High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 276 Sister Xuan, I came specially to see you

Chapter 276 Sister Xuan, I came specially to see you

Far to the west.

This is where Kunlun Mountain is located.

This mountain stretches for countless miles and is boundless.

It is in this vast and endless wilderness where Da Luo is located.

After Buzhou Mountain fell, Kunlun took the title of the first sacred mountain.

It is said that Kunlun is extremely cold, but it is a lie.

Because of this, both inside and outside the mountain are surrounded by white mist all year round.

But it was not cold air, but the innate spiritual energy.

But it also makes it possible for very few creatures from all races in the wild who are not Daluo to see his true appearance.

In addition, this is also a place of great fortune.

It is rumored that Daluo mantras are occasionally spread in the mountains, and those who are lucky enough to see and hear them all make great progress in their cultivation.

At this time, a figure was already standing outside the white mist.

"The majestic Kunlun is truly a top-notch paradise."

Chen Feng's sight had already passed through the white mist at this time, and he could naturally see the whole picture of Kunlun.

I saw continuous mountains, all covered with white snow, and the fairy spirit was rising.

But even Daluo, although he could see its appearance, could not see through the end of Kunlun.

In comparison, Chen Fengdun felt that the one-third-acre land where his cave was located was not fragrant.

Of course, Da Luo would not deliberately pursue the dojo.

Unless it reaches a point like Kunlun Mountain.

For the entire prehistoric period, this sacred mountain is also of extremely important status and has great merits.

Daluo will naturally compete for it.

It's just that Kunlun Mountain has become the basic base of Daluo since the beginning of Taiyi.

That Da Luo is the Queen Mother of the West.

Of course it is not the East Kunlun where Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun is located.

But West Kunlun.

The Queen Mother of the West is naturally extremely powerful. Apart from being a Pangu, she is definitely one of the top Daluo.

However, compared to the struggles for interests among other Da Luo, this Queen Mother of the West seems to be somewhat aloof from the world.

And the Kunlun Mountains' basic ranking is not high among all Da Luo's basics. After all, it is just a fairy mountain and a blessed land.

Therefore, since the Queen Mother of the West has been here, no Daluo has ever had the idea to come here.

The reason why Chen Feng came to West Kunlun was because the Queen Mother of the West had a close relationship with his senior brother Haotian.

After all, even if there is no struggle with the world, it will be after the end of Fighting Heaven.

After the establishment of the Heavenly Court headed by God Haotian, the Queen Mother's trumpet was opened to govern the Heavenly Court.

Chen Feng was really forced to do nothing before. After much deliberation, he finally only had God Haotian as his backer, so his thoughts suddenly shifted to the Queen Mother of the West.

After all, with the trumpet title of the Queen Mother, the Queen Mother of the West is also the leader of Senior Brother Haotian's side.

Senior Brother Haotian may be busy with calculations at this time, but if he invites the Queen Mother of the West, it will not be a problem to deal with Xing Tian, ​​the big fool.

After confirming these, Chen Feng calmed down and prepared to walk like a mountain.

After all, I came here to ask for something, and it would be disrespectful to be too showy.

Walking around West Kunlun, I feel the domineering power of this sacred mountain.

Moreover, after Chen Feng entered, he saw luan and phoenix flying together, auspicious auspicious light appeared in the sky, and even Da Luo felt relaxed and happy after taking a sip.

What a great paradise.

Chen Feng kept walking and stopping, with no precise destination in mind, just like taking a leisurely trip.

This was his first time in West Kunlun, so naturally he didn’t know where the Queen Mother’s palace was.

But he knew that since he entered the mountain, the other party must have noticed his arrival.

Chen Feng was heading west at this time, but was stopped by a group of phoenix birds on the road.

The phoenix birds are in full bloom, so beautiful.

At this time, he was surrounded in the middle, but he was not afraid of him.

Instead, they all looked at him curiously with their pair of powerful phoenix eyes, and some of the bolder ones came to him and pecked his right hand.

"Go, go, this is something I carefully prepared, not for you to eat." Chen Feng quickly raised his right hand, but he was protecting a small bag.

I don't know what's inside, but it's tied with a rope.

It's just that the method of tying the rope is too rough and I can't bear to look directly at it.

But Chen Feng was very protective at this time, and he had even carried this small bag all the way here before.

And when he was so protective, the phoenix birds jumped away, but they always surrounded him and refused to leave.

Of course, as Da Luo, if Chen Feng wants to leave, these phoenix birds will naturally not be able to stop him.

However, he came to West Kunlun this time for a big event, so naturally he would not get angry with these phoenixes.

What's more, the reason why these phoenix birds are like this must not be a coincidence.

Seeing that another phoenix couldn't bear his temper and wanted to peck at his bag, Chen Feng had no choice but to raise his head and look in a certain direction.

"Sister Xuannu, stop making trouble."


As soon as Chen Feng finished speaking, he heard a silver bell-like laughter.


Then another crisp chirping sound spread throughout Kunlun.

A black bird with a size of dozens of feet appeared in the sky.

The black bird is covered with colorful lights, sparkling, and its beautiful tail feathers hang down like wings hanging from the sky.

There is even a mighty Da Luo aura emanating from Xuanniao.

As soon as the black bird appeared, the phoenix birds that had previously blocked Chen Feng all lowered their heads, as if they were greeting their emperor.

The black bird is noble, this is the true superior among all birds.

But when Xuanniao's pupils fell on Chen Feng, there was a smile that couldn't be hidden.

"Brother Feng is so boring. He guessed it so quickly."

Xuanniao spoke human words, then transformed into a human figure and fell down.

If not the Nine Heavens Mysterious Girl, who is she?

But at this moment, she was wearing a snow-white Yao skirt, with her skirts flying in the wind.

There is a golden hairpin on her head, and three thousand green silk hairs hang down to her waist, which is much better than brocade.

It's really picturesque to walk out of.

Coupled with the resentful look on his face at this time, the beautiful scenery of the snow-capped Kunlun Mountains behind him was outshone.

"Ahem, Sister Xuan."

Chen Feng suddenly had a grimace on his face. Every time he faced these big ladies, he felt unnatural all over.

Not to mention Nuwa and Houtu.

Even the Nine Heavens Xuannv in front of her is not as strong as she was in the Battle of Zhuolu.

"Forget it, I won't tease you."

Jiutian Xuannv waved her hand, and these phoenix birds dispersed automatically.

Then he walked all the way to Chen Feng and stretched his little hand forward.

Chen Feng: "..."

Although he was a little speechless, he still handed the small bag in his hand to the other party's hand honestly.

Inside was the gift he had brought this time. After all, it was his first time to enter Kunlun, and it would not make sense to go empty-handed.

For this reason, he also returned to the cave once.

That's right, the small bag contains the tea leaves from the tea trees in front of his cave.

It was originally planned to be handed over to the Queen Mother of the West in person, but at this time it was the same for Jiutian Xuannv.

After all, if he doesn't give it, the other party will probably give him a headache for a while.

Furthermore, as the Queen Mother of the West, Jiutian Xuannv is the closest to Da Luo.

It's the same for everyone.

After taking the small bag, Jiutian Xuannv nodded with satisfaction.

"Not bad, I also know how to bring gifts for my sister."

(End of this chapter)

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