High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 165 The terrifying Imperial Guardsman

Chapter 165 The terrifying Imperial Guardsman

Zhao Wuxia raised his head and looked at the majestic Imperial Pass that stretched to the end of the world.

Although she has experienced countless mission worlds, many of which have very high levels of power, there are still not many who can reach the level of the Imperial Pass in front of her.

I don’t know when this magnificent pass was built. It stretches straight into the sky, like a Great Wall that separates the two worlds, standing here quietly.

Full of quaint atmosphere of time.

However, at this time, this quaint ancient city was already covered with mottled spots, and it no longer had its original vitality, and the air of death pervaded it.

Vaguely, the deafening shouts of killing could be heard from the other end of the Imperial Pass, and it seemed like an endless army was knocking on the pass.

Zhao Wuxia averted his eyes. Although this Imperial Pass was majestic, it was far from the prehistoric heaven.

She was thinking about how to get in.

They came from the direction of the Nine Realms, and a war was going on on the other side. The strong men on the Imperial Pass were resisting, and no one noticed them.

Of course, with her strength, she could directly break through the city wall and enter, but then her identity would be doubted.

She is here to help guard the barrier, not to break it.

While she was thinking, on the other side, Ji Dian was already shouting at the top of his lungs at the towering pass: "Is there anyone there? If you come to help, you won't be allowed in, right? Can this broken nine realms be cured?" "

His voice was not pleasant, more provocative than supportive.

But he successfully attracted the attention of the guards at Imperial Pass.

Immediately some soldiers looked down, and soon there were more than a dozen people talking among themselves above.

After a moment, a general in black armor came over, with blood stains still on his armor, and he came in a hurry.

When more than a dozen soldiers saw him, they immediately saluted and showed great respect.

"What happened?" The black-armored general asked quickly and looked towards the Imperial Pass.

His name is Bai Sheng. He was not originally from the Imperial Pass, but the chief disciple of one of the Nine Realms called the Chicheng Sect.

The Akagi Sect is not a big sect, with only three or four disciples. Apart from the master and his wife, there are only him and his junior brothers and sisters.

But the strength of the Akagi Sect is not weak. The inheritance comes from the ancient era, and his master is a powerful person in the Supreme Realm.

He himself is also a natural talent, has touched the realm of true self, and is in harmony with Taoism. He is also a strong man standing at the top of the Nine Realms.

Since the immortal king of the foreign land has awakened and foreign monsters have come knocking, the Nine Realms have suffered an unprecedented crisis, and all the hidden sects have received the news.

This is a time when the life and death of the world is at stake. The grievances between the sects have been temporarily put aside, and they work together to come to Diguan to resist.

Bai Sheng was assigned as the commander-in-chief of an army. He fought bravely. Within a month, he killed countless foreign monsters and was respected by the garrison officers.

Upon hearing the inquiry, a soldier quickly said: "General Bai, three people came from the direction of Jiujie, saying they came to support Diguan."

Bai Sheng nodded, he had already seen it.

"Use the ancient mirror to emit divine light to confirm whether they are from the Nine Realms. If so, let them in."

He was not surprised that the three people came to support him.

The life and death of the nine realms are at stake, and all the powerful men in the hidden world are constantly coming to support him. Even he came with his master.

The only regret is that three people are too few and make no difference to the overall situation.

He thought, subconsciously glancing towards the other end of the Imperial Pass.

There, endless fighting is still going on.

Since the foreign land was shaken two months ago, the Immortal King was suspected to have awakened, and Huang had returned with a group of children from the Imperial City. All the alien races were like crazy and wanted to attack even if they crossed the abyss.

This battle continues until now, shaking the nine realms.

He was the one who came with the division to support us a month ago.

Tianyuan is a natural barrier in front of the Imperial Pass. It has been formed since the end of the last era. No one knows how it was formed.

I only know that Tianyuan isolates the Nine Realms and foreign lands and has no impact on the people of the Nine Realms, but if people from the foreign lands want to cross, they will have to pay a price.

The stronger the strength, the stronger the suppression effect of Tianyuan.

It is precisely because of this natural moat that the Imperial Pass has been able to barely resist foreign lands for countless years.

But now, with the desperate attack of the aliens, the desolate land in front of the Imperial Pass has been filled with billions of corpses, and their dark blood energy is lingering, reaching into the sky.

There is actually a tendency to pollute Tianyuan in reverse.The foreign races that have recently attacked Diguan are getting stronger and stronger.

He was worried, not knowing how long Diguan could hold on. What was even more frightening was that the immortal king of the foreign land had not yet appeared.

If the Immortal King crosses the border one day, can they still resist it?

Just when he was distracted, a dozen soldiers beside him suddenly screamed in surprise.

He suddenly became alert, his eyes suddenly focused, and all his true energy instantly mobilized, and he looked forward.

In front of him, the three people who were under the Imperial Pass appeared in front of them like ghosts.

A handsome Taoist priest, a slovenly monk, and a girl in white.

Bai Sheng's whole body was covered with chills, and his eyes were full of horror.

The Imperial Pass is majestic and protected by barriers. Even for people coming from the nine realms, it is extremely cumbersome to enter.

While I was distracted, I didn't even have enough time to use the ancient mirror to detect their identities, let alone open the Imperial Gate and bring them up.

In other words, they came up on their own!
His scalp was numb and he couldn't believe this was true.

This is the Imperial Pass, the strongest fortress in the Nine Realms.

It was a pass made of stars by the Immortal Kings of the Nine Realms in the ancient era, and was watered by the blood of the Immortal Kings.

Not only is this place majestic, but there is also a barrier left by the Immortal King. Even the strongest among the Supremes... no, even a true immortal cannot cross the barrier and go directly to the interior.

If you want to enter, other than opening it from the inside of the Imperial Pass, there is only one way to attack from the outside.

Not only him, but the dozen or so soldiers also dispersed at the same time as if they had seen a ghost, their weapons aimed at the three of them.

They also had chills down their spines, unable to believe what they were seeing.

On the contrary, the three of them did not make any move. The Taoist priest glanced at them and yawned, as if he lacked interest.

The girl stood there, isolated and independent.

Only the sloppy monk gently patted the dirt on his body with a fan and said with a smile: "You little kids, you are just grinding away at something. The monk is impatient, so he can only come uninvited."

When Bai Sheng saw this, his thoughts moved.

Could it be that he is a true hermit expert in the Nine Realms?

He couldn't help but wonder.

Since the ancient era, the strength of the Nine Realms has collapsed. Not to mention the former Immortal King, even the true immortals have become extinct.

Nowadays, the strongest person is only infinitely close to the supreme being of a true immortal.

He is the great elder in Diguan.

However, the nine realms are vast, and no one can say whether there are true immortals hidden there.

Countless thoughts flashed through his mind in an instant, and he said to a soldier: "Where is the ancient mirror? Let's find out their identities first."

The soldier quickly came to his senses. He was originally the soldier responsible for the survey. He had already taken out the ancient mirror, but he had not yet had time to take a photo of it under the Imperial Pass.

He hurriedly raised his hand and looked at the three of them.

The three of them did not resist.

The simple light shines on the Taoist priest and the monk, and their appearance is reflected in the mirror. There is nothing strange about it, just like two mortals are reflected.

Everyone felt at ease.

This at least shows that these two people are human beings.

Then, the soldier took a picture of the girl in white with the ancient mirror.

Suddenly, golden light flashed in the mirror, and a sharp sword intent emanated from the mirror, which was extremely terrifying.

The ancient mirror that had been passed down for countless years had cracks.

With a soft sound, it shattered.

Bai Sheng and many soldiers were stagnant in place, unable to regain their senses for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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