I, Lord of Heaven, join the chat group

Chapter 424: The road to empress, this is fate

Chapter 424: The road to empress, this is fate

[Ding dong!User "Witch Wanwan" has exited the group chat]

[Ding dong!The remaining luck value of user "Witch Wanwan" has been cleared]

The conscientious administrator: "What happened? The empress has properly withdrawn from the group?"

Great Qin Zulong: "She must have achieved the ultimate goal of the Empress and then disdained us. What is the saying that the people below me do this kind of thing?"

The Master of Yihua Palace: "Put your feet high when you first put on new shoes, and you will reach the sky in one step without letting the old blind date."

Great Qin Zulong: "Yes, yes, that's it."

The conscientious administrator: "Go, go, stop talking nonsense. Where is our group leader?"

Emperor of Heaven: "The secret of heaven cannot be revealed. I can only say that it is fate and everything is in vain."

Great Qin Zulong: "Look, the Emperor of Heaven and the Heavenly Lord Pangu were very powerful after being together for a few days, and they both got married."

Palace Master Yihua: "The leader is so handsome!"

The conscientious administrator: "Hey, don't talk about this... I seem to have heard that people will only leave the group chat when they die, and you can see that all the luck values ​​​​and cache of the empress have been cleared..."

Palace Master Yihua: "She is already the only one in her world. Who can hurt her?"

Great Qin Zulong: "You won't set yourself on fire, will you?"

Back here, the planet where Fang Sijing is now has completely fallen into darkness. At the same time, it has lost its autobiography and become a dead planet. Both the atmosphere and life on the surface are nothing...

But there is one thing to be thankful for. Now Fang Sijing is really the only one on this earth... But what's the use?No matter how glorious or advanced the civilization once was on this planet, it no longer has any meaning.

"Now... this planet is worthless..." Fang Sijing threw the Sword of Ten Thousand Buddhas to the ground in despair. The shining Sword of Ten Thousand Buddhas fell on the black and lifeless soil without any reaction, only some floating sand flying. Wandering in the air.

At the same time, Tianzun Pangu led the Heavenly Emperor Qin Tian to Pangu's residence in the universe. A huge ax that created the world was nailed to the ground. Here was a planet transformed from the ax that opened the sky. The incarnation of Pangu Tianzun's skills was Live here.

"What do you mean by being invincible just now?"

Pangu Tianzun suddenly stopped and turned around to ask Qin Tian, ​​and then continued to answer while picking fruits from the tree and some wild vegetables on the ground.

"I never think that someone is invincible. Everything he experiences is destined and programmed... If someone tries to challenge fate, then this is the meaning of his fate."

"Can no one escape this reincarnation?"

"Maybe... but at least I didn't see it. Just like I split the sky and created the wilderness to create all things, I didn't escape the word fate."

"How do you say this?"

Qin Tian tinkered with the stove and placed fire under the stove. After a while, a curl of smoke ignited.

"I never thought that I was going to create anything. I just fulfilled the meaning of my existence... I don't know if you drink vegetable soup, which is soup made of various vegetables. I like it very much."

Qin Tian nodded and poured a few ladles of water into the smoking pot. Instantly, the water began to bubble under the warmth of the fire.Pangu put the vegetables in the basket on the chopping board, cut them one by one, and then sprinkled some salt in the water.

"Then do you know why I created the world? What's the point of doing this?"

Qin Tian put the lid on the pot to keep the water warm, and then after thinking about it carefully, he shook his head. Even if he respected him as the Emperor of Heaven, he couldn't understand everything. He really didn't know about this problem.

(End of this chapter)

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