I, Lord of Heaven, join the chat group

Chapter 477 The battle to turn the tide

Chapter 477 The battle to turn the tide

Qin Tian took the Ten Thousand Buddhas Sword and cut through five levels. After passing five levels, he beheaded six generals. He cut off a warrior's arm with his left sword, and pierced the chest of the warrior with one sword. In succession, there were countless casualties. Qin Tian unleashed the wrath of the ancient gods in the lightning and flint, and in conjunction with his Ten Thousand Buddhas Sword, he killed several people on the battlefield. At this time, Qin Tian was already red-eyed.

Facing the corpses scattered on the battlefield, Qin Tian shouted at them.

"As long as you surround that person with this little strength, let me end your lives today. Today I will kill gods and Buddhas."

However, it is because of their barbaric character and unwillingness to admit defeat that the Weiner people want to win. They often use it too much on the planet, on the continent, and in the universe to make a name for themselves. The more enemies they fight, the more courageous they become. Because only after defeating powerful enemies, they can go back to collect their rewards and get titles and titles.

A lifetime of prosperity and wealth is achieved by defeating enemies who are stronger than oneself. Therefore, in the face of Qin Tian's roar and roar, these states of his inspired the troubled man, because there are not many times when he can defeat his powerful enemy, so the troubled man is also extremely excited. If anyone can kill this powerful enemy, he will go back. You will have no worries about food and drink for the rest of your life.

But Qin Tian didn't know the special rules of these troublemakers at all. Therefore, Qin Tian was even more irritated when facing a more useful enemy. The Ten Thousand Buddhas Sword freely passed back and forth between the enemies in his hands, killing the enemies and taking advantage of them. The enemy's life.

But when Henry saw Qin Tian killing his troops, so did Henry. After repairing his own armor, which was repaired with the help of rescue warriors, Henry regained all his energy and joined this unfair duel.

Qin Tian killed seventy or eighty of his enemies. Their corpses were piled up like mountains. At this time, Qin Tian had completely lost his mind. Tianzun cannot be offended. You ants, tremble in front of me. No one can above me. Only I, the Heavenly Lord, am the leader, the master of this universe, humble ant, tremble and destroy.

Henry was worried about this and wanted to go to Qin Tian to fight. But Qin Tian's power at this time was already extraordinary, and he was facing these enemies at a level beyond 500% of his usual state. But these Weiner people did not give in and quickly launched an attack on Qin Tian.

The particle heavy cannons of the Wieners are of a higher level in the universe. Their technological strength is often frightening, and their black technology is even more unexpected. A little carelessness may cause death.

After the first wave of Weiner people were injured by Qin Tian, ​​the second person quickly rushed forward. At this time, their energy cannons had already been charged with energy, and they fired at Qin Tian. Qin Tian also There was no time to dodge.

At this time, he took out his Ten Thousand Demon Sword and circled it in the air. The shells he shot down were extremely incapable of fighting back due to the secret material of the Ten Thousand Buddha Sword. After some confusion, there was no trace of damage. Therefore, after seeing the impact of these weapons on the attack, Henry asked the soldiers to take out the God-killing Cannon fired with heavy ammunition.

This is the appearance of the divine cannon. It is made of obsidian and has a layer of gold around it. The lower seat of the bubble is made of women's tires. It is two meters tall and requires four people to operate it at the same time to launch an attack. This is the grenade of the divine cannon. If it takes a person's head, its power is close to that of an atomic bomb.

(End of this chapter)

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