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Chapter 556 Breaking through and releasing the line

Chapter 556 Breaking through and releasing the line

Dukan, the leader of the Vita people, simply couldn't believe that his top hidden weapon could be destroyed so easily.

Therefore, when Qin Tian was not paying attention to the leader of the Wei Na people, Du Ken.

Holding his Ten Thousand Buddhas Sword, he quickly found the back of Dukan, the leader of the Weiner people.

Today, he used the back of his Ten Thousand Buddhas Sword to hit Dukan, the leader of the Weiner people, on the back of his head.

Dukan, the leader of the Weiner people, was knocked to the ground on the spot and fell unconscious.

And then there was good news.

The people on the planets Zeon and Soul have been freed from the intrusion of chemical weapons, and the Blue Star forces have also completely breached the territory of the Vena people from the front.

The trainers from Planet Morse, whom Dewey trained so hard, also completely occupied the rear of the Weiner territory.

The armored soldiers on the Weiner territory are now scattered and irregular.

After Qin Tian saw this situation, he quickly said to Dewey:

"You should immediately tell all the armored soldiers to shrink the Weiner territory into an encirclement."

"Check every place, don't let any Weiner armored soldiers go, escort them all to the central hall."

Dewey walked to both sides and began to hand out tasks.

Qin Tian looked at Zhang Yang with a smile, and then turned to Du Ken, the leader of the Weiner people who was unconscious.

The two of them knew what it meant without saying anything.

Zhang Yang and Qin Tian took out a few pieces of hemp rope from their backpacks and tied Du Ken, the leader of the Weiner people, in the central hall.

At this time, the leader of the Weiner people, Fukou, was still unconscious, and he was at his mercy.

After another 30 minutes of long waiting, the encirclement was finally reduced to the central hall.

All the remaining more than 1000 armored personnel and Weiner armored personnel had their weapons confiscated and escorted to the hall.

The commander-in-chief of each army confiscated all the weapons of their Weiner armored personnel.

Because of Dewey's order from the street, the task required that unless there was resistance to the recalcitrant Wieners, all survivors would be left alive and their weapons confiscated. Dewey already had his own ideas about this move.

He just hopes to increase the number of troops for his Blue Star Force so that he can serve his new troops more effectively.

The encirclement was getting smaller and smaller, and Qin Tian looked at the shrinking encirclement and a large number of enemies with confiscated weapons.

They also felt very happy.

What makes me happy is not that I can gain so many enemies, but that I feel that this victory is not easy.

Finally the encirclement narrowed down.

Qin Tian walked to the highest place and shouted to everyone:

"The dust of this war has finally settled, and the battle situation has been decided. Do you Weiner people have anything else to say?"

The crowd below was noisy, noisy and noisy, but they did not hear what Qin Tian said.

Dewey asked everyone to stay calm and listen to the commander-in-chief's words.

Under Dewey's strong control, the entire venue quickly became silent.

Therefore Qin Tian was able to give a complete speech.

Qin Tian shouted to everyone:

"The dust of this war has finally settled, and the battle situation has been decided."

"You Weiner people have done a lot of evil, burning, killing and looting. Today I will conduct a just trial."

The noisy Weiner people below shouted again, and the venue was once again agitated.

Dewey fired several blank shots into the air, and the venue fell silent again amid the violent gunfire.

Suddenly a childish voice shouted from below.

"Can you surrender? I hope you can treat those who surrender leniently."

(End of this chapter)

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