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Chapter 560 Heading to Prison

Chapter 560 Heading to Prison
An old man slowly walked out of the crowd. This old man seemed to know Fang Sixian's location.

Qin Tian hurriedly walked down the stage to greet the old man. When he came to the old man's side, he supported him with both hands.

Qin Tian said to the old man:
"Hello, old man, do you know the location of our colonel?"

The old man looked at Qin Tian calmly, picked up his crutch and said to Qin Tian:

"I used to be the prison administrator in the Weiner territory, and I know where your colonel is."

"Then you lead the way now. Our war this time is mainly about us, Colonel. Eradicating the evil forces is only part of our mission."

Therefore, facing Qin Tian's words, the old man also walked towards the prison:
Qin Tian was restless along the way. Facing Fang Sixian, he didn't know what kind of identity he would use.

Therefore, Qin Tian could not imagine what kind of abuse his fiancée suffered in prison.

But Qin Tian thought to himself that no matter what happened, he would never dislike his fiancée.

Therefore, Qin Tian walked in a hurry and asked the old man cautiously.

"Old man, what is the situation like for our colonel in prison?"

The old man smiled and said nothing, but Qin Tian kept asking, and the old man simply said:

"Your colonel will not have a good life. I hope you won't be too excited for a while."

Faced with such words, Qin Tian instantly felt that his colonel would not end well.

But he had already thought clearly that his colonel was captured by the enemy because of his wrong decision at the time.

Moreover, during the days when Fang Sixian disappeared, Qin Tian felt it.

Perhaps Fang Sixian is the one who truly belongs to him.

Qin Tian followed the old man's pace closely, and Qin Tian discovered when facing the old man's slow pace.

I just followed the old man's footsteps, but it was a bit difficult. This old man was unknown, hiding his own strength and walking at a seemingly slow pace. In fact, the old man stepped out with great force.

But Qin Tian didn't notice these details. His mind was now filled with Fang Sitian's situation.

Finally, after a long journey of more than ten minutes, the old man brought Qin Tian to a gloomy place.

The place is filled with the smoky smell, and the soil on the ground has turned from yellow to black.

There are always a few crows squawking above the prison, and the trees around here have long turned into dead wood.

The swamp next to it exudes a foul smell, and from time to time you can see a few hands that have not sunk to the bottom of the swamp.

At the gate of the prison, there were several white corpses.

The corpses appeared to be rotting, with crows gnawing on them.

When Qin Tian saw this, he almost lost his mind.

He couldn't believe how the pampered colonel Fang Sixian could live here like a year.

His eyes were filled with tears, thinking that if he hadn't talked back with Fang Sitian at that time.

Without the battle with Fang Sitian, perhaps not so many things would have happened.

The old man took out a long set of keys and found the one to the prison door accurately.

After successfully opening the door, the prison door was slowly opened. There were several black and yellow street lamps that were about to lose power in the corridor of the prison.

The whole gloomy and terrifying sign came to the fore. After hearing the sound of the door opening, some prisoners began to become restless.

(End of this chapter)

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