Chapter 685 Regret
Such an outstanding person actually spent his entire life pursuing these two goals.

Isn’t such a spirit very touching? The Weiner man Ah Hao also stood up and hugged the old man.

This proves that the old man understands too many problems in the world and sees through many doubts in the world.

I can learn a lot from this old man, but this old man’s goal has already been achieved.

He didn't know that he would die in the future. Thinking of this, Weiner Ah Hao felt a little regretful.

Such a knowledgeable old man has seen through all the changes in the world.
He survived every change of centuries.

Even in a cruel crisis like war, he still managed to survive.

He participated in hundreds of wars, big and small, in his life, and he was always at the forefront.

And the person who is most trusted will never die, and he also has the bullet marks and scratches that the big man has.

At this time, Weiner Ah Hao asked him curiously:
"Aren't you afraid every time you fight?"

"Shouldn't the people who rush to the front of the battlefield be the cannon fodder on the battlefield?"

"I feel like those charging at the front of the battlefield are just cannon fodder."

Carl also looked at the Weiner man Ah Hao in front of him. He smiled and said to me:
"Things are not what you think. Those who bravely charge into battle on the battlefield will not die so early."

"On the battlefield, if you want to escape, you are faster."

“It’s true that bullets don’t aim at you on the battlefield, but the more courageous you are, the further away death will be from you.”

"The faster you run, the harder it is for the god of death to catch up with you."

The Weiner Ahao also seemed to understand these principles because of his experience on the battlefield.

Both sides used artillery shells as their main offensive purpose, and bullet attacks were very rare.

Both sides prepared their artillery shells before the battle.

These shells were placed at the rear of the battlefield, and once the war started, they would fall to the ground like meteors.

At this time, the artillery shells of both sides were fired at the maximum distance, and they wanted to hit others directly with their shells.

And if some shells are powerful, the AOE damage involved can also be terrifying.

Therefore, in the face of changes on the battlefield, the artillery shells of both sides only bombarded the enemy's rear.

Facing some of the soldiers ahead, it might be a waste to fire these deadly weapons.

Therefore, when faced with such a situation, people will not fight for the few soldiers in front of them.

On the contrary, the more you escape, the safer you feel the rear battlefield is.

But the more you think like this, the sooner you will die.

The rear was bombarded by artillery fire in turn, and a serious war was underway.

The position below may be bombarded seventy or eighty times if you are fighting alone.

I'm afraid there won't be even ashes left after the explosion, which is why we always have to charge forward during war.

The earlier you rush, the farther away they are from you, and when you rush to the enemy position.

The enemy personnel may not have reacted yet, as they didn't know they would come so early.

If you hold a weapon at this time, you will catch them off guard.

Therefore, facing such a situation, Mr. Kyle also saw through the secret of the entire battlefield.

Therefore, when fighting, he would rush forward desperately and would never choose to escape because of his cowardice.

(End of this chapter)

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