High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 135 Yuanshi Tianzun and Haotian God

Chapter 135 Yuanshi Tianzun and Haotian God

Facing the long test of God Haotian, the old man was not impatient or impatient.

He picked up a cup of tea and took a sip with a smile.

There were only two of them in the imperial garden, surrounded by fairy mist, and they were leisurely out of the dust.

All kinds of rare and rare flowers bloom, and innate spiritual roots are planted all over the garden.

Taking advantage of Haotian's exam, the old man glanced at the pavilion and saw a nine-colored deer walking slowly and lazily.

When it got close, it casually lowered its head and bit off a leaf from a seven-leaf clover that had been growing for nearly a million years.

This seven-leaf clover is one of the innate spiritual roots. Although it is not one of the top ten spiritual roots such as the flat peach, it is still alive with human flesh and bones. When mortals eat it, it can wash away the five turbid qi and turn it into the purest fairy spirit. body.

This nine-colored deer chewed slowly and raised its eyes in a very humane manner, like a frown.

It reluctantly crushed it and swallowed it, looked at the remaining leaves with disgust, and then walked away slowly.

After watching this scene completely, the old man put down the tea cup in his hand, looked at Haotian while stroking his beard, and said with a smile: "Fellow Taoist Haotian, I don't know who is so proud that he can ask you to delay the old Taoist."

Haotian raised his head, gently pinched the black piece between his index and middle fingers and put it down. However, it did not fall on the chessboard, but was put back into the box.

His expression remained unchanged and he just looked at the other party.

Seeing this, the old man continued to chuckle: "Fellow Taoist, I know even if you don't say anything, there is more than one Da Luo on the ship of the little god from outside the world.

Among them, there is only one person who can invite fellow Taoist Haotian. "

Haotian frowned slightly.

He was not surprised that Yuanshi Tianzun knew about this, but it was a bit strange to talk about it now.

Da Luo has no beginning and no end, and the concept of time does not apply to them.

For example, he and Yuanshi Tianzun now are not in the same timeline as Prehistoric.

The past, present and future are all in parallel for them.

Their own Daluo way combines the three into one, and they can be at any point on the timeline.

But precisely for this reason, for all Daluo, the "now" in which the three are unified also exists.

In the prehistoric times, all Daluo have agreed on a timeline for progress, which is their "now".

It is also the "now" in which all heavens and worlds operate.

And this "now" has just arrived in front of the Xu God Clan's divine boat arriving at Yuxu Palace.

Chen Feng and others have not yet taken action.

Normally, when Da Luo didn't take action, such "little things" would not attract Yuanshi Tianzun's attention.

Unless...he noticed this from the beginning.

Haotian remained calm on the surface and still didn't reply.

Yuanshi Tianzun said calmly and suddenly changed the topic: "Speaking of which, Taoist Fellow Haotian wants to step down as the Jade Emperor in the next era, right?"

"Huh?" Haotian frowned slightly.

This topic is different from just now. Things like Chen Feng asking him to take action have traces to follow. If Yuanshi Tianzun pays attention, it will not be difficult to detect.

But he never mentioned his resignation as Jade Emperor to anyone else. He only spoke to Daozu.

In this case, how could Yuanshi Tianzun know?
Da Luo has his own secrets, which Da Luo next to him cannot find out. This will not change just because the other party is "Pangu".

Even if a newly promoted person like Chen Feng wants to hide something, as long as he does it covertly enough, he will not be noticed.

Let alone him.

Yuanshi Tianzun seemed to have seen through his thoughts and said with a smile: "I am the cause of all effects. All causes and effects are caused by me. Why should I be surprised to know this?" He said it in an understatement, and there was another kind of pearl of wisdom in his hand. If it were someone else, they might actually be fooled by him, thinking that he knew everything and could even spy on Daluo's secrets.

But God Haotian doesn't accept this trick.

He just said lightly: "Daluo has no cause and no effect."

Yuanshi Tianzun was not embarrassed when he saw that he had not been frightened. He just laughed and said: "Fellow Haotian is indeed a very human being, and Pindao is just guessing.

Taoist friends have held the position of Emperor of Heaven for hundreds of epochs and have ruled the heavens. They have already understood this Tao well. There is no benefit in continuing to sit down. On the contrary, they will be bound by the position of Emperor of Heaven and it will be difficult to go further.

It is normal to want to resign from office. A simple guess cannot be accurate. "

Haotian looked at him and said, "What does Tianzun mean by these words?"

Yuanshi Tianzun continued to smile and said: "Simple, Taoist friend Haotian stepped down as the Jade Emperor, just because he wanted to go one step further. Looking all over the world, the only one left in the eyes of fellow Taoist is 'Pangu'. If Taoist friend wants to be 'Pangu', there is no need to sacrifice the near and seek the far away." Woolen cloth?"

Haotian pondered, already knowing Yuanshi Tianzun's intention, he made a calculation in his mind.

This was the price he was offered.

It seems that Hou Tu formed the Twelve Ancestral Witches and Fuxi's secret actions put a lot of pressure on Sanqing.

I also started to win over my "comrades".

He smiled and bargained secretly: "Tianzun, what price can I give you?"

Yuanshi Tianzun suppressed his smile and began to ponder.

After thinking for a moment, he tentatively said: "Pangu created the world and has 81 transformations. I make the decision. In the next era, I will give fellow Taoists a Pangu origin. What do you think of Pangu's Qingqi origin?"

Haotian raised his eyebrows, calmly took out a chess piece from the box, and placed it gently.

This was an extremely sharp attack, advancing without retreating, directly entering Bai Zi's hinterland.

This son showed Haotian's attitude.

Pangu Qingqi is the Qingqi of Tianqi in Pangu's 81 transformations. It is called the origin of heaven and is the synonym for "Heaven".

In terms of Pangu's background, he was above average, not bad.

But the problem is that he, Haotian, has held the position of Emperor of Heaven for hundreds of epochs. The legend has been spread throughout the world and cannot be destroyed even if epochs change.

He himself has long been synonymous with "God".

Pangu Qingqi was originally his thing. Whether he had this background or not, it made no difference to him.

This Yuanshi Tianzun is obviously using his hands empty-handed.

Seeing his move, Yuanshi Tianzun also understood the other party's attitude.

He thought for a moment and said, "Why don't I take a step back? If Fellow Taoist Haotian is willing, Pindao won't know anything about what happened in Yuxu Palace today, and I can concentrate on playing chess with fellow Taoist, okay?"

Haotian smiled, and he hummed softly: "Tianzun, this is not the attitude of asking for a price. The matter of Yuxu Palace is only a trivial matter. If you use it to increase the price, you will be angry.

If you want to leave, just go and see if I can stop you. "

He said harshly, and then added: "Even if you have immeasurable magical powers, I can't stop you, but you Sanqing has controlled the position of Pangu for many epochs, and has already aroused public anger. I just go to Fuxi to conspire. The worst is possible." Seek an throne in the heaven of his demon clan.

Or it might as well go to Hou Tu and become the No. 13 ancestral shaman! "

Seeing his attitude, Yuanshi Tianzun hesitated for a moment, and then gritted his teeth and said: "In that case, fellow Taoist Haotian, in the next era, we allow you to be born with a congenital Qi, and be the beginning of the evolution of heaven and earth, the sixth transformation of Pangu's 81 transformations, how about that?"

Haotian did not answer directly, but picked up the tea cup and took a sip.

After a moment, he put down the tea cup and smiled.

"Tianzun, it's your turn."

(End of this chapter)

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