Chapter 115

Daluo never prevents others from becoming enlightened.

On the contrary, they enjoy being teachers.

I am very happy to spread my Da Luo way.

They are lonely, lonely, and eagerly hope that more Da Luo will appear.

This is true not only for the Buddhist sect, the Taoist sect, the demonic sect, the witch clan, the demon clan, and even other major forces.

It is also because of this that the Lingbao Great Heavenly Lord incarnates as the Tongtian Cult Master and spreads the Taoism widely, teaching all kinds of things.

This is why we have the great wish that Buddhism is vast and all living beings can become Buddhas.

Even Yuanshi Tianzun did not hesitate to preach, but he had requirements for qualifications, and the so-called qualifications were character.

For the disciples he recognized, Yuanshi Tianzun did his best to teach them according to their aptitude.

He wants to crush all the avenues and feed them into your mouth, just because you don't understand.

When it comes to protecting shortcomings, Yuanshi Tianzun is well-known in all major circles.

As for Li Dan, the leader of the Three Pure dynasties, he went a step further.

He has had countless incarnations, spread across every corner of the heavens and the world, left Hangu Pass in the west, and left behind five thousand mantras of the great road.

In just five thousand words, the Tao has exhausted all the ways of Da Luo and the method of transcendence.

Unfortunately, it still has little effect.

Daluo is still difficult to prove.

This can be known just by looking at the number of Da Luo under the Sanqing sect.

They have been "Pangu" for more than ten epochs, but there are only less than a hundred people under their command.

It’s still the number of three people combined.

It can be seen from this that even if you become a disciple of a big man like Sanqing, there is no guarantee that you will achieve Daluo.

This is what is meant by the saying that there are two kinds of rituals between heaven and man, and that only humans can practice the Tao in vain.

Therefore, even if the Taoist ancestor preaches in person, there is no guarantee that Chen Feng will be able to achieve Daluo.

In the end, it was only because of his own efforts that he succeeded.

It has a lot to do with his own mentality.

He begged Da Luo, but was not persistent. Even if he failed, he would accept it happily.

It is in line with the mentality of doing nothing and doing everything mentioned in Li Dan's Tao Te Ching.

Chen Feng felt this way when he looked at Zhao Wuxia at this time.

She has a great Taoist heart.

It is possible to prove the existence of Daluo.

But even so, hope remains slim.

After all, Yuanshi Tianzun has had countless disciples in so many eras, and all those who are recognized by him are those who have the heart of Daluo.

In the end, only a dozen people became enlightened.

Era after era passed by, only these dozen people were always by his side.

When Chen Feng saw her, he began to cherish and appreciate her.

A disciple seeks a teacher, but little does he know that a master seeks a disciple.

When Buddhism was on the rise, Da Luo lost his face even if he mentioned the sentence "You are destined to the West". Isn't it because good disciples are hard to find?

This Zhao Wuxia is a rare piece of jade.

If it were placed in the wilderness, I am afraid that all the major forces would immediately focus on it and wait for an opportunity to take action.

Fortunately, her time in Honghuang was short and she didn't attract anyone's attention.

Hmm...not necessarily.

Chen Feng pondered slightly, the eyes of those Da Luo were very sharp. Although they would not turn on Da Luo's perspective to seek boredom on weekdays, it was not difficult to find Zhao Wuxia.

Maybe she is being targeted now.

Chen Feng thought to himself, keeping a cautious eye on it.

He used his own Da Luo light to mark Zhao Wuxia silently, so that if there were other Da Luo around her, he would be the first to know.

As for rushing down now to recruit disciples eagerly, and then cooking the raw rice into cooked rice, Chen Feng was not so eager yet.

Daluo, he pays attention to face.

Everything should happen naturally and naturally.

After doing all this, he returned his gaze to the main temple.

Speaking of which, what can this thing do for me?
He thought about it and soon got an idea.

Aren't you the real Huanglong who wants to search for games in all the worlds?

The original purpose of creating the Lord God Space was to find innate spiritual treasures.

not much differences.

Chen Feng's mind suddenly became active. If he used the Lord God's space in front of him and placed a ray of light in his body, he would be equal to the Lord God.In this way, all reincarnators will have their own characteristics when doing tasks.

As long as there is Da Luo in that world, I can sense it immediately.

That's right, the Daluo in the game worlds have their own concealment. Even the same Daluo can only be sensed after arriving in the world where they are.

Otherwise it's all in vain.

This is why Hou Tu, who had been a "Pangu", could not directly use his magical powers to find the real Huanglong.

But now that he has the Lord God Space, the efficiency of his search will be greatly improved.

Although we are still looking for a needle in a haystack, there is hope at least.

The more Chen Feng thought about it, the more feasible it became, and he stood up with a smile.

Although he stood up, a ball of light was left on the throne of the main temple, emitting a transcendent light.

This is a ray of thought left by Chen Feng.

Then, he smiled and pointed towards the main god space below.

In an instant, an unknown number of main god spaces suddenly lit up, emitting eternal light.

As in the beginning.

Zhao Wuxia opened his eyes, looked at the main god that suddenly lit up, and said nothing.

Unlike the other confused Samsara team, she knew more or less the inside story.

After all, Chen Feng forced the Lord God out right in front of her eyes and chased him out.

"Did the Lord God win and return?"

She thought to herself, and as her eyes moved, she thought of another possibility.

"Or... the Lord God is no longer the same one as before..."

She raised her head and looked up, but she could only see the white space wall reflecting the eternal light, and could not see anything.

She calmed down and stopped thinking about these things.

This was too far away from her and she couldn't get involved.

She stood up and walked towards the main god. She raised her hand, and the redemption page of the main god naturally appeared in front of her.

Nothing has changed.

She thought in her heart that it was a good thing, as this would give her a chance to resurrect Eve and the others.

She glanced at the main god exchange list, but her eyes suddenly froze.


She noticed a slight change in her strength evaluation column.

"It's not that my strength has changed, it's that the Lord God has changed his level."

She suddenly realized something in her heart, and with a thought, she had summoned the Lord God's classification of levels.

This time, a new realm suddenly appeared above Taiyi Golden Immortal.

There is no description, no explanation, just two simple words.


Zhao Wuxia stared at these two words blankly, feeling unprecedented joy in his heart.

Daluo... Daluo...

It turns out that there really is a realm above Taiyi Golden Immortal, and it turns out that the Supreme God is not the end.

She was extremely certain that the Chen Feng she had seen in the prehistoric times, and even those strong men in the Lich War, were definitely at this level.

She held the sword with confusion in her eyes.

I really want to take a look.

The world in Daluo's eyes.


In the ancient wilderness, on the mountain peak where Chen Feng's cave was located, a figure appeared silently.

As soon as he returned to the ancient times, he took off the wine gourd from his waist and took two swigs.

At the same time, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I'm back, I'm exhausted."

He never expected that just by bumping into a reincarnation team that was taking advantage of the chaos, he would cause so many troubles and even involve Di Su.

But it was finally solved, and the final result was good.

He put down the gourd and felt happy when he thought about the harvest of Xuan Ni's Gate.

This wave is fine.

He thought, looking up to the sky.

I wonder how the Lich War went, who won?

(End of this chapter)

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