High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 127 The Gods who came to the ancient times

Chapter 127 The Gods who came to the ancient times
The vast wilderness, the vast world, the endless mountains rising and falling with each other.

Mountains as vast as stars abound, and ancient cypress trees reach into the sky like trees reaching to the sky.

Strange beasts lurk, fairy birds neigh, and the ancient land is peaceful.

Human tribes gathered in many places.

Under the leadership of the few remaining great witches, the Witch Clan has shrunk its sphere of influence.

Traces of the human race appeared in many places in the prehistoric times, and spread at an extremely fast speed.

Since the Lich War, the ancient world has ushered in a rare period of peace.

Everything is developing and multiplying, preparing for the next big drama.

In this peaceful environment, the void suddenly shook, and on top of a vast mountain peak, the stable space suddenly began to distort.

The next moment, the space shattered, a circular space portal was opened, and a star-sized spaceship rushed out of it.

This is a divine boat. The hull is wrapped in the aura of chaos, and it is blessed with extremely powerful formations, giving this divine boat the ability to cross all heavens and realms.

On the fairy ship, there are more than ten billion gods wearing silver armor, all of whom have powerful auras and are arrogant.

The Shenzhou is so vast that it is like a fortress that spans all the worlds. Its towers, pavilions, and majestic palaces are like a divine court descending into the wilderness.

The Shenzhou exuded a simple and desolate atmosphere. As it entered this world, the silver-armored gods on it began to move. They sent out scouts to patrol the vicinity and use artifacts to observe the world.

Everyone got busy in an orderly manner.

Following the observation feedback one after another, the priest responsible for collecting world information on the ship was shocked. He quickly picked up the spiritual herbs and fairy fruits collected by the gods and went to the highest and most vast palace on the ship.

He was extremely fast and flew all the way to the highest palace.

This palace is vast and has endless majesty. Just standing in front of it makes people feel fear in their hearts, as if all their secrets can be seen through.

After receiving the notification, he was told that he could enter the temple.

After straightening his clothes, the priest responsible for searching the world took a deep breath and entered the palace.

The hall is even quieter. It is paved with dark and smooth boulders. Walking on it is like walking in a world of nothingness, which is extremely depressing.

This is the Void Divine Stone. It is extremely precious and can withstand the chaotic energy of the heavens and seas. It is a first-class material used to build artifacts.

But it was used to build a palace here, what a luxury.

Although this is not the first time I see the priest, I still feel emotional every time I see him.

Too extravagant and wasteful.

It's just that he didn't dare to express it.

Not long after, he came to a divine throne. He was as high as the ancestor who ruled the heavens, sitting quietly on the divine throne.

On both sides stood two rows of different gods, 18 of them, all with powerful auras. Standing where they were, they looked like a collection of multiple worlds.

Every move has the power of destroying the void overflowing.

The priest knelt down on the ground and said respectfully to the throne: "The patrolling priest bows to the ancestor God Emperor. The God Emperor is eternal and boundless, and unifies all heavens!"

There was silence in the temple, only his voice echoed.

Sitting on the throne was a man with black hair that reached his shoulders and was slightly curled.

His eyes were covered with shadows, and his specific appearance was extremely blurry, making it difficult to see clearly.

Behind him, layer after layer of black curtain energy surged, layer upon layer, there were no one knows how many, and they were changing all the time.

If you look carefully, you can clearly see that these black curtains are actually vast worlds.

He is sleeping.

This was his dream, but just the energy leaked from the dream caused such horrific changes and created an unknown world of darkness.

There are so many, perhaps as vast as a multiverse.

He was wearing a dark black robe, wrapped with silver threads, engraved with complex patterns, and hanging accessories.At this time, the man rested his left elbow on the armrest and supported the side of his face with his palm, sleeping soundly.

The priest's voice echoed in the temple. The powerful gods standing on both sides of the palace looked at him. Their eyes fell one after another. Horrible pressure hit, and the priest's body suddenly stiffened.

The figure on the highest throne opened his eyes.

His pupils were cold and seemed to contain no emotion.

The moment he woke up, the world of layers of curtains behind him disappeared.

The dark multiverse was born in his dream. Now that he wakes up, all worlds are naturally destroyed.

"It's a priest, what's the matter?"

His voice was ethereal, as if coming from the oldest era.

He is the God Emperor of the Void, and this ship is his vehicle and the headquarters of the Void God Clan.

He was born at the beginning of the birth of all the heavens and worlds here. Unlike any other living being, he was not born in the world.

Instead, it was born directly in the void in the boundary sea.

He is extremely powerful and cold, with no human emotions, only innate endless power and desire to conquer.

So, he created life in the boundary sea and named these lives the Void God Clan.

He is the ancestor god emperor.

For countless years, he has led the Void God Clan in continuous conquests and killings, destroying countless world seas and conquering countless world seas.

He is too powerful, so powerful that even the supreme gods of many worlds cannot block his punch.

He was destined to be the master of all heavens and realms since his birth.

Nowadays, tens of thousands of realm seas have been brought under his rule, and he has enslaved countless slaves, including many strong men from the Taiyi Golden Fairyland.

He was tired of this game of conquest and destruction.

But he is still constantly opening up territories and looking for new worlds to rule.

Because he has a sense of crisis, a sense of crisis that has existed since his birth.

He was born from nothingness and is the strongest ancestor. His lifespan is endless.

But this endless super-multiple world has a lifespan.

He didn't know where the boundary was, but he clearly felt that there was such a wall. One day, this endless and vast world would be destroyed at the same moment.

He doesn't want to be buried with this endless world, he wants to transcend, he wants to live forever!

That's why he continued to conquer and search after getting tired of it.

He believes that in the endless super multiverse, there must be a transcendent world. As long as he finds that world, he can truly live forever.

The priest suppressed the trembling in his voice and said: "Original God Emperor, we have come to a new world. This world...may be the world you have been looking for, God Emperor."

As soon as he finished speaking, the silent temple suddenly froze.

At this moment, time and space seemed to be directly obliterated, and everything came to a standstill.

This feeling didn't disappear until the voice of the Void God Emperor appeared again.

"What's the evidence?"

The top executives of the Void God Clan standing in two rows below all breathed a sigh of relief. At that moment, they simultaneously smelled the eternal silence.

The kneeling priest raised his hands. In his hands, there was a spiritual grass and a fairy fruit.

"God Emperor, this was found in this world."

(End of this chapter)

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