I, Lord of Heaven, join the chat group

Chapter 433 All fear comes from full firepower

Chapter 433 All fear comes from full firepower
Fang Sijing: "Then what are you doing now?"

Dedicated administrators: “Doing our job.”

Then Fang Sitian went offline and exited the chat group. Although the fortress was temporarily safe, the supplies inside the fortress were exhausted and ammunition was scarce. As for when the rebels would raid again, their firepower status How it happens is unknown.

"Blue Star asked us to capture them alive..."

After muttering to herself, Fang Sitian's eyes revealed despair. She took off her helmet to get some air, then lit a cigar and took a few puffs. She straightened her hair and wiped her sweat before continuing to look at the sky outside.

Even if they brought enough ammunition and soldiers this time, she was powerless in the face of the two-word arrest order. Special research had been done on the life on the opposite side and on the entire planet, and their biotechnology still made it difficult for the Blue Star Legion. .

The legion had once assumed a decapitation operation, but the opponent had already kept its position absolutely secret. If he led his troops and advanced rashly, he would probably have a narrow escape.

Even if he was lucky enough to find the rebel leader, as a military colonel, how could he have the strength to lead the rebel leader through countless fronts and bring him back to the mother ship? This is suicide.

"Do you really want us... to die trapped here?"

Fang Sitian fell into deep despair. But suddenly, Fang Sitian thought of a person. Facing the powerful biotechnology, she should have enough ways to make these creatures who had been captured and become prisoners of war surrender.

"Fang Sijing... She should have the ability to assist us in our battle as a mage... Fang Sitian immediately entered the brain and liked Fang Sijing in the chat group.

Fang Sijing was devouring the instant noodles. Her hungry stomach made Fang Sijing extremely hungry. The way she was eating instant noodles amazed the male soldiers present. In just 5 minutes, she had eaten 5 cups of instant noodles. noodle.

The conscientious administrator: "Fang Sijing, I need you to do me a favor. We have no way to do it. You should be able to help us."

Fang Sijing: "What are you busy with?"

Dedicated administrator: "You find the soldier guarding you and ask him to open the video communication device connected to me and talk to me."

Great Qin Zulong: "Don't you even believe us?"

Palace Master Yihua: "Hey... I paid by mistake after all. The friends in the group are all good people."

Dedicated administrator: ""I don't doubt you, but this matter is of great importance and no information can be disclosed to the outside world. "

Great Qin Zulong: "We are all good people!"

The conscientious administrator said: "You don't have to talk so much. You should learn from our group leaders. The Emperor of Heaven doesn't have so many words.

Emperor of Heaven: "Actually, I do, but unfortunately they send the information too fast..."

Dedicated administrator: "I made the wrong payment..."

(End of this chapter)

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