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Chapter 487 Nornos’ Agreement

Chapter 487 Nornos’ Agreement

He rescued them easily, and after rescuing them, the Nornos people tried to save their lives.

Just for this reason, the Weiner people set up a mysterious defense system.

Unless this defense system is opened from the inside, it will be impossible to break through.

Therefore, the Wieners also gained these important powers.

To bully other countries, but other countries are helpless against such defensive capabilities.

The Nornos family has a special rule.

That's one person's upgraded plan, if others have the ability to break it.

You can't interfere with every designer's plan.

Every Nornosian has his own plan, even if his abilities are weak.

If other people have the ability to break their own plans, they are not allowed to do so.

It is precisely because of such regulations that the competition within the Nornos family becomes more intense.

Achievement levels are often achieved by breaking other people's plans. The more achievement points you have, the more prominent your status in the family will be.

Of course, these fighting competitions are only designed within their own family, and they will not intervene once these plans are established.

Such a plan also promotes the competition among the Nornos people. This is like monopoly law.

If anyone sets up a good plan and is adopted by a certain planet or a certain family, he will receive a large amount of bonuses.

This bonus is owned by the individual. After eliminating the tax on the Nornos family, the bonus will be owned in large quantities.

Therefore, this is one of the reasons that drives the Nornos family to continue fighting.

With the support of these defenses, the Weiner people have made greater improvements in improving and upgrading their equipment.

They began to act more unscrupulously, attacking and exterminating many other people around them.

Hence their notoriety throughout the universe. It is precisely because of their amazing defense.

Therefore, they are acquiring more and more hidden weapon materials throughout the universe.

This was one of the reasons why they later captured those modified creatures for research.

The 8th floor is where some mysterious weapons are stored.

Among them are the storage of nanomaterials, ultraviolet, infrared lights and some radioactive weapons. These weapons are not disclosed to the public.

It has become an important weapon for the Weiner people. In fact, it has another use in these most mysterious places.

It means to imprison some biological people, transform and kill them, and obtain their genes and DNA. Only in this way can they become more powerful for their own biotechnology.

After exploring the manufacturing camp, he was preparing to leave the manufacturing camp.

"What is Armored 48 doing here? This is the secret forbidden area of ​​our Weiner people.

Why are you here. "

Suddenly, a man wearing a pirate turban suddenly appeared. The person here was dressed like a Nurnos.

Today I was thinking about why the Nornos people appeared here.

Could it be that they have any cooperation with the Weiner people? There are still some hidden secrets.

"Hey, Armor 48, I'm talking to you. What are you doing here?"

"Armored No. 48 reported to Professor, I have received instructions from our captain and I need to run around the entire castle three times.

I suddenly had a stomachache, so I came to the manufacturing camp and looked for the bathroom, but I couldn't find it. "

"Oh. Will the Wieners also break the rules because of diarrhea?

I have been coming to your place for so many years, and this is the first time I heard about it. It is so unexpected.

(End of this chapter)

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