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Chapter 430 The mystery of life experience is finally solved

Chapter 430 The mystery of life experience is finally solved
Seeing that Fang Sijing's body had recovered well, Fang Sitian then picked up Fang Sijing, who was sleeping peacefully, and entered the time and space gate. However, before entering the time and space gate, Fang Sitian still spoke to the two soldiers.

"It's better to collect some soil samples. We can't leave nothing behind."

Then Fang Sitian carried Fang Sijing into the space-time gate. After only one second passed, they came to Fang Sitian's world. To be precise, they were in the space station outside the earth, preparing to treat Fang Sijing.

The technological level of Fang Sixian's universe has reached a very high level. It is transitioning to a galaxy-level civilization, that is, the transition period from a third-order civilization to a fourth-order civilization. A civilization at this level can basically create a space wormhole to reach the galaxy. anywhere in .

But it still won’t break through the speed of light. Although it has been able to enter the multi-dimensional space to survive, it will still start wars because of the development of technology or the expansion of territory. This is the wildness that has always existed in the zero-order civilization to the third-order civilization, and it is also a problem that cannot be ignored. .

If you want to obtain a higher-level civilization, you need to let go of these heavenly things in your genes, but there are very few civilizations that can completely get rid of these things.

Fang Sijing was lying flat on the optical medical bed. The gentle light was adjusting the light and temperature according to the patient's physical condition. However, judging from the light, Fang Sijing's physical condition was not good and she had been in a deep sleep. The light was always dim. state.

"Can the energy in her body be analyzed?"

"The source of this energy comes from the planet she is on. In their world, martial arts and immortality are advocated. In fact, they are just like us, asking for nature, but we ask for physics."

The professor next to him handed the document to Fang Sitian. In fact, Fang Sitian did not like any form of war, and this woman named Fang Sijing was not actually a native girl on that planet. She was once used as an experiment The product was sent over.

At that time, Fang Sitian and Fang Sijing were sisters. Because their family was poor, Fang Sitian, the elder sister, joined the army and joined the Galaxy Army. The younger sister also received many good subsidies and benefits because her elder sister joined the army.

But then the military launched a plan to select countless children, then copy their genes and throw them to various areas through time and space gates, allowing them to forget their past selves and completely enter the target world, and then extract data from them based on this.

But later, because the plan was too anti-human and meaningless, and the money it consumed was too huge, the project was ruled out, and those children were abandoned in the target world forever, and no one will ever know about it again. Their life experience.

"I never thought... I would see you again, sister."

Fang Sitian originally thought that she had completely lost her sister, and she might not be able to last long in the continuous wars. Maybe she would be reunited with her sister soon, but this ending really made her unexpected. Fang Sijing, herself Not only did his sister not die, she also became the sole ruler of the target planet.

However, Fang Sitian could not reveal a single word of the excitement that had been suppressed for several years. The projects that had been cut off had confidentiality rules and agreements, so these thousands of words had to be swallowed.

"Colonel, the operation is about to begin, shall we act?"

"Let the troop carriers No. [-] and [-] quickly pass through the atmosphere and enter the target area under the cover of the mother ship. The first team should be able to hold on for this time."

(End of this chapter)

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