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Chapter 569 Late Night Meeting

Chapter 569 Late Night Meeting
After hearing this order, Dewey also nodded towards Qin Tian.

Fang Sitian continued to announce:

"The general leader of our Blue Star Force is on our Blue Star planet."

"I will also announce to the leaders of the male planet as soon as possible that Qin Tian has officially joined our Blue Star Force."

After Zhang Yang heard the news, he suddenly felt unhappy.

Qin Tian observed the words and expressions, and then said to Zhang Yang:

"With the addition of personnel this time, there is another person who has made great contributions."

Fang Sitian looked at Qin Tian in confusion. Could it be that she had forgotten someone?
At this time, Qin Tian smiled and looked at Fang Sixian.

Qin Tian smiled at Zhang Yang:

"This young and promising researcher must not be left behind."

"In this battle, without Zhang Yang's help, we might not have survived."

After listening to Qin Tian's words, Fang Sitian said to Zhang Yang awkwardly:

"I'm sorry for ignoring you. I always thought you were a member of this mothership."

Zhang Yang also smiled politely and waved his hand to show that he didn't mind what Fang Sitian said just now.

Fang Sitian looked at Zhang Yang and didn't care about it, and continued her speech:
"Everyone has contributed a lot to this battle."

The other three of them laughed and said nothing. Dewey smiled at Qin Tian and then said:

"Thanks to the commander-in-chief's planning this time, without the commander-in-chief's precise plan, perhaps we would not be able to succeed."

After hearing these words today, he also smiled and said to Fang Sixian:

"Most of the tasks this time are the result of Dewey alone."

"I am planning carefully. If there is not a person who performs the task very strictly, it will be in vain." "This time on Morse Planet, the 2000 people trained have all passed through the hands of Dewey."

After hearing these words, Dewey quickly waved his hand. Perhaps Qin Tian had exaggerated a bit.

Dewey was thinking to himself, while Qin Tian continued:
"We, as scientific researchers, have developed many secret weapons during battles."

"It was of great help in the battle, and the chemical weapons of the Vena people were also effectively restrained."

Zhang Yang stood up and said to everyone:

"This is not my fault alone. I hope the commander-in-chief will not attribute this victory to me."

A group of people exchange cups and cups, really wanting to give the credit to each other. No one wants to have such a big credit.

Fang Sitian smiled and said:
"Everyone played a role in this battle, and everyone cooperated perfectly."

"No one can do without these links in the middle. Since no one is willing to bear such a heavy responsibility, let me announce the job rewards for this battle."

Fang Sitian took out a piece of paper and pen and clearly divided the winning positions of this battle one by one.

After calculating for a long time, the other three people were also playing and chatting.

After all the tasks were completed, Fang Sitian saw three men playing and playing.

He said to the three of them:
"Men never grow up, it's time for you three to stop."

"I have assigned our tasks. Let's all sit down and take a look at the tasks."

The three laughing men sat down and stared at Fang Sixian's handwriting.

The fair and just regular script is slowly revealed on this pure and flawless paper.

Every stroke is very smooth, which makes people fascinated when looking at it.

(End of this chapter)

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