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Chapter 480 The first test of the Weiner people

Chapter 480 The first test of the Weiner people

Under Qin Tian's witty leadership, the Blue Star troops quickly dressed up as Weiner guards.

There was a lot of back and forth during the janitor launch.

After interspersed, it includes patrol troop gate posts, sentries, security checks, and snipers.

They all became members of the Blue Star Force.

This laid a solid foundation for Qin Tian and the others to test the Weiner people's lair for the first time.

The ancient city gate was slowly opened, surrounding a solemn forbidden area.

This ancient city wall has a tall eagle-man statue erected on each wall.

The red bricks and green tiles set off the dark Eagle Man statue, which looks extremely eerie.

Each tower maintains a corresponding state with each other.

This has the same similarity with traditional Chinese ancient architecture.

But for the architecture of the Wieners, there is something different in these symmetries.

Between each tower and the tower, there will be a sentinel place, which is composed of these places.

Such a close setting does not seem to match the tall and majestic Weiner people.

But it's all like this. The Weiner people, who are thick and thin, have a foothold throughout the entire trip.

The towering ancient castle formed a sharp contrast in the dark night.

It seems dark and terrifying.

The ancient city wall in the background has a mysterious color, but the Blue Star Force does not understand the regional situation of the Weiner people.

Because the radar they used for reconnaissance on the mothership could not see the terrain of the Weiner people.

Because the radar and anti-radar monitoring devices owned by the Wieners are black technologies of civilization in the universe.

This requires some of the more agile personnel in the Blue Star Force to go up to the city wall and start investigating.

Qin Tian was also uneasy. In this strange place, his troops were attacked by some.

His actions were exposed, so he started his own investigation with them today. The group we led today will arrive in about half an hour.

The entire city tower deployed by the Weiner people was clearly touched.

Including the shore station prison and conference hall.

After knowing exactly where they were distributed, I made a simple sketch.

After they returned, their troops were still carrying out the tasks of the Weiner people.

But in order to better understand the replacement situation of great people.

Therefore, Blue Star's wrong survey team stayed in front of the gate of Vienna.

Hidden among the ranks of these sentries, you can better observe the movements of the Weiner people.

After some deployment, Qin Tian led the remaining personnel.

He returned to his mothership with his scratch paper.

After returning to the mothership, he sent the papyrus to the most powerful simulated force in the Blue Star Force.

The simulated force is to model the reconnaissance mission, facing an unfamiliar place.

The main form of the area, the topography, can be simulated through scratch paper.

Including some small details can be displayed.

The mock troops worked an all-nighter to begin their mission.

Finally, these modeling tasks were completed before morning came.

Drawing shows the entire Venerian architecture and terrain troop deployment.

The entire shift situation of the Weiner people, how many people were stationed in each hall, and the entire number of people was also clearly investigated. There are probably more than 1 Weiner people.

Qin Tian, ​​who was still drowsy, woke up quickly after hearing the news.

Qin Tian looked at these modeling graphics and began to plan for the next step.

(End of this chapter)

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