I, Lord of Heaven, join the chat group

Chapter 421: You don’t need to judge the journey of the empress

Chapter 421: You don’t need to judge the journey of the empress

"It seems that after you came back to life, the Sword of Ten Thousand Buddhas has reacted and started to consciously break away from the devil!"

"Does that mean I'm still worthy of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Sword?"

"Of course, you are Fang Sijing! Houyi of the divine bird Jingwei!"

Witch Wanwan endured the pain and covered her chest, then patted Fang Sijing on the shoulder, signaling her to quickly grab the Ten Thousand Buddhas Sword and kill the demon as soon as possible.

"I'm already here...I can't continue fighting. It's all up to you, Fang Sijing."

Fang Sijing nodded with a firm gaze, and then fiercely stretched out her hand in the direction of the devil. In an instant, the Ten Thousand Buddhas Sword in the devil's hand began to fly towards Fang Sijing.

"What? It's impossible!"

Naturally, the Demon God would not hand back such a powerful weapon in vain, so he held the hilt of the sword tightly with both hands. At the same time, two huge wings that covered the sky grew out of his back and began to pull back continuously. Fang Sijing looked extremely painful.

Yes, after all, there is such a disparity in power. No matter how firm Fang Sijing's willpower is in summoning the Sword of Ten Thousand Buddhas, she cannot completely defeat the devil.

Witch Wanwan frowned, and now the power of the saw was gradually deflecting in the direction of the devil. The little girl Fang Sijing even made a big hole under her feet, but she could not pull back the Ten Thousand Buddhas Sword at all.

"What should I do!"

Just when the two sides were in a stalemate, tens of thousands of phoenixes suddenly gathered again, and then spit out blazing flames to burn the demon god's body. The demon god had no way to deal with this group of phoenixes at this moment, and could only open a skill shield for himself to block the rolling fire. The coming flames.

At the same time, Fang Sijing gradually gained some upper hand due to the influence and obstruction of the demon god's power, but this alone was far from enough to bring back the Sword of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

Suddenly the big bird in the sky howled again and flapped its wings. Looking from below, you could see serious injury marks on the big bird's wings. It was estimated that the big bird could no longer control its fight.

The big bird flew, circled several times above Fang Sijing's head, and then swooped down with all its strength, directly attaching itself to Fang Sijing's body. The scene that followed gave Witch Wanwan a steady stream of hope.

Witch Wanwan opened her eyes excitedly. Fang Sijing in front of her was once again covered in white feather armor, but it was not over yet, because countless phoenixes all flew towards Fang Sijing at this moment, opening their red beaks and giving all their power to Fang Sijing. she.

In an instant, every gap in Fang Sijing's white feather armor was filled with red heat. Fang Sijing was full of absolute power at this moment.

"Now...it's time for reckoning!"

Fang Sijing turned to look at Witch Wanwan who was lying on the ground without any strength anymore. She wiped the blood on her face with a smile, and Witch Wanwan also saw her pure eyes. Now Fang Sijing was just Is the real Fang Sijing...

"No... Fang Sijing, we are in the same group. We should unite to destroy the world together!"

"I'm Fang Sijing, who are you!"

"Okay, I thought you would repent, so now I'll send you to the West!"

The demon god rushed over angrily, and the black mist trembled all over his body.

"I swear I will tear the slave into pieces!"

Witch Wanwan nodded, Fang Sijing glanced at her with a smile, then rushed forward with the Ten Thousand Buddhas Sword in hand!
"See if you have the ability!"

(End of this chapter)

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