High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 226 Just waiting for you to fall into the urn

Chapter 226 Just waiting for you to fall into the urn
The Kingdom of Lei has been established for nearly ten thousand years, and the king has also existed for ten thousand years.

For thousands of years, and being able to spit thunder spells from his mouth, this obviously means he has entered the realm of immortals.

Immortals are pure and unstained, and it is almost impossible to get sick. Why do you need to search for a miracle doctor?
Chen Feng pondered for a moment and looked at a Lei Nation citizen standing next to him.

He opened his mouth and said: "Sir, may I ask what kind of disease the king has that makes it so difficult?"

Standing not far away was a middle-aged man dressed as a hawker.

When the vendor heard this, he immediately looked at Chen Feng, but he couldn't hide the joy on his face. After all, the word "sir" is an honorific for a knowledgeable person.

This Taoist priest is young, looks extraordinary, and speaks well.

He immediately bowed and said, "The Taoist priest has offended me. I'm just a street vendor. How can I be called a gentleman?"

"Sir, you have extraordinary bearing. I didn't say anything nonsense."

Chen Feng responded with a smile, and the vendor became even more happy when he heard this.

He whispered to Chen Feng: "No one actually knows what the Taoist Master asked just now. This imperial list has been posted once, but the specific illness of the king was not mentioned twice."

"It's strange to say that I've never heard of the king being unwell before, but he suddenly fell ill a few days ago without any signs. It's really unreasonable."

After the vendor finished speaking, Chen Feng had some thoughts.

He asked again: "You just said that the imperial list has been posted once. Could it be that a miracle doctor has already treated the king?"

The hawker nodded after hearing this: "Yes, three extraordinary doctors with extraordinary temperament like Taoist Master have entered the palace a few days ago. However, I guess they failed to cure the king, so they posted the imperial list again. The king I’m afraid this disease is not good-looking.”

Three people with similar temperaments to me?

Chen Feng immediately grasped the key point. There was a big problem with these three people, but why not four?
An undetectable light flashed in his eyes, and then he looked at the imperial list.

The king of the country was ill and summoned the world's best doctors to the palace for diagnosis and treatment.

Anyone with excellent medical skills can be listed on the list.

On the imperial list, two lines of large characters were written in gold lacquer. When illuminated by the sun, a dazzling golden light flashed.


Chen Feng showed a smile.

The vendor next to him continued: "Taoist Master, I think there is something wrong with the imperial list. You didn't even mention what kind of disease the king had. Who can guarantee that he can be sure to cure it? The three miracle doctors from the past few days are probably the same." You are so confident that you even dare to expose such an imperial list, and now I am afraid that you are in jail."

As the hawker spoke, he saw the Taoist priest in front of him suddenly walking forward and heading straight for the imperial list.

"Taoist Master, you..."

When he was about to speak to remind him, he found that the imperial list had been removed and was lying in the palm of the Taoist Master.

"This this..."

The hawker was stunned. He didn't expect that Chen Feng would dare to reveal the emperor's list. His feelings had just been in vain. This one was more confident than the other three a few days ago.

"Another person has unveiled the emperor's list. This person is really young."

"I'm still a Taoist priest, so I don't know if I can cure the king's illness."

"This person does seem to be somewhat immortal, but he doesn't even know his illness. It's too early to ask if he can be cured."

The crowd gathered in front of the imperial list burst into laughter when they saw Chen Feng taking off the imperial list.

A group of people pointed at him and talked about it.

"Go, go, don't block the road."

There were armored guards next to the imperial list. At this moment, someone took off the imperial list, and they came over immediately.

The crowd immediately dispersed after being scolded by them, revealing Chen Feng who had just been surrounded by the crowd.

The leading sergeant came to him and looked him up and down.

Perhaps because he saw Chen Feng's extraordinary temperament, the sergeant seemed very polite.

He said politely: "I don't know how to call Taoist Master."

Chen Feng said calmly: "Chen Feng."

"Daozhang Chen." The sergeant's eyes fell on the imperial list held in his palm.

He clasped his fists and said, "Since you have removed the royal list, will you come with us to the palace?"

"That's natural."

Chen Feng nodded and said calmly: "Lead the way."

"Please, Mr. Chen."

The sergeant was a little surprised. He was going to treat the king's illness. Isn't this Taoist not nervous at all?
The leader of the country coexists with the country, and his strength is unfathomable. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is an immortal. He can be so calm.

However, he didn't think too much about it, and instead led his men to escort Chen Feng all the way to the palace.

The royal palace of Lei Kingdom is very majestic and magnificent, with staggered pavilions and buildings, and is filled with wisps of mist.

Occasionally, there will be little spiritual beasts that shuttle between the buildings, which makes the palace look like a fairy home rather than a worldly one.

Chen Feng raised his eyebrows slightly when he saw this, but his expression remained calm.

Let the sergeant lead the way, and everyone soon arrived in front of a large hall.

There is a row of steps in front of the main hall, surrounded by clouds and dragons. There are jade pillars standing not far away. It should be the palace of the king of Lei Kingdom.

"Doctor, wait a moment."

The leading sergeant signaled several of his subordinates and Chen Feng to stop.

He himself walked to the front of the palace, lowered his head and clasped his fists and said: "Your Majesty, another miracle doctor has unveiled the imperial list, and I have brought it to you."

After saying this, he stopped speaking, but stood motionless and waited.

There was no response from the main hall, but the sergeant did not speak to urge him again.

After some time, the closed door of the main hall finally opened, and a female official walked out of the door.

She walked to the steps of the main hall and said, "Where is the miracle doctor? The king summoned him."

"it's here."

The leading sergeant pointed at Chen Feng and said to the female officer: "This is Daozhang Chen. He is the one who unveiled the imperial list."

"Daozhang Chen, come with me."

The female officer was serious in speech. When she heard this, she glanced at Chen Feng and didn't say much. She just motioned for him to follow her.

Chen Feng walked up the steps naturally and followed the female officer.

The two of them entered the main hall one after another. With just one glance, Chen Feng's eyes fell on a luxurious bed.

There were curtains around the bed, but they couldn't block Chen Feng's eyes at all.

He could see clearly that there was a figure lying flat on the bed, his breath was extremely weak, even worse than that of an ordinary person.

This should be the leader of the Thunder Kingdom, and he does seem to be seriously ill.

In addition, there are three figures standing not far from the bed.

All three of them have gray hair, but they have an ethereal air about them.

The moment Chen Feng saw the three of them, his eyelids jumped a few times involuntarily.

But he quickly regained his composure and allowed the female officer to lead him to the bed.

"My lord, here comes the person who unveiled the emperor's list, and it is this Taoist priest Chen."

The female official leaned over the bed and spoke, raising her finger and pointing at Chen Feng.

"Well, let's quickly ask Daozhang Chen to treat our country's chief."

An unusually weak voice came from the bed. If you didn't listen carefully, you wouldn't even be able to hear what he was saying.

Upon hearing this, the female officer immediately stood up and said to Chen Feng: "Master Chen, the Lord has an order, please start."

(End of this chapter)

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