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Chapter 405 The Road to Empress, Fang Sijing’s Past

Chapter 405 The Road to Empress, Fang Sijing’s Past

"What? I don't understand what you mean."

"Hey...poor child, are you still hiding it from me?"

Witch Wanwan glanced at Fang Sijing resentfully. She had actually forgotten everything that the little girl in front of her had experienced. If it hadn't been for the improvement of her cultivation after joining the group, Witch Wanwan could see through these appearances.

Fang Sijing was originally the eldest daughter of a famous noble family of the Fang family. The Fang family believed in Buddhism for generations. They would bring a large number of gifts to the mountain gate every year and give a lot of incense money to the abbot of the nearby mountain temple. This made the Fang family make many friends among the Buddhists. good friend.

But even this could not stop the demons in Buddhism from eroding their claws. Some evil monks and sycophants valued the Fang family's rich property and secretly went down the mountain many times to eat and drink and collect gold, silver and jewelry on the pretext of practicing Buddhism. However, the Fang family Wealth is not worth mentioning.

Keren's desire cannot be satisfied. As time goes by, some evil monks are not satisfied with this. They not only eroded the Fang family's money, but also eroded the Fang family's female relatives.

At first, he only attacked some maids, but later he actually dared to molest the concubine of the head of the Fang family.However, in order to preserve his own face and respect for Buddhism, the head of the Fang family chose to endure it. Every time an evil monk came to do this, the Fang family gave him a small amount of money to let him leave, and asked his female relatives to lock the doors and windows and go back to the house to hide.

When the unsatisfied evil monks knew what had happened, they wanted to burn their Fang family down in anger, but they were afraid that the government officials would arrest them. If they committed crimes, the sect would not be able to protect themselves.

This gang of villains made up lies, deliberately sow discord, and manipulated the "Exorcism Conference" to blame everything on the Fang family, saying that the Fang family has always occupied the demonic veins and sucked the wealth and luck of the people in the city.

In this world of the Sui Dynasty, monks had the right to speak. Whether he was an evil monk or a good monk, sometimes all matters large and small were handled by monks. Sometimes Buddhist temples were even more powerful than county governments.

The monks in several monasteries said that the Fang family was a traitor who possessed the demonic lineage, which directly made the people in the city angry, and they blamed the Fang family for all kinds of sins.

"Hey...this poor family."

Witch Wanwan waved her hand and asked Fang Sijing, who was already in tears, to continue looking at the next memory.

The head of the Fang family, Fang Sijing's father, was dismissed from his official position and gave a large amount of gold and silver to compensate the monks. However, the greedy monk actually said that the head of the Fang family should donate his wife and daughters.

The head of the Fang family was so angry that he drew his sword and killed the evil monks who had insulted the Fang family. However, they were devoured by the Buddhist sect. Overnight, the entire Fang family was wiped out, leaving only the surviving monks. The child Fang Sijing did not open her eyes.

Several good monks saved her from being slaughtered, and then took her away and sent her to a nunnery. They warned her that she was an orphan and kept her family secret.

But no matter how hard you try to hide it, a talented and intelligent person cannot be buried. Fang Sijing’s wisdom has been much better than that of her peers since she was a child. At first, some old nuns liked her very much, but as she gets older, Fang Sijing’s wisdom can actually surpass these. The old nun and even the abbot of the courtyard were able to enter Cihang Jingzhai on their own.

Of course, whether it is a monk or a nun, there are always bad people, even more than good people. No one wants the other person to be better than himself. At ten o'clock in the night, some old nuns stole magical instruments and sealed Fang Sijing's wisdom, making him a degenerate. For ordinary people.

"Do you understand? Little nun Fang Sijing?"

The witch Wanwan restored all her memories and wisdom. The wisdom that had been suppressed for several years was suddenly unsealed, making Fang Sijing's eyes shine with a different light.

"I see..."

(End of this chapter)

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