I, Lord of Heaven, join the chat group

Chapter 91 Yin Tianzi opens the underworld to become a god

Chapter 91 Yin Tianzi opens the underworld to become a god

The six paths of reincarnation stand, those who are extremely vicious.

Thinking that it has come to the end, crazy provocation.

After all, they don't want to enter the animal realm.

Now at this time, what are you afraid of?
What if the next life is a beast?

Anyway, in the next life, I can't remember.

Even if it is God?
What if it's the queen?

They are not afraid of death.

Is it possible that I can't, before the reincarnation, put two harsh words?

All the powerful people are watching this scene, not knowing what to say.

Heavenly Court has used the body of the Immortal King to warn those provocateurs.

Is someone provoking now?
Do you think that you have fallen and only your soul is left, so you have nothing to fear?
Naive right?

Forbidden Heaven will tell these people.

The fate of the provocateur.

And the next move of the emperor also proved their idea.

Qin Tian looked at this scene and said coldly, "It's really a bunch of people who don't know how to live or die."

Heaven is not to be humiliated.

God is not to be humiliated.

Afterwards, Mother Earth should not be humiliated.

Empress Houtu is the Queen of Heaven, and also the Taoist Companion of his Heavenly Emperor.

In front of him, he cursed his Taoist companion.

When he is the emperor, is he dead?

Do these people think that death is the end?
Do you think that if you die, you will be able to enter the reincarnation directly?

He will tell these people that death is not the end.

Wanting to die, wanting to be reincarnated, is not so easy.

He will tell these people, what is the real terror?
What is it, you can't live without dying.

Qin Tian has never been so angry since his debut.

These people are really ignorant and fearless.

I thought it was the end.

So, this is the final madness.

Anyway, to reincarnation, nothing to be afraid of.

Next life, let's talk about it in the next life.

It is a pity that it is not so easy to want to die and to be reincarnated.

Qin Tian's indifferent voice sounded.

"In the name of the Son of Yama, I will send you to the eighteenth layer of the endless hell. You will be in the endless hell for all your souls year after year, forever and ever. You will never be reincarnated."

"You and the others will be in the endless hells, life after life, without seeing the sun."

The words fell, and the edict sounded.

All these ghosts have been cast into the endless hell.

If we talk about the seventeen layers of hell in front, it is a sinful one.

The time required for atonement is long.

But at least there is still one hope, after the atonement is completed, the reincarnation can be reincarnated.

Even the 17th level of hell provides a chance for reincarnation.

Then the endless hell did not give them the slightest chance.

The souls who have been cast into the endless hell will live in the endless hell forever, atonement for their sins, without end.

If you want to come out, if you want to reincarnate, it is impossible.

At this time, these vicious people finally understood.

The terrible thing is not to enter the reincarnation of the animal realm.

The terrible thing is that he was thrown into the endless hell.

Even the rest of hell still has a chance.

And being thrown into the endless hell, life after life, every year, will be tortured.

However, they didn't survive at all.

Their future is to be tortured in the endless hell.

"Forgive your life! Heavenly Emperor spare your life! Your Majesty spare your life!"

"Forgive me, I don't dare anymore, Empress Houtu spare my life!"

"Your Majesty, I am blind, and I offend Your Majesty. Your Majesty is merciful, please spare your life."

At this time, they finally understood and began to beg for mercy.

Sadly, it didn't work at all.

And Qin Tian took action, so that the rest of the souls would no longer dare to resist.

They don't want to be thrown into the eighteen layers of hell.

Many powerful people, watching this scene, feel a bit ridiculous.

"The ants delusionally want to provoke the majesty of the giant dragon, thinking that as long as they die, it will end. Unfortunately, it is not easy to die."

"Why don't they understand?"

They understand more about the horror of Heavenly Court's strength.

To provoke heaven, death is not the most terrible.

The scary thing is, life is better than death.

And above the sky, a boundless golden rain descended, shrouded in Houtu Empress.

This turned out to be the light of merit and virtue that descended from this side of heaven.

The power of merit, the creation of merit, comes.

Qin Tian sent those ignorant people into the endless hell.

Then, he moved towards the prehistoric world and shook his hand.

The book of life and death and the judge's pen appeared.

Of course, this is not the body of Life and Death Book and Judge Pen.

This is just an imitation of the life and death book and the judge's pen.

With a bit of life and death and the power of the judge's pen.

But for the underworld in this world, it is enough.

Qin Tian looked towards the underworld.

The underworld in this world is empty, and there are no underworld gods to sit in.

This time, it was because Empress Houtu took action and used the rules of heaven to allow these ghosts to enter the six paths of reincarnation.But in the future, this underworld will still need people to take charge.

Qin Tian's voice spread all over the world.

"Today, in the name of the Son of Heaven, I have ordered the world."

"Six paths of reincarnation stand, the place of ghosts and gods in the underworld is empty, and this world opens the underworld to confer gods."

"Those who have great merit in this realm can become ghosts and gods in the underworld in this realm, and they can prove the position of the gods in the underworld."

Qin Tian said, taking out a breath of Fengshen Bang and refining a volume of imitation Fengshen Bang.

This list of conferred gods lies directly above Cang Yu.

This imitation of the Conferred God List is completely integrated with the rules of the Heavenly Dao of this side of the world.

One name came up.

These are all people in this world who have great merit.

The underworld conferred gods are opened, as long as the heaven senses.

The name will appear on the Conferred God List.

After the conferring of gods in the underworld is over, those who remain on the list of conferred gods.

Everyone can enter the underworld in this world and become the ghosts and gods of the underworld.

Although it is said that it is not comparable to the position of the god of the underworld in the prehistoric world.

But in this world, there is a great opportunity and great fortune.

Moreover, this world has already been connected with the prehistoric world.

If these people are doing well.

I will never be able to enter the prehistoric heaven.

Of course, there is no need for him to preside over the latter.

In this world, the Tao of Heaven will automatically sense everything.

There will be no injustice.

At this time, above the sky, a rain of merit and virtue, not only shrouded the Queen Mother.

It also enveloped Qin Tian.

Qin Tian is not only the Emperor of Heaven, he also has an identity.

In the prehistoric world, the secret controller of the underworld, the real master of the underworld, the Emperor Yama.

It is precisely because of this that the six paths of reincarnation appear and the underworld appears.

He, the cloudy emperor, also gained the power of merit.

Houtu Niangniang felt the improvement of her own strength, as well as the increase of her merits.

She sighed and said, "I really didn't expect that not only did I improve my strength, but I also gained the power of merit."

Empress Houtu can also be regarded as a meritorious witness.

Controlling the rules of reincarnation of the six realms and expanding the authority of the six realms, she can improve her own strength.

Similarly, gathering the power of merit can also allow her to improve her own strength.

Not long after he attained Consummation, he increased his strength again.

Even if it is the indifference of the lady of the earth in the future, at this moment, there is a bit of joy.

"Bengong feels that today's Nuwa is definitely not Bengong's opponent."

Empress Houtu looked at Qin Tian and asked with a smile, "What do you think? Your Majesty?"

Stronger than the Nuwa Empress?

How can I answer your question?

This is the fatal question.

If you are known by the goddess Nuwa, I will say that you are better than her.

Then she is afraid that she is going to trouble me.

Will I be yours?

Qin Tian slandered in his heart, and his face was very indifferent.

Then, the topic was directly changed.

"I really didn't expect that I would actually gain the power of merit."

"did not think of?"

Empress Houtu chuckled and said, "When Ben Gong created the Six Paths, the position of the Son of Heaven was taken by you long ago."

"In the prehistoric times, I only know the Ten Temples of Yama, how do I know that the Lord of the Underworld, the Son of Yama, is the Emperor of Heaven?"

Qin Tian laughed and said nothing.

Instead, he said, "This world has ended, and we should go back."

Qin Tian didn't say more, he took the Queen Mother Houtu and left this world directly.

Things in this world have come to an end.

The latter matter does not require him to come forward in person.

In this world, it is completely boiling.

Heavenly Court Tianhou created six reincarnations.

From then on, there were six paths of reincarnation in this world.

This is a shock to those who do evil.

There are gods who raise your head three feet. You sin in your life, but you have to atone for your sins after death.

And the Heavenly Court Heavenly Emperor opened the underworld to confer the gods.

This is an opportunity for all living beings.

The power of heaven is undeniable.

To become the ghosts and gods of the underworld in this world, in a certain sense, it is backed by the heaven.

So in this world, start to compete.

In order to be the god of heaven and earth.

Everyone knows that this is a great creation.

It should be noted that the underworld was established by the queen of heaven.

As long as they enter this realm, they will definitely be able to improve their strength and break through themselves.

Don't say anything else.

The reincarnation of the six realms and the underworld are all related to the rules of reincarnation of the six realms.

And the six-path rule, before, has always been a taboo.

And they became ghosts and gods in the underworld, and to a certain extent, they came into contact with this taboo rule.

Therefore, after the Heavenly Emperor left, in this world, the wind and clouds were surging, and the wind and clouds were turbulent.

All the creatures are chasing, and the underworld is a god.

(End of this chapter)

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