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Chapter 418: Does the journey of empress stop here?

Chapter 418: Does the journey of empress stop here?
Witch Wanwan struggled to stand up with her hands, but she didn't have any strength at all. Fang Sijing looked at the ridiculous look of Witch Wanwan in front of her, and raised her fingers to let him hang in the air, facing her.

Fang Sijing's extremely handsome face is filled with a proud smile. That smile is really as despairing as a devil, and that laugh is really outrageous. Now that the witch Wanwan can no longer interact with her, is this world really Is it destroyed like this?
"The Demonic Sect... the Buddhist Sect... the Taoist Sect... and all the people in the world combined can no longer defeat her."

Witch Wanwan desperately used her kung fu to grind the front end of the Great Desolate Heaven Opening Stick into a sharp thorn, then threw it with all her strength, and the Great Desolate Open Heaven Opening Stick flew straight towards Fang Sijing's heart.

But Fang Sijing didn't even raise her hand at all, she just used her eyes to stop the Great Desolate Sky Stick that was thrown by Witch Wanwan with all her strength, and then the spike directly pierced Witch Wanwan's heart.


"Is it over?" These four words surrounded Witch Wanwan's heart... Yes, is it over?The power in Witch Wanwan's body is constantly disappearing. She once wanted to become the empress and support a wise master... But now, in the end, everything has come to nothing.

Blood flowed out from Witch Wanwan's heart. Although she had the opportunity to kill Fang Sijing easily, Witch Wanwan was not able to do it in the end, and she did not let the poor little nun die in her hands.

"Jingwei...Jingwei...help me...help the common people..."

Witch Wanwan was suffering in despair on the eve of death, and she kept muttering these words in her mouth. Although she didn't know if they were of any use, they could only be regarded as a kind of comfort to the dying person.

Suddenly a burst of bird chirping resounded through the sky, and a phoenix with colorful auspicious clouds suddenly appeared out of thin air. Oh no... not just one, but tens of thousands of phoenixes surrounding the sky.

In the sky above all the phoenixes, there was a huge blue bird. It appeared with a meteorite in its red beak. Then the blue bird opened its red beak and threw the meteorite in its mouth directly towards Fang Sijing.

The meteorite ignited with flames all over, and transformed into countless meteorites. Looking at the sudden rain of meteorites, Fang Sijing quickly raised her hand to block it, but when the first meteorite hit, Fang Sijing was instantly smashed into the ground. in.

All the injuries before, what protected Fang Sijing from being injured were all the white feather armor, which belonged to the power of the divine bird Jingwei. But now, when the power of the divine bird Jingwei is about to kill the master, this feather armor Its role is not worth mentioning.


Fang Sijing struggled to get up, but the feather armor on her body peeled off her body piece by piece, and returned to the big bird in the sky piece by piece.

Suddenly the big bird screamed into the sky, and all the phoenixes opened their beaks and spewed out phoenix anger. They sprayed fierce flames at the large crater created by the meteorite, and the fire light shot up to the sky and shone like daylight.

"Um...you don't think...you can kill me like this, do you?"

Suddenly, a charred corpse flew into the sky...and then exploded instantly, and the dust from the explosion drifted away with the wind...Fang Sijing's body was ruthlessly abandoned.

"Little nun..."

(End of this chapter)

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