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Chapter 471 A battle to survive

Chapter 471 A battle to survive

But Henry had already defected to the enemy before he came today. He didn't know much about Qin Tian's strength. He just thought that Qin Tian was just one of the foreign aids that men didn't call, and he didn't have much strength. But he He underestimated his strength today. Qin Tian is the Lord of Heaven. And Qin Tian's power is even comparable to that of gods.

It's just that in this vast universe, Qin Tian is not able to display his true strength as usual. Moreover, today he is in Fang Sijing's body, and her strength has been dispersed. His spiritual power has also fallen, but these Nothing could stop Qin Tian from breaking out.

Today I saw Henry quickly strengthen his strength in the air after just doing simple defense. At this time, he also took out an armor-piercing missile from his armored girl. These armor-piercing missiles can better destroy the defense of the protective shield, and even after the destruction, their kick can penetrate deeply into Henry's body.

After the armor-piercing missile was launched quickly, Henry's missile shield was hit with some cracks, but Henry still didn't take it seriously. The armor-piercing missile was then tested with today's kick. It absorbed 200% of the power and cut through the sky in the air. The dark sky suddenly turned into daylight.

A line of flame power was drawn in the daytime sky. This flame was exactly the corner of Qin Tian. This horn moved extremely fast in the air and reached its ultimate power in an instant. This powerful force would make ordinary people scared and run away in panic, but Henry, who didn't know the queen, still faced this kick bravely.

Between the contact between the Horn of Flame and Henry's protective shield, a mushroom cloud of smoke erupted on the ground in an instant, and a three-meter-deep pit appeared under Henry's feet. These pits were not smooth, because the two sides released after taking over. The power has changed the surrounding landscape, and the terrain is completely different from before.

After the smoke faded, it could be seen that Henry's protective shield had been completely broken, with broken scales still scattered around him, and Qin Tian's leg had also been greatly damaged, and his armored leg had It was taken off, revealing Qin Tian's clothes.

All living creatures, plants and animals within a radius of a hundred miles, as well as some soldiers who were watching the duel between the two masters, were instantly reduced to ashes and reduced to nothing. It was just a matter of a split second when the two triggered the battle and the damage was erupted. No one in the entire Blue Star Military Department can resist the damage of these fluctuations.

After the anti-inflammatory and analgesic treatment receded, the pit on my body slowly emerged. Henry was lying motionless on the ground, with a pool of red blood next to him. This blood was what Henry had vomited out. But in the face of these fresh steels, Henry's ability to return to form has eliminated all worries.

Today was the same, followed by an iron fist that hit Henry's face for two minutes, like steel, hitting Henry's face hard. Henry's face was red and purple, and his eyes were full of bloodshot eyes. The right side of his face had been distorted by Qin Tian.

After the battle lasted for a few minutes and saw that Henry had no movement, Qin Tian also stopped the killer and prepared to return to his mothership.

When he turned around and left again, Henry suddenly got up from the ground. He had just pretended to be dead and faced Qin Tian's rain-like fight, but he chose to endure and remain silent.

(End of this chapter)

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