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Chapter 453 United as One Heart

Chapter 453 United as One

Qin Tian stood on the podium and looked at the soldiers below and the staff on the ship. Their eyes were full of resentment and grief towards themselves. How could they not know the importance of this task?

But his arrogance and rudeness really killed their most important colonel, Fang Sixian. Qin Tian pursed his lips and swallowed to relieve the bitter feeling in his throat.

"I know everyone hates me and I know I made an irreparable mistake. But..."

Qin Tian suddenly raised his head, his eyes wide with anger, full of grief and anger. Now Qin Tian has truly understood the true meaning of kindness that Fang Sitian said to him.

Kindness is not the heart of a holy mother, nor is it a gift given by a saint, but a sincere dedication of what one can give to those oppressed lives that cannot escape the sea of ​​suffering.

"But I hope! Everyone can give me this chance! I will make up for the mistakes I made! Colonel Fang Sixian's unfinished work! We must continue to do it for him!"

Qin Tian's speech really aroused the emotions of the soldiers in the audience, and they all nodded in agreement, but Qin Tian knew that this was not enough. Only by uniting as one can we not disappoint the sacrificed Colonel Fang Sixian and kill that piece of shit. Junjie then avenges Fang Sitian.


At this moment, Fang Sixian's face was filled with pain and tears. There was almost no good spot on his back, and there was not even a complete piece of skin. These were all said by the hero in front of him, and all of them were given by him.

Fang Sitian's whole body trembled and he gritted his teeth viciously. For a whole day, he experienced death, pain and great humiliation, but no matter how heroic Fang Sitian was, he could not make Fang Sitian surrender.

"I don't know what can support you to this point, but it seems that you will not give in no matter what kind of torture..."

"No... I want to know how I, Fang Sitian, became the colonel of the Blue Star Army. I have suffered so much and suffered so much. You don't think you want to scare me with just this little thing, do you?"

Fang Sitian spit out bloody phlegm and looked at Haojie angrily, but Haojie showed no expression at all and just took out something similar to a video camera.

"Don't say it so early. If I record your current appearance and send it to your mothership, will your soldiers have to fight with the last trump card in your hand?"

"You beast! I believe in my sister! If you have the ability to attack me, don't throw dirty water on him!"

Fang Sitian bit her back teeth to warn the hero, but the hero was not afraid at all. He just turned on the camera and pointed it at Fang Sitian's face, recording and talking.

"Fellow Blue Star soldiers, take a good look at the miserable appearance of Colonel Fang Sixian, who was captured by me because of your civil war."

After saying that, a soldier fiercely pressed the bright red iron on Fang Sitian's back, and then pointed the camera at the brand on his back. It was an extremely insulting word printed with the iron. It was two words. .


"Comrades! Don't be deceived! Sister! I believe..."

Before Fang Sitian finished speaking, Haojie had already turned off the camera in his hand and sent it to the mothership where Fang Sitian was.

After Qin Tian on the mothership saw it, he grabbed the Sword of Ten Thousand Buddhas and smashed the display screen into pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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