I, Lord of Heaven, join the chat group

Chapter 43: The power of the demon god, new functions are opened

Chapter 43: The power of the demon god, new functions are opened

In the Xianxia plane, Liu Xiaogu was thoughtful.

"The power of the demon god, is this the reason why I am a Lonely Star?"

"Because of the power of the demon god, it affects the people around, because they can't bear this kind of power, so they encounter unexpected events?"

"Forget it, ask the big guy in the group."

Demon God Liu Xiaogu: "Several brothers and sisters, because I am in the power of the demon god, did I have the fate of Tiansha Guxing?"

The conscientious administrator: "In your body, the power of the demon god is sealed. You are not a lonely star, just because ordinary people can't bear it, the power in your body will be affected."

Demon God Liu Xiaogu: "Thank you, sister. Then can I make my father unaffected?"

The conscientious administrator: "This, with my shallow knowledge, I don't know. However, the big boss of the Emperor must know."

At this time, Qin Tian finally finished refining the chat group perfectly.

The points used in the group are actually luck.

Cultivation techniques and treasures can be exchanged for luck.

The function of the chat group is completely evolved.

Such as the world of Daqin, join Heavenly Court and gain luck.

After that, Ying Zheng offered sacrifices again.

No way, every time he has to send someone to run.

Now through the chat group, what Ying Zheng wants can be exchanged through the chat group.

As for the exchanged luck, after his supreme luck booster, he can naturally gain higher luck.

Heavenly Emperor: "The power of the demon god has great potential. If you can fully control this power, then naturally the people around you will not be affected."

Heavenly Emperor: "With your current strength, it is difficult to control this kind of power. As long as your father's strength is increased to one star, he will not be affected by this kind of power."

Heavenly Emperor: "Just practice some kung fu casually, and you can improve by one star."

Heavenly Emperor, "As for the lone star, it is even more nonsense."

Among the new members, Fang Qingxue has great potential.

That plane is even richer.

This Liu Xiaogu, who lives in the power of the demon god, is the same.

As long as this Liu Xiaogu, don't be so virgin, don't be so in love, everything is easy to say.

The power of the demon god is considered unknown.

But there is no right or wrong power, any power is just a powerful way.

In Qin Tian's eyes, the power of the demon god is an opportunity.

After all, others have to work hard to cultivate.

And you have the power of the demon god, before the power of the demon god is completely unsealed, as long as you accept this power, you can do it.

For the sake of Liu Xiaogu's huge potential, he rarely explained one sentence.

Palace Master Yihua: "Greetings to His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven." Palace Master Yihua: "One star's strength? I don't know how many stars I have now."

Conscientious administrator: "Meet His Majesty the Emperor. I'm also curious about how strong I am now."

Great Qin Zulong: "Meet His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven."

Heavenly Emperor: "I have re-refined the chat group so that you can rate your own strength."

Heavenly Emperor: "This rating is only a rating of strength at the chat group level. Those with great talent have their own strength far exceeding their own star. Three stars will be reversed to four stars, and four stars will be reversed to five stars."

Heavenly Emperor: "You can't be arrogant and arrogant, and hope to continue to work hard to improve your own strength."

After all, to support these people.

He spent a lot of effort.

Those who join Heavenly Court can enjoy more advanced benefits.

If you don't join, there are benefits, but a little less.

Anyway, these people are leeks.

Even if he doesn't join Heavenly Court, that world is already in his sight.

But just as the voice of Tiandi disappeared, the voice of the chat group sounded.

【Ding dong!Members of the group, please note that the group owner has updated the Zhutian chat group. 】

【Ding dong!Zhutian chat group, launch new functions, sign in to get points.The group live reward function is enabled.The group mall is opened, and the group exchange function is enabled.The group enlightenment function is enabled. 】

【Ding dong!Since the number of group members is sufficient, the strength rating between each group member is now enabled. 】

The voice of the Zhutian chat group sounded.

Such as Su Xiaoyu, Yaoyue, Ying Zheng, these old group members are beginning to be familiar with the new functions.

The newly joined group members also began to understand the Zhutian chat group.

The conscientious administrator: "Ah! Ah! Ah! I'm dead! There are so many exercises, I really want them."

The conscientious administrator said: "The magical powers of Faxiang Heaven and Earth and the 36 Tiangang are the magical powers of the big boss of the Heavenly Emperor."

In the plane of aura recovery, Su Xiaoyu let out a marmot scream.

In her eyes, the prehistoric plane is the supreme plane.

The Dharma represents heaven and earth, the 36 Heavenly Gangs, and even the most pure and wonderful Dharma, etc. These are the magical powers of saints.

For a big guy like Tiandi, it's not worth mentioning.

But for these people, even the weakest, are supreme creation.

If she can learn one of these magical powers, even if she recovers the spiritual energy nine or ten times in the future, she will be able to sweep the world.

Yihua Palace Master: "This Palace Master exchanged Mingyu Gong and got [-] points. It is difficult to exchange those magical powers."

Yihua Palace Master: "My Palace Master, where should I go to get some points?"

The conscientious administrator: "Thank you, His Majesty the Emperor. Although the exchange is expensive, at least there is hope."

(End of this chapter)

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