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Chapter 458 The first battle failed

Chapter 458 The first battle failed

Qin Tian has made all preparations, but in fact, he has been beating a drum in his heart. Although this battle is very difficult and difficult to fight, it will definitely not make the powerful Qin Tian panic.

"What went wrong..."

The upcoming war made the soldiers very nervous. This time, not only was the enemy hidden but we were clear, but the troops led by Qin Tian this time were also very limited. Less than a thousand people could survive, and there was no such thing as Fang Sixian. The commander-in-chief and the cooperation of the soldiers from all walks of life are not yet clear.

"Liang Zi, Li Long, whether this war can be established depends on you. Be sure to investigate clearly. If there is any situation, don't be a hero and report it at any time."

Qin Tian repeatedly warned the two forwards that they had excellent cooperative combat capabilities, and Liangzi's superpowers could also be used as a very important combat capability.

"Don't worry, Colonel, I promise to complete the mission!"

Qin Tianchong and the two nodded, and then signaled them to prepare for a raid. Liangzi Li Long led a small force directly from the mothership to the destination on an assault ship. Due to the baptism of artillery fire, the fortress that was taken out before was now in dilapidated condition, but it looked like There are no enemies stationed here, so I think they won't come again.

"Li Long, prepare to send a signal to the mothership. It seems safe here."

"You have to be careful about everything. It would be bad if there is an enemy ambushing you somewhere."

"The war situation is urgent and every second is a fighter opportunity. Besides, the enemy may have noticed that we have sneaked in... It's better to be careful."

"Okay, let's take defensive measures first... Everyone finds bunkers and builds a defensive circle. If there is any situation, please feel free to contact us!"


The dozens of people in the vanguard carry light assault weapons. Even if there is an enemy attack now, they will not be able to hold out for long. Their main role is to eliminate the enemies who attack the garrison. But now it is surprisingly quiet here, and it doesn't look like anything. It was a stronghold occupied by rebels.

"Why do I feel so wrong?"

"There are enemies now and we can't stop them. Let Adjutant Henry come down quickly! If there are enemies, at least we can stop them."

"Okay, then I'll send the message, and you guys can report it anytime."

Li Long ordered all the soldiers to hide and use imaging technology to check the perimeter of the bunker. Liangzi sent a signal to the mothership to report the situation. After Qin Tian on the mothership heard the signal from Liangzi Li Long, he immediately ordered his adjutant Henry to lead his troops down and stand still. heel.

After Henry led his troops down, Qin Tian suddenly lost contact with Li Long.

"Liangzi Li Long! How are you doing over there? Why can't I hear from you? Answer quickly!"

Qin Tian asked the two forwards anxiously. Because they required speed and speed, Qin Tian asked them to wear only shoelaces and light weapons. If they encountered an enemy who wanted to invest, they would be in trouble... While everyone was anxious, suddenly, came Henry's voice.

"Their signal wasn't very good, I contacted them on the road and they were doing great mothership."

"Ask them to contact the mothership as soon as their signal is restored. I want to know their safety!"

"Don't worry! I understand!"

Qin Tianxuan's heart dropped, but the true situation of Liangzi Li Long... The mothership didn't know.

"Hurry! How long until Henry arrives?"

"It should be soon! I can't contact him! Hold on for a while!"

(End of this chapter)

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