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Chapter 465 The Powerless Battlefield

Chapter 465 The Powerless Battlefield

The doctor shouted a few words to Qin Tian through the communicator and then devoted himself to treating the wounded. However, there were so many people shot that it was abnormal, so we could only take care of those who were seriously injured and not too far away from us as quickly as possible.

"Our actions were discovered by the rebels in the Third Nebula. We don't know the reason."

Suddenly a laser grenade hit the camp and blew up two supplement boxes. Fortunately, there was no one around.

We have too many injured people. I hope it's because we neglected training rather than because the rebels have trained some weirdos... Bring the stretcher over! We need to move the wounded! He lowered his body as much as possible to prevent the shock caused by the explosion from affecting the movements of his hands. Seeing that the stretcher was still not coming, he yelled a few words to urge them to be carried to the back!

Several soldiers rushed over to prepare to carry a stretcher, but they were intercepted by me and drove them back to the blast wall. Now that we are outnumbered and have no air support, we can't separate other people to wait!

He went to the doctor's side, looked at a dozen wounded people, and said to them fiercely.

"If we can't stand it anymore, we all have to finish playing. They will slit our throats one by one and stuff your dick into your own mouths!"

After the doctor finished speaking, he left, taking a few people with minor injuries with him.

"Received, Strikers! These people are so eager to come when they see our shadow, their diplomatic methods haven't changed at all."

The doctor arrived at the already chaotic camp. In addition to the sound of gunfire, he heard panic outside. He jogged to the center of his dormitory. Thinking that this scene was going to be fought until dawn again, he gave up the laser gun and picked up the powerful burst-fire long-range laser gun. , climbed from the stairs to the top of the building and lay down facing the door, with the backpack padded on the chest and the bipod fixed in position.

The doctor used a monocular rangefinder and could only simply calculate the distance and the smoke from the fire next to him to determine the wind direction because he didn't have enough time. The butt of the gun was stuck in the shoulder socket and his index finger was clasped on the machine. The barrel of the scope deviated from the preview to the left and aimed at another vehicle. The motorcycle approaching at a high speed was followed by the sound of a gunshot. It was obvious that sparks were coming from the rear of the car. He immediately corrected his shooting and tried to force him to stop.

"The calculation based on the altitude is wrong. Can anyone be an observer? Someone go to the roof of the dormitory."

Qin Tianming's support will arrive here in 20 minutes. I hope we can hold on. Looking around, there are only 20 people left who can fight. Although the current strength will not provide air support except this time, in the end Still called. Qin Tian hid behind the explosion-proof wall, touched a protective helmet, put it on his head, and blindly fired the weapon.

"Where are you? Come on, we are surrounded by hundreds of rebels!"

Qin Tian anxiously contacted the airship pilot while shooting.

Fortunately, the condition of the injured is not too bad. After treatment, it will be fine if they return to the front soon! Report your situation!

Even when firing several shots in a row, the fire was suppressed blindly at 100 meters without the observer. The specific situation did not reveal the position. Most of the time, the rangefinder calculated the position to provide teammates with the position.

"The azimuth angle is 160. The altitude is the visual range on the flat ground. The visual speed of the truck is approaching the minefield, and you can vaguely see the opponent's eyepiece about meters in front of you!"

I never thought that the iron plate would suddenly collapse and collapse, and I would hit the ground directly. Two wooden planks were clearly visible on my back, and then I would be directly blocked by two iron plates. I could not help but lift it up in the dark. I touched my helmet and turned on the light. I could only see clearly that it formed a triangle, trapping me. live,

"Fuck...the back...the other party seriously suspects that the heavy firepower should be right in front. I tested it myself and found out. By the way, find two people to dig me out."

(End of this chapter)

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