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Chapter 550 Resurrection Potion

Chapter 550 Resurrection Potion

His potion turned out to be a resurrection potion.

Why he can fully recover his physical strength every time is because of the effect of this resurrection potion.

Qin Tian saw the potion falling on the ground.

Said to Dukan, the leader of the Weiner people:

"Fighting requires real talent, your little tricks won't work."

"Without the rebirth potion, let's start a fair duel now!"

It seems that Dukan, the leader of the Weiner people, does not appreciate it.

After his potion was discovered, he was very embarrassed.

But in order to save his dignity, he still said bravely:

"You two bully the other, what kind of heroes are you?"

"If you have the ability, let me connect my hands and arms. This is the only fair fight."

Dewey did not want to satisfy his request and said to Qin Tian:

"This person is vicious and cunning, and should not be trusted. It is recommended that he be killed directly to prevent future worries."

But Qin Tian seemed to be annoyed by him.

He held the Sword of Ten Thousand Buddhas aggressively and thrust it into the ground.

Qin Tian bent down and picked up the potion, then picked up the bloody hand.

He gave them all back to Dukan and said to Dukan contemptuously:

"Since you want a fair duel, then I will satisfy you. Let you see what a real man is."

Dukan, the leader of the Weiner people, looked at the potion in his hand.

Regardless of the embarrassment, he lay down on the ground and picked up the potions.

Quickly inject these medicines into your body.

In an instant, Dukan, the leader of the Weiner people who had just been in a state of embarrassment, suddenly became energetic.

Qin Tian looked at Du Ken, the leader of the Weiner people who had recovered, and pulled out his Ten Thousand Buddhas Sword from the ground.

He pointed at Dukan, the leader of the Weiner people, and said to him:

"Can we start a fair fight now?" Facing such a merciless enemy, the leader of the Weiner people, Dukan, secretly rejoiced.

The leader looked at the rejuvenated body, looked at Qin Tian fiercely and said:

"I admire your gentlemanly conduct."

"But on the battlefield, how can such ridiculous behavior be seen?"

Qin Tian also looked at Du Ken, the leader of the Weiner people, and said with disdain:

"No matter how many opportunities I give you, you will eventually be defeated by me."

Faced with such a provocation, the leader of the Weiner people was naturally angry.

Du Ken, the leader of the Weiner people, said to Qin Tian:

"Then let's have a real competition. The winner can be decided on the battlefield. Talking is just in vain."

The two got into position and began their battle.

Dukan, the leader of the Weiner people who had regained his strength, was also the first to launch an attack.

The figure at the speed of light quickly passed by Qin Tian, ​​and hit Qin Tian's face with a hard left hook.

Qin Tian was confused by this ghostly pace, and he quickly counterattacked.

Jumping into the air, he was more than three meters above the ground, and he could see everything on the ground clearly from the air.

Facing the fast pace of Dukenna, the leader of the Weiner people, he did not panic at all.

The mecha equipped on Qin Tian's back functions as a jet rocket and has air control capabilities.

Dukan, the leader of the Weiner people, immediately jumped up from the ground, and the two fought in the air.

Qin Tian had an absolute advantage in the air, and the Ten Thousand Buddhas Sword was also placed in his backpack.

He took out another weapon modified by Zhang Yang from his backpack, the Lightning 5-Continuous Whip.

This Lightning 5-Continuous Whip is a simple whip that can emit lightning speed when attacking.

You can even let the person with the whip launch a lightning attack.

(End of this chapter)

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