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Chapter 546 Destruction of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 546 Destruction of Heaven and Earth

Faced with the enemy, Planet Gith and Planet Soul got off the spaceship even more aggressively.

The strength of both sides is similar, but because of the large number of people on Planet Keen and Planet Shuer.

The situation on the battlefield was reversed in an instant.

Thousands of troops rushed to the Weiner's lair.

The Weiner army also came to send its own troops to resist these loopholes.

However, the enemy was numerous and well-equipped, and the defense system was instantly reduced to powder.

After the Weiner people saw the defense system that made their people proud was destroyed.

The anger increased instantly.

This anger comes from the enemy's sneak attack.

Dewey also broke through the enemy's rear defense line in an instant.

Leading the personnel trained on the planet Morse, they attacked the enemy's rear with well-equipped weapons.

But the Weiner people didn't know anything about this, and they were trying their best to resist the pressure from the front line.

Therefore, under these conditions, the time, place and people are favorable.

Zhang Yang and Qin Tian said to the two staff members:

"I'm asking you now to arrange bombs throughout the entire manufacturing industry."

Zhang Yang felt that what Qin Tian said was not clear enough and continued to add:

"The bomb you placed must ensure that after the explosion, the entire building collapses instantly."

"This is your final mission."

Qin Tian continued:

"The success of your mission depends on this battle."

"Just think about it, you are now serving the Blue Star Force, and the victory of this battle will determine whether you join the Blue Star Force."

The two staff members were very knowledgeable about current affairs, so they cooperated with Jiang Yang's new technology C4 bomb.

After setting up the battle, the C4 bomb was set to explode within three minutes.

Qin Tian and his party quickly escaped from the manufacturing oil.

During the escape, contact was made with Dewey.

Prepare to meet Dewey and his Blue Star troops.

A very unfortunate thing happened at this moment.

Qin Tian and his party collided head-on with Du Ken, the leader of the Weiner people. Dukan was also coming out of Fang Sitian's cage.

Therefore, Dukan, the leader of the Weiner people, will not let the enemy go easily.

At this time, Dukan, the leader of the Weiner people, was the first to speak.

"Are you Qin Tian? That's all."

Qin Tian looked at Du Ken, the leader of the Weiner people who was so arrogant and said:

"Are you worthy of standing here and talking to me?"

Dukan, the leader of the Weiner people, still said contemptuously:

"Your fiancée feels great, but it's a pity. I already own her."

Qin Tian did not understand the meaning of Du Ken, the leader of the Weiner people.

Said to Dukan:

"My fiancée? What the hell, I never had a fiancée."

Duken, the leader of the Weiner people, said:

"Hahaha, it's that Fang Sixian. Your fiancée is really good. It would be a pity to follow you."

Qin Tian did not expect Du Ken, the leader of the Weiner people, to say such a thing.

In an instant, Qin Tian's anger arose spontaneously.

But Zhang Yang didn't know who Fang Sixian was, so he asked Qin Tian cautiously:

"Commander, who is Fang Sixian? Why haven't I heard this name before?"

Qin Tian said to Zhang Yang:

"Fang Sitian is a colonel of the Blue Star Force. He was captured by the enemy during a mission."

"When I called you to summon her, she was already gone."

After Zhang Yang knew Fang Sitian's identity, he seemed to have seen Qin Tian's anger.

Qin Tian was worried that he would hurt Zhang Yang and his party during the battle with Du Ken, the leader of the Duvina people.

He said to Zhang Yang and the others:

"You go first. We must win this battle."

(End of this chapter)

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