High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 223 The 1-day Xuannv who said 2 or 9

Chapter 223 The Nine-Tian Xuannv who speaks the truth

Chen Feng knew who was speaking without even looking.

Except for Guangchengzi, no one is so short-sighted at this time.

Anyone with a discerning eye can now see that the person who will kill Kui Niu has already been decided and is just going through the motions.

Jiutian Xuannu even opened her mouth in person, and almost no human beings in the big tent were willing to offend her.

Furthermore, except for people like Chen Feng who came here to gain experience, the other big Luo all have their own plot tasks, which is their basic base.

Killing Kui Niu is nothing more than getting an extra benefit for them. Even if they don't get it, it won't have much impact. Anyway, this job has always been done by Xuanyuan's lineage.

Xuanyuan was willing to take it out as a favor to Xuannv, but Yinglong and Houqing didn't say anything, so they didn't bother to get involved.

The fierce quarrel just now was entirely a camp issue and had nothing to do with this matter.

Guangchengzi is completely different. He came to the human race to get benefits. Now that he has such a good opportunity, he will definitely get nothing if he doesn't get it.

Moreover, he can kill two birds with one stone and disgust Chen Feng. It would be strange if he didn't jump out.

Sure enough, as soon as Guangchengzi opened his mouth, almost all the big people in the big tent showed expressions of watching the show.

Even the corners of Xuanyuan's mouth curled up, and he sat in the main seat and watched everything at leisure.

This guy knows how to choose his timing.

Chen Feng took a deep breath and was about to think about how to face Guang Chengzi.

However, from the corner of his eye, he suddenly caught a glimpse of Jiutian Xuannv's face slowly turning cold.

Oh wow.

As we all know, angry women are scary, but what if this woman is the only one in Da Luo?

Guangchengzi, Guangchengzi, although you are protected by Yuanshi Tianzun, you really should go to the ophthalmologist this time.

Chen Feng immediately sat down and entered the same state of watching a show as other Da Luo.

From his perspective, there is no problem at all when Guangchengzi jumps out.

First of all, he couldn't just watch Chen Feng take advantage of him. The two sides were not dealing with each other.

And he must know that doing this will offend Jiutian Xuannv. After all, it is tantamount to rubbing Jiutian Xuannv's face on the ground.

But if you offend, you will be offended. He is the golden bell ringer of Yuxu Palace, and Yuanshi Tianzun is famous for protecting his shortcomings.

However, he seemed to have overlooked one thing. Jiutian Xuannv's other nickname, Qingluan, was also protected by Nuwa.

If we just look at their temperament, Jiutian Xuannv and Nuwa are almost of the same origin.


Jiutian Xuannv's eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a slightly dangerous light.

She looked at Guangchengzi and said, "I wonder what the disciples of Yuxu Palace have to say?"

Guangchengzi's face looked a little unnatural, but he still stood up.

He said: "I don't think Chen Feng is suitable to hunt Kui Niu. This matter still needs to be discussed."

Jiutian Xuanshen looked even colder and spoke again: "Why is it not suitable?"

Guang Chengzi seemed to have regained some confidence, took a step forward, pointed at Chen Feng and said: "He has already shown his face in the Wu clan before attacking the camp. If he kills Kui Niu, he will definitely attract attention."

After he said this, his expression became more and more confident, and he was about to take a step closer to speak, when he suddenly heard a light voice.

"So, you want to compete with me for this job?"

Jiutian Xuannv had already walked not far in front of Guang Chengzi.

She has a stunning figure and an unparalleled face, but no one dares to admire her at this moment. They all look at Guangchengzi with their eyes and nose, and occasionally look sideways at Guangchengzi.

In fact, Da Luo in the big tent is not simply afraid of Jiutian Xuannv.

It's just that if you, a male big shot, clash with a female big shot, you will lose your grace if you win and lose face if you lose, it's not worth it.Of course, the most important reason is that they cannot be beaten at all. If they really attack, most of them will be held down and beaten.

As soon as these light words appeared, Guangchengzi was instantly alert.

His intuition made him smell danger immediately. What does it mean to fight with you?
He said with some confusion: "Xuannv Empress is joking, how can I fight with you?"

It's not that he is a coward, offending Jiutian Xuannv and directly conflicting with her are completely different concepts.

Stealing benefits from Chen Feng would make Jiutian Xuannv unhappy at most, but it would be hard for her to use it.

But if he admits that he is competing for the job of killing Kui Niu, he will probably take action immediately.

As mentioned before, Guangchengzi also understands the consequences of fighting her, and he really can't beat her.

"Oh? I thought you were going to fight with me. It just so happens that I just refined an innate spiritual treasure recently and haven't tested its power yet."

Jiutian Xuannv suddenly smiled, and her beautiful smile caused the entire tent to lose color.

But Guangchengzi's expression froze because he saw that Jiutian Xuannv had grasped an innate spiritual treasure in her hands at some point.

At this moment, he finally understood the truth, that is, you should never reason with women, especially big women.

Jiutian Xuannv's meaning is very obvious. I understand everything you say, but I just don't listen.

If you dare to continue to reason with me, then I will let you know what it means to have a big fist.

Chen Feng, who was watching the show, suddenly felt a sense of admiration in his heart.

Is this your own thigh?Love it, love it.

"Xuan Nu, I don't mean anything like that."

Not to mention how awkward Guang Chengzi felt, this was totally out of character.

He was really helpless when he met someone who was so unreasonable and couldn't beat him.

"It's okay if you don't mean it."

Jiutian Xuannv glanced sideways at Guangchengzi, and then returned to her seat.

She glanced at Xuanyuan, who immediately understood.

He smiled and said: "Since it is recommended by the empress, let General Chen make the hard trip to hunt the Kui cattle back."

This time no one spoke up to object, even Guangchengzi had to sit back with a sullen face.

Chen Feng immediately stood up and said: "I will definitely live up to the leader's trust."

After saying this, he glanced at Guang Chengzi inadvertently.

At this moment, he was also looking at her, and their eyes collided, and then separated in an instant.

Chen Feng immediately became vigilant and instinctively felt that there might be trouble in killing Kui Niu.

Da Luo is self-centered, and it is difficult to make waves in his heart, but once such signs appear, it means that something special must have happened.

His eyes narrowed slightly and he began to think secretly.

After the candidate to kill Kui Niu was determined, the next events in the big tent had little to do with Chen Feng.

The follow-up was nothing more than a matter of plot allocation among the human race heroes. He listened to a few words, but there was nothing new. There was basically no change in whose job it was.

However, he did not leave early, waiting for the other Da Luo discussions to end.

Fortunately, he was not kept waiting for too long, and the meeting quickly came to an end.

"When the Kui Niu Drum is completed, it will be the decisive battle between us and the Wu Clan. At that time, all the conspiracies and tricks will be useless. We, the human race, will absolutely crush the Wu Clan and become the master of the earth!"

Finally, Xuanyuan decided to set the day for the decisive battle, and the big account discussion finally came to an end.

(End of this chapter)

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