High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 194 Please ask fellow Taoist Huanglong to leave for 1 era

Chapter 194: Ask fellow Taoist Huanglong to leave for an era

Everyone followed the voice of Yutian Demon Lord and saw a tall and round figure.

He was a chubby middle-aged man. He was wearing a loose apron, a chef's hat tilted on his head, and a wet towel in his hand.

However, the chef's hat was obviously a bit too small and could not cover the back of his head with several folds.

Yutian Demon Lord was standing next to him, raising his hand to point at Chen Feng. It was obvious that this man was the boss of Feixian Tower.

After seeing this person, most of the people present were a little disappointed.

They all thought that the boss of Feixianlou must be an expert hermit with amazing aura, but who knew he was just a fat chef.

However, no one dared to look down upon him because of this. Didn’t you see the respectful look of Yutian Demon Lord?
How could this fat cook make this demon master so respectful if he had no means?
Of course Chen Feng also saw this person, but he showed a strange smile.

Because he remembered a very interesting saying: if you have a big head and a thick neck, you are either a rich man or a cook.

This Huang Long really focused on his cooking skills. Now he is definitely more like a chef than a big man.

"What does this mean, fellow Taoist?"

Huang Long sat down on the chair and looked at Chen Feng.

In fact, from the moment Chen Feng stepped into Feixian Tower, he already knew that Da Luo was coming.

And although he has been playing single-player in the world outside the prehistoric world, this does not prevent him from understanding what happened in the prehistoric world from the exclusive Daluo channel of Yuxu Palace.

He still knew something about Chen Feng and knew that he was not an honest person.

Da Luo of the new generation, the gatekeeper of the ancient world after the Four Sacred Beasts, indirectly killed Qiang Liang, and even robbed Yuxu Palace.

Putting all these things together, it was difficult for Huang Long to know Chen Feng.

What's more, he was originally one of the twelve golden immortals in Yuxu Palace, and he witnessed everything with his own eyes that day.

It was a good thing that he didn't take the initiative to find trouble with Chen Feng, but he didn't expect that he would dare to find himself first.

After saying this, Huang Long cast his gaze on the lotus lantern on the table.

The Lotus Lamp, Emperor Wa's Dao-killing treasure, is also one of the few innate spiritual treasures that can shield and seal Da Luo.

After discovering Chen Feng, Huang Long had already become popular in the Chanjiao Daluo channel.

Chen Feng had lost the entire Chanjiao reputation, and the Twelve Golden Immortals were the first to bear the brunt. Since they came to his door today, how could he not entertain him well?
However, the other Da Luo of Chanjiao did not respond to Huang Long because his message was not sent at all.

The entire Qianyuan world has been sealed, and it is now disconnected from all the heavens and worlds.

Apart from the lotus lamp on the table, there really is nothing else that can do this.

"Haha, you're just kidding me. How about you cook some more dishes? I just happen to have a gourd of good wine here."

Chen Feng waved his hand gently, and the cracked table returned to its original state.

The rotten food on top disappeared, leaving only the lotus lantern slowly casting a clear glow.

He was going to come to Huang Long, how could he not be prepared in advance.

As early as when he came to this world, the Lotus Lantern had already begun to operate.

If anyone in this side of the boundary sea looks this way at this moment, they will find that the entire Qianyuan world is wrapped in an illusory light shadow.

The shadow of this lamp is like a dream, with a clear glow, just like a blooming white jade lotus.

And the Qianyuan World is in the center of this lotus. Here, the earth, water, wind and fire no longer surge, and even the chaos has completely stagnated!

"Fellow Taoist, why don't you just explain your intention?"

Huang Long said expressionlessly, Chen Feng's answer was totally wrong.

He was asking about the lotus lantern, not the so-called sour dishes.

As for cooking two dishes, there was no way to do it. Compared with this, Huang Long wanted to slam Chen Feng's face with two plates.

"Actually, I just want to ask my fellow Taoist to leave for a while."

Chen Feng said with a smile, looking at Huang Long calmly, but his palm gently held the lotus lantern placed on the table.

"Friend Daoist, is this joke a little too big?"

Huang Long's face suddenly darkened when he heard this. Although he always liked to play single-player games outside, it didn't mean that he was easy to bully.

Asking him to leave a prehistoric era, there is basically no difference between saying this and slapping him in the face.

That is to say, Huang Long is good at cultivating qi. If it were a master with a stronger temper, he would probably have cursed loudly by now.

For a moment, the atmosphere between the two became cold, and the other people in Feixian Tower did not dare to breathe.

Although they couldn't understand what Chen Feng and Huang Long were talking about, they could also understand that these two people were probably going to take action.

Moreover, everyone is also very curious about Chen Feng's identity. Being able to call the boss of Feixian Tower "Fellow Taoist" speaks volumes in itself.

"It's not a joke. Since fellow Taoist likes to travel to the heavens, why not be a favor?"

Chen Feng stared at Huang Long seriously and said, with a smile on his lips, but his eyes never left Huang Long for a moment.

"Fellow Taoist, do you really think that Da Luo of Yuxu Palace is just a decoration?"

The corners of Huang Long's mouth twitched. He could choose not to return to the Great Wilderness, but being forced by others was another matter.

Anyone who has ever seen a bully has never seen such a bully. No matter what, he couldn't bear it!

"You mean there's no need to talk about this matter?"

"No way!"

"Then let's not talk about it!"

Huang Long and Chen Feng stood up almost at the same time, and the table between them disappeared silently!
The lotus lantern that was originally on the table was now hanging in the void, and bursts of hazy clear light slowly shone down.

Everyone was surprised to find that at some point, Feixian Tower had disappeared. At this moment, everyone was sitting in a world completely composed of light!

Above your head and below your feet, everything you see is filled with light. The sky, the earth, the rivers and mountains, even the plants, trees, insects, and fish are all covered in a layer of hazy light!
But what's interesting is that the seats and benches in front of everyone are still intact.

Even the dishes and fairy wine on the table have not changed. It seems that this world of light was transformed from the original Feixian Tower!
"What a treasured lotus lantern! It is indeed the treasure of Emperor Wa's slaying!"

Huang Long couldn't help but praise, but then he looked at Chen Feng: "It's a pity that although the innate spiritual treasure is good, it must have enough strength!" Buzz!
After saying this, Huang Long raised his palm, clasped his thumb and ring finger suddenly, turned his wrist slightly, and a black and white mark appeared on his palm!
As this black and white mark appeared, the world of light was suddenly shocked!
After this shock, everyone was horrified to find that they were sitting upside down in the void with their heads down and their feet down!
But they soon discovered something was wrong, because everything looked normal wherever they looked.

The dishes on the plate did not fall out, the wine in the pot did not spill, and everyone's buttocks were still firmly seated on the chairs, as if all this was just an illusion.

No, not an illusion.

Someone saw the problem. It turned out that the problem was not with them, but with changes in the world!

Here at this moment, the concepts of up and down have been modified, and the original earth has replaced the sky!

As Huang Long raised his hand, the world turned upside down!

Yuan Shi Nine Seals, Yin and Yang Seals!

Faced with Chen Feng's provocation, Huang Long immediately used his killing move!
The Yin and Yang Seal is as its name suggests. When it is printed, the earth will be turned upside down, the Yin and Yang will cycle, and the universe will be shattered. Once it falls, the world will collapse and billions of worlds will collapse!
In the eyes of people like Qianyuan World, the world was just upside down, but when Huang Long's palm landed in Chen Feng's eyes, it was a different scene.

Da Luo's battle is never a simple show of muscles, because it is meaningless at all. They are better at conceptual fighting!

Just like now, Huanglong's palm has directly rewritten the concept of the material world.

Although it has only overturned the sky and the earth so far, if Chen Feng does not respond, he will fall into endless chaos.

When the time comes when Yin and Yang are reversed, all the concepts that ordinary people understand will be reversed. Even Daluo will not be able to maintain his material form and will be knocked back to the beginning of Taiyi!

Facing Huang Long's incomprehensible Yin-Yang Seal, Chen Feng pointed his fingers, and a bright sword light bloomed at his fingertips!
It has no specific form, and it is impossible to see what it looks like with the naked eye. Everyone can only know that it is a sword light.

This sword light may be as fine as a fine dust, or it may be larger than this world. No one can see its shape, and only the sound of the great avenue can be heard echoing!


It is the supreme swordsmanship that Chen Feng learned from listening to Taoist ancestors!

Taoist swordsmanship does not have specific moves, because this swordsmanship belongs to Taoist ancestors, and it is consistent with Taoism!
It can be said that the Tao sword is the Tao, but it is embodied in the form of a sword.

The Tao is inherently invisible. The Tao in everyone's heart is different, and countless kinds of Tao can be born in one person's heart!

Chen Feng's selfless move last time was actually just one of the sword moves he had learned!

His current sword is still a Dao sword, but he uses another Dao sword.

As Chen Feng's sword appeared, the originally upside-down world suddenly returned to normal.

Everyone noticed that the weird feeling on their feet and under their heads had disappeared.

As soon as the sword was released, the sky and the earth became clear again. At this moment, everyone looked at Chen Feng with eyes full of awe!

After seeing Chen Feng's sword attack, Huang Long snorted coldly.

He still knew that Chen Feng was a disciple of Tao Ancestor, so it was not surprising that he could use the Tao Sword.

However, although the Dao sword is already the ultimate in swordsmanship, it also depends on who uses it.

Leaving aside the Taoist ancestors, it is the Taoist sword used by God Haotian. I am afraid that most Daluo will honestly report back to the beginning of Taiyi.

But if it's just Chen Feng, a new generation big man, hehe, Huang Long really doesn't pay much attention to him.

What's more, the Yin-Yang Seal is one of the nine seals of the Yuan Dynasty and is a card of the Yuqing lineage. How can it be so simple?
The expression on his face remained unchanged, Huang Long pressed his palm gently again, and the world suddenly changed again!
With a crash, a river surged from the ground and roared toward the sky.

With a rumble, clouds fell from the sky and crashed onto the earth.

Someone lit a fire, only to find that the fire was freezing to the bone!

Someone dug into the ice, only to find that the ice was radiating terrifyingly high temperatures!
Birds swim in the water, but fish soar in the sky. Men are pregnant and give birth to children, but women can lift thousands of pounds!
Under the shroud of the Yin and Yang Seal, the material form in this world is undergoing drastic changes. Yin and Yang are reversed, and everything is no longer what people think it is.

At this time, Pei Yuande, Xiaoyao Monk, all the diners in Feixian Tower, and even Yutian Demon Lord were all stunned, their eyes filled with shock.

Especially Yutian Demon Lord, he has always known that his boss is a very terrifying master, but he has never seen him really use his full strength.

Now he sees it and finally understands how big the gap is between himself and his boss!

With one palm, you can actually rewrite concepts and rules. How powerful is this?
Thinking of this, he looked at Chen Feng again, the young Taoist who almost slapped him to death.

The boss has such strength, so how terrifying is this Taoist?

At this moment, Chen Feng's face was calm and calm, and the sword light was still shining at his fingertips.

Wherever the sword light passes, the concept rewritten by the Yin and Yang Seal is returning to its original state.

The river that went upstream returned to the earth, and the clouds that fell to the ground returned to the sky.

Fire and ice, birds and fish, all reversed things are setting things right.

The sword light and the yin and yang seal are chasing each other, the latter is like a child who likes to destroy, and the former is the one who cleans up the mess for this child.

Huang Long didn't take Chen Feng's sword seriously at first, because he knew very well that it was always easier to destroy than to repair.

But gradually, his eyebrows wrinkled, and the speed of the sword light became faster and faster, almost keeping pace with the Yin and Yang Seal.

Often the Yin-Yang Seal has just rewritten a concept, and the Dao Sword will immediately smooth it out!

Huang Long frowned and pressed his palm down instantly, aiming at the top of Chen Feng's head!
He has discovered that Chen Feng's understanding of Dao sword is extraordinary, and he cannot suppress it.

So he changed his strategy, no longer fighting with him on a conceptual level, but going straight to his Da Luo identity!

However, it was already too late. At the thousandth of an instant when the Yin-Yang Seal was pressed down, the sword light had already surpassed the Yin-Yang Seal and arrived in front of it.

After surpassing the Yin-Yang Seal, the Dao Sword had the absolute upper hand. With a slight slash, the Yin-Yang Seal fell apart in an instant and turned into dots of starlight!
Huang Long instantly lost the idea of ​​continuing the fight with Chen Feng. He finally saw that Chen Feng's methods were obviously not like those of a new generation Da Luo.

His level is far beyond that of ordinary Da Luo. If the fight continues, both sides will be endless and meaningless.

And as a person who explains the teachings and one of the twelve golden immortals of Yuxu Palace, Huang Long likes to play single-player, but he never likes one-on-one duel in his heart.

This is the consensus of the great practitioners of interpretation and teaching. Rather than expending such effort, it is better to just shout a few words.

Because no one likes a group of Daluo people more than Chanjiao. As long as you raise your arms, some Daluo people from the same family will come to help.

So now Huanglong only needs to break out of the Qianyuan world blocked by the lotus lantern, and he can call a group of Daluo to give Chen Feng a righteous gang fight.

After having this idea, Huang Long abandoned Chen Feng and disappeared in one step!

(End of this chapter)

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