Chapter 156 Reuse the main god space
The matter in Yuxu Palace has come to an end for the time being.

Yuanshi Tianzun has no intention of pursuing Chen Feng and the others.

It's not that he suddenly became generous or anything, but that was included in the deal with God Haotian.

If the people who explain the teaching fail to keep Chen Feng, he cannot bully the small ones.

Yuanshi Tianzun naturally agreed.

In fact, even if God Haotian didn't say anything, he might not take action against Chen Feng.

To put it bluntly, it's just some trivial matters of the disciples. Although Yuanshi protects his shortcomings, he will not go to this level.

Moreover, the road to Daluo is long, and it is not necessarily a bad thing for disciples to have some grudges against each other.

Of course, although he would not take action, he would not stop Master Lingbao and wait for an opportunity to retaliate.

It is infinitely joyful to fight against the sky, endlessly joyous to fight against the earth, and endlessly joyful to fight against people.

For a long time, the Da Luo people could only feel the real fun by fighting with each other.

Many Daluo will even intentionally form enemies, fighting and scheming with each other from era to era.

If you have grudges and thoughts in your heart, you will never lose yourself.

It's probably similar to, when I think about that bastard still alive, I get confused. No, I can't lose myself before him.

The most famous ones are Nuwa and Houtu.

They not only wished each other to die, but also enjoyed each other's death.


On the other side, there is Honghuang, Mount Emei, and Luofu Cave.

Six Daluo who successfully stole the chicken were in the cave, gathering around a round stone table to start a meeting to share the spoils.

Chen Feng was in a good mood and took out his trophies one by one and placed them on the table.

This is about to start dividing the spoils.

After all, this incident started because of him, and Zhao Gongming and others were the helpers he invited.

Even for things like sneak attacks on teachings, they themselves are full of enthusiasm.

But if you really succeed, you still have to share the benefits.

Otherwise, you won’t be able to mix with others in Daluo in the future.

Put the last innate spiritual treasure on the table, a total of fourteen pieces.

Chen Feng said with a smile: "That's all. I was worried that the old man Yuanshi would come back, so I didn't dare to take too much."

Zhao Gongming looked at the fourteen spiritual treasures that exuded the light of Daluo, rubbed his hands and said with a smile: "Not a few, not a lot, how much is too much."

Even San Xiao showed a hint of surprise when he saw these innate spiritual treasures, and Chen Feng's harvest also exceeded their expectations.

Xiantian Lingbao is not a piece of junk.

Even for them, apart from the Hunyuan Golden Dou and the Golden Dragon Scissors, they only have two or three pieces.

People like Taoist Duobao, who have thousands of innate spiritual treasures, are an outlier among the outliers in Da Luo.

And even if it is Taoist Duobao, not all of his innate spiritual treasures are refined by himself.

More than [-]% of the innate spiritual treasures were given to him by other Da Luo.

Taoist Duobao is also an ancient Daluo, and he followed Lingbao Dao Zun from a very early age, before Lingbao Dao Zun became the Three Pure Ones.

There are also many followers.

In addition, Taoist Duobao has a bold personality and is very popular among Da Luo. Almost all ancient Da Luo have made friends with him.

Therefore, whenever a great Luo lost me, he would give him the innate spiritual treasure that he had refined.

To this day, he no longer remembers how many eras have passed and how many people have lost themselves.

All I know is that he has more and more innate spiritual treasures in his hands, and there are already more than a thousand pieces.

Every time he saw the numerous innate spiritual treasures in his hand, he would feel emotional and miss his old friends who had lost themselves one by one.

I don’t know when they will have the idea of ​​​​living again and return from losing themselves.

Perhaps, that day will never come.

Taoist Duobao looked at the fourteen innate spiritual treasures in front of him, and his expression was momentarily dazed.

He calmed down and chuckled: "Fellow Taoist Chen Feng has gained a lot, but there are fourteen innate spiritual treasures, and there are six of us, so it is difficult to share them equally."

He suggested: "After all, you, Daoist Chen, went to Yuxu Palace to get these spiritual treasures. You can take the bulk of them and take four of them. The remaining ten will be divided equally among us."

Chen Feng quickly smiled modestly and said: "Brother Duobao is serious, how dare I take credit? If it weren't for a few people who stopped most of the people in Chanjiao, how could I have entered Yuxu Palace.

Brother Duobao will take the bulk of these spiritual treasures. I will only take two. "

He was being modest, but Zhao Gongming curled his lips, rolled his eyes and said, "Okay, don't push it around here, Chen Feng, just take it if Senior Brother Duobao asks you to take it.

You are no better than us, you have the support of teachers behind you.You have offended Chanjiao so severely this time, there is no guarantee that they will do something behind your back.

Although Yuanshi Tianzun is unlikely to personally take action against you, the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chan Cult are also difficult to deal with. You might as well get more treasures to protect yourself.

After all, there is no such thing as too much innate spiritual treasure. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Sanxiao came to persuade him again.

Chen Feng saw that they were sincere and couldn't shirk it, so he had no choice but to agree.

But he insisted that they choose first, and the remaining four were his.

This time, Taoist Duobao and others didn't say much, and simply picked them first.

According to his status within Jiejiao, Taoist Duobao randomly selected two items.

He has no shortage of innate spiritual treasures, so he picked the two worst gadgets, a white jade and a talisman.

Then it was Zhao Gongming's turn.

When he fought against Red Semen, his own dragon-binding rope was covered by the opponent's yin-yang mirror, forcibly giving him the concept of death.

It is equivalent to scrapping an innate spiritual treasure.

Now when I was choosing, I picked two good ones.

A long green silk whip and a white jade dagger.

Later, Sanxiao each selected two innate spiritual treasures.

They had the Hunyuan Golden Dou and the Golden Dragon Scissors, but they didn't care much about such innate spiritual treasures of average quality, so they chose them more casually.

By the time they finished picking, there were exactly four items left.

Chen Feng glanced at it and saw a jade bottle filled with half a bottle of purified water, a small tripod with mountains and rivers painted on it, an ancient mirror, and a gold rope.He waved his hand and put these four innate spiritual treasures into his sleeves.

In this way, he has six innate spiritual treasures.

Although he is not as wealthy as Taoist Duobao, he has also entered the wealthy class of Daluo.

After that, the six people chatted and laughed for a while. Taoist Duobao stood up with a smile and said, "Okay, I don't know what the situation is over there. To prevent them from getting mad and acting impulsively, I need to go back to Biyou Palace and report this matter first." Ming Master."

The five people quickly got up and saw each other off.

After Duobao left, Sanxiao also stood up and said goodbye.

After the two parties exchanged a few words, Sanxiao left. Before leaving, Bixiao smiled at Chen Feng and said, "Brother Feng, remember to come to Sanxian Island to find us."

Chen Feng was ashamed and said with a smile: "I will definitely do it when I have time."

After Sanxiao left, only Chen Feng and Zhao Gongming were left in Luofu Cave.

Zhao Gongming originally wanted to take him to drink, but Chen Feng had something on his mind and was counting the time and did not intend to stay here for a long time.

He found an excuse to postpone, declined Zhao Gongming's offer to stay, and left Luofu Cave, heading towards his home cave under the clouds.

He was extremely fast and had flown hundreds of millions of miles in a matter of seconds.

I was thinking about whether I should go to Jiuyou to find Hou Tu now.

When he went to Yuxu Palace, he was angry but wanted to find a place. The biggest purpose was to ring the golden bell in front of Yuxu Palace and find the whereabouts of Zhenren Huanglong.

Now that the goal has been achieved, Master Huanglong has indeed returned.

According to the previous agreement, Hou Tuyin should have noticed the position of Zhenren Huanglong in the world.

As soon as he thought about it, a ray of light suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. This light had no beginning and no end, and carried the aura of Jiuyou.

With a thought in his mind, Chen Feng raised his hand to hold the great light.

A lot of information comes to him automatically.

This is a coordinate point of the super multiverse, marking one of the boundary seas, which is extremely far away from the prehistoric world.

Chen Feng knew that this side of the sea was the hiding place of Huanglong Zhenren.

His thoughts changed slightly, and his figure had disappeared into the wilderness.

In an instant, he jumped an infinite distance in time and space and appeared directly in the depths of the heavens and worlds.

In front of him, there was a vast sea of ​​boundary rising and falling.

In the chaos, countless worlds shine with different lights, gathering together like a vast ocean.

This is a sea of ​​boundaries made purely of worlds.

Chen Feng gently clasped his hands and began to ponder.

The coordinates given by Hou Tu are here, but that's it. There are no more precise coordinates.

And the number of worlds in this square sea...

With a quick glance, Chen Feng knew it.

A boundary sea composed of ten trillion cubic worlds.

It’s not that big among all the worlds.

He can sweep through all the worlds in it with a single thought. was of no use.

Daluo has all the shielding effects, is not affected by cause and effect, and is detached from everything.

When they hide in a certain world, they will not be discovered by the spiritual thoughts of another Da Luo.

There is only one way to find out, and that is to search world after world. As long as he enters that world, Chen Feng can determine whether Da Luo exists in this world.

As for the identity of this Da Luo, it cannot be determined.

It can only go so far.

However, the coordinates of this boundary sea were given by Hou Tu, which basically confirms that Da Luo found in this boundary sea is Zhenren Huanglong.

The heavens and worlds are too vast, and there are endless seas of similar realms. Even if there are many Da Luo who are keen on playing stand-alone games, scattered among the queens of the heavens, they are just a drop in the ocean.

I want to meet two Da Luo in the same boundary sea.

This probability is roughly equivalent to that in a garbage dump, a gust of wind blows, and then the gust of wind blows up countless materials, and these materials automatically combine.

When it lands, all the materials just make up a complete sports car.

Even this sports car can actually run.

Then the wind blows again, repeating the above behavior a billion billion times.

If this kind of thing is possible, then it is equally possible for you to bump into two Da Luo in a boundary sea.

Chen Feng thought about it and immediately thought of the main god space left by Di Zhi.

If the future mission world of the Lord God Space is set in this square boundary sea, every time a reincarnator enters a world, he will be able to sense whether there is a Da Luo in that world.

As long as the number of reincarnations is large enough, sooner or later he will find the real Huanglong.

He raised the corners of his mouth slightly, feeling very confident about this.

Now that this square boundary sea has been locked, the rest is a matter of time.

Moreover, when Huanglong returned to Yuxu Palace, he didn’t know whether he would stay for a few days. Has he returned to this sea of ​​​​world now?

He was thinking in his mind, but his thoughts had already touched the main god space.

Although he returned to the primitive world, the main god space is still running, and countless reincarnations have been carrying out tasks.

At this time, Chen Feng thought of someone.

Speaking of which, I wonder how Zhao Wuxia is doing?

As soon as the idea came to his mind, he had already sensed the whereabouts of Zhao Wuxia, who was doing a mission in a certain world.

But the next moment, he frowned.

In his perception, this world has the aura of Daluo.

And it was very close to Zhao Wuxia.

Raising his eyebrows, Chen Feng said in a low voice: "Okay, you're poaching me."

Silently, his figure disappeared in the chaos of the heavens and the world.

(End of this chapter)

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