life.

This is not a joke, the Pangu Heavenly Lord in front of him is the Pangu Heavenly Lord.

But he is not, in an absolute sense, the real Pangu Great Heavenly Lord.

This is just a wave in the long river of time, a mark left by the years.

The real Pangu Great Heavenly Lord has long since disappeared and has been integrated into the supreme prehistoric world.

Pangu Great Heavenly Lord has fallen.

This kind of fall was impossible even for the Emperor of Heaven to resurrect.

The Emperor of Heaven can reverse the flow of time and pull past judgments.

Pull out the former Great Heavenly Lord Pangu.

However, Pangu Great Heavenly Lord chose to sacrifice himself and incarnate in the prehistoric world.

Even if we do this, so what?
It's just another reincarnation.

Pangu Tianzun didn't care about his own life or death, so everything was doomed long ago.

Hearing the words of the Emperor of Heaven, Pangu Heavenly Lord smiled and said, "The place where I exist in the ancient world is where I exist. I have not disappeared, I just exist in another way."

"As long as the ancient world is here, I will be there. I am just protecting the ancient world in this way."

Pangu Tianzun has this indescribable freedom and ease.

It can be seen that he truly has no regrets.

Pangu Great Heavenly Lord is a supremely powerful man who dominates hundreds of millions of living beings.

But at this moment, the Emperor wanted to call Pangu the Great Seeker.

A seeker on the long road.

For the sake of the Tao in his heart, he was able to give up everything and his life.

The Emperor of Heaven is also a seeker, but he will not do this.

This does not mean that the Emperor of Heaven is afraid of death or that the Emperor of Heaven is timid.

It’s about the difference in their ways of seeking the truth.

(End of this chapter)

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