High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 17 Xingtian, do you call this acting?

Chapter 17 Xingtian, do you call this acting?

"Oh, you mean that Di Ming is already on the way here?" Hou Tu stretched out her slender fingers and raised Chen Feng's chin and asked.

Because the distance was so close, Chen Feng could even smell a fragrance.

He subconsciously wanted to take a step back, but he was afraid of causing back pain, so he could only look at his nose and mouth and said: "Yes, the time is almost up."

"Very good." Houtu scratched twice, then retracted his hand with a smile.

Chen Feng was relieved.

Just when he was about to speak, a witch from outside walked in quickly.

This witch is about seven feet tall, has dark skin, wears a long animal skin skirt, has complex patterns carved on his body, and has a dragon on his shoulders.

He quickly came to Hou Tu and Chen Feng, like a giant, he had to be condescending to see the two of them.

This is also the reason why the Wu Clan's main hall is so tall. Most of the Wu Clan's members are giants, and there are many who are seven or eight feet tall.

But the ancestral witches have normal human proportions without exception.

Most of them are transformed into human forms, and even those who are accustomed to using their original bodies, such as Teijiang and his ilk, will remain at normal human size.

Seeing the two of them, this giant witch knelt down on one knee respectfully: "Ancestral witch, Feng Wuzun, there is a man outside who calls himself Di Ming. He says he is your friend, but he behaves rudely and has nothing to do with Xing Tian. There has been a conflict between the great witches and a fight has begun."

Hou Tu and Chen Feng looked at each other and smiled at the same time.

She waved her hand gently and said, "We understand, please step back first."

The witch saluted respectfully again and then retreated.

After he left, Hou Tu smiled at Chen Feng and said, "Let's go and see the excitement."

Chen Feng nodded and was keenly aware of the excitement in Hou Tu's eyes. It was the look in Hou Tu's eyes when he saw a new toy, just like a cat catching a mouse.

Before he traveled through time, he had seen a mouse caught by a cat. Now that he thought about it, he wanted to cover his eyes. It was so miserable.

That was really being played to death.

Without any delay, the two of them left the Houtu Palace together and headed towards the entrance of the Houtu Tribe.

Both of them were walking, but their speed was extremely fast. In just a moment, they could see the situation at the entrance. Many witch clans gathered in a circle, making a lot of noise.

These witch clans are either soaring clouds or fighting beasts, and they are scattered widely.

They didn't listen to the bustle and seemed to be cheering and cheering.

"Great Witch Xingtian, kill this kid!"

"Great Witch Xingtian, let him know how powerful our witch clan is!"

"Great Witch Xingtian, don't hold back!"

With these hooting sounds, the open space at the entrance has become heated.

I saw two figures intertwining, erupting with a shocking power.

The two fists intersected, and the terrifying aftermath erupted. Suddenly, the vast space became unstable, and cracks appeared like broken glass.

The shock wave visible to the naked eye continued to spread, the ground rumbled, and it spread to hundreds of millions of miles in an instant.

Xing Tian groaned and took three steps back, each step leaving a deep footprint on the ground, each step getting deeper.

You need to know that this is the Houtu tribe. The earth is blessed by witchcraft and is stronger than the prehistoric space.

Even a strong person at the Taiyi Golden Immortal level would be hard-pressed to leave a trace.

Di Ming's eyes lit up, and while shaking his numb arms, he secretly rejoiced that he indeed had the strength of a "quasi-sage", and even top wizards like Xing Tian were no match for him.

He was proud in his heart and laughed: "Great Witch Xingtian, it's better to stop, you are no match for me."

He was triumphant and looked like he had a chance to win.

This time, Xing Tian was irritated, and he glared: "Boy, you are looking for death!" With a low roar, he made a fist with one hand and punched out suddenly without any other means.

Following this punch, the heaven and earth suddenly became silent, and Di Ming's smile froze, and he felt that he was separated from the heavens and the world.

This punch is like all the heavens converging into one, and like the end of thousands of avenues, it is irresistible and invincible.

Di Ming's eyes widened, and he felt that under this punch, the world became sluggish.

All things faded, leaving only the purest black and white. Xingtian, the Witch Clan, the sky, the earth, and even everything in perception disappeared.

There is only black and white left between heaven and earth, and the ever-increasing fist.

A great fear arose in his heart. He wanted to move, but found that he could not even lift a finger. He wanted to escape, but found that his legs felt like they were falling down a mountain, and it was difficult to move a step.

"How is it possible? How could there be such a punch!"

Di Ming roared crazily in his heart. As his fist approached, the fear in his heart was infinitely amplified. He would die, he would definitely die.


At the critical moment, there was a sudden cough, the ground shook suddenly, the world in front of him suddenly brightened, and everything returned to his senses.

Even Xingtian's punch suddenly became soft and flawless at first glance, as if everything just now was just an illusion.

Before he had time to think about what was going on, Di Ming gave a low shout, made Tai Chi gestures with both hands, and met Xing Tian's punch while using his energy to remove his power.

At the same time, he pulled and pulled him, using his own strength to bully him into Xingtian's arms, and hit Xingtian's heart with the back of his hand with all his strength.

Nothing happened, Xing Tian remained motionless, even blinked and looked down at Diming.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

The coughing sound from before sounded again, louder than before.

Only then did Xing Tian let out a scream, and his body flew upside down in the air, flying a full hundred feet before falling heavily to the ground.

But at this time, a full three seconds had passed since the ground hit him.

Di Ming didn't notice it, and said that Xing Tian was thick-skinned, and his power could only explode in his body after brewing.

Seeing this, Chen Feng resisted the urge to cover his face with one hand, glared at Xing Tian who fell to the ground a hundred feet away, and said in a voice that only Da Luo could hear.

"Is this your flawless acting skills? If I hadn't come, this kid would be dead!"

On the broken ground, Xing Tian shook his body and stood up, rolled his eyes without speaking, and the voice naturally appeared in Chen Feng's mind.

"Stop talking nonsense, you go ahead."

As soon as the voice sounded, Xing Tian roared at the other party: "Boy, you have some ability, but it's not enough. Watch your moves!"

With a burst of force from his feet, he rushed towards the opponent again with the force of the earth shattering.

Di Ming was immediately alert, mustering up his strength to meet him.

But as soon as they fought, he noticed something different. This time, Xing Tian's power was too weak, and he had the upper hand from the first move.

Not far away, Chen Feng, who was watching the battle, already felt despair.

This Xingtian didn't let go of water, he simply let go of the sea. How could he retreat with a groan as soon as others raised their hands and didn't punch.

Is it retarded to bully that time traveler?
After only watching it for two seconds, he couldn't help it anymore and roared directly in Xing Tian's mind: "What the hell are you doing? He didn't even kick you. What are you doing?"

Xing Tian chuckled, and his voice appeared directly in Chen Feng's voice: "Doesn't this show that his kicking skills are accurate?"


At the critical moment, Hou Tu suddenly spoke up and stopped the battle.

(End of this chapter)

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