High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 308 The person the system cannot see through

Chapter 308 The person the system cannot see through

Darkness, illusion, collapse to ultimate destruction.

One universe dies, leaving only these.

But now in this dark prison, a Taoist priest is thinking about something with a cold face.

Behind him, a Taoist temple still hangs high.

It exudes an extremely mysterious light.

That is the rhyme of the Tao that transcends the three thousand avenues.

It seems that wherever a Taoist temple appears, it dictates the rules.


The Taoist stared at a piece of nothingness in front of him, his brows furrowed tightly.

He had used all his strength in the palm just now, confident that no living being could survive this palm.

Of course, neither can the female doll from before.

But the other party disappeared strangely.

Standing within the scope of the Taoist temple, he could clearly feel all the changes in this space.

But the other party completely disappeared in front of him.

Not even a trace of breath was left.

"Damn it, this girl must have a huge secret hidden in her body!"

The Taoist felt a little sad. He turned around and glanced at his Taoist temple, with an even more vicious look in his eyes.

The Taoist temple is his biggest secret. As long as he is in the Taoist temple, he is invincible.

There is no specific state, anyway, it is the self-confidence that one can slap all living beings with one palm.

So for Taoists, he is a lucky man.

He is very clear about this.

In his eyes, Zhao Wuxia was another lucky person, but not as lucky as him.

But he naturally wants to get the secret hidden in him.

Because although the other party was not as powerful as him, he escaped by some means unknown to him.

Instantly disappeared into this destroyed universe.

Taoists are eager to obtain such a means of escape.

But now everything is just empty talk, what he can rely on is the Taoist temple behind him.

The Taoist spat fiercely, holding on to his last thoughts and thinking silently in his heart.

"System, can you find the female doll?"

After he finished speaking, the Taoist temple behind him shook inexplicably.

"Back to the host, this system searched the endless worlds just now, but no target was found."

"Oh." The Taoist seemed surprised, because in his eyes, the Taoist temple was omnipotent.

"It seems that the girl doll has quite a secret."

Then the Taoist sighed again and said no more.

After all, no one can be found, and no matter how many secrets there are, he has no way of knowing them.

"But the host can go to Daluo Temple and ask..."

The Taoist temple responded again, seemingly with some instigation.

"Forget it, the beasts there eat people without spitting out their bones." The Taoist sneered and did not respond.

Taoist temple had no choice but to give up on Zhao Wuxia's affairs.

But when he looked at the destroyed universe, the look in his eyes became even colder.

"It took a lot of effort to find a place in this world to stay in, to avoid those beasts coming to our door. I didn't expect to have to change places again."

Thinking of this, the Taoist was furious again.

But just as he was about to run away, a figure suddenly appeared in his peripheral vision.

He was instantly overjoyed.

"It turns out it was just some kind of disguise. I had to show up when the time came."

He thought it was Zhao Wuxia who disappeared before.

Through some method, he temporarily escaped from this destroyed universe, but when the time comes, he will inevitably return.

"Fortunately, I left late, otherwise this girl would have been able to escape."

With a hint of teasing, he turned around suddenly.

But when he looked in the direction of the figure, his expression suddenly became horrified!It was a kind of shock that was so extreme that it was unbelievable.

"When did it appear!"

At this time, a person did appear in his sight.

But it was not the Zhao Wuxia from before, but a young and outrageous young man who was only in his early twenties.

The clothes he wears look a bit like Taoist robes, but not quite.

There is no trace of power spreading all over the body.

Apart from being more handsome than him, the Taoist just regarded him as an ordinary person.

But this is absolutely impossible.

Can ordinary people appear in a destroyed universe?
Can ordinary people hide from the Taoist temple and appear quietly?

Can ordinary people look at him with such eyes?
The Taoist didn't know how to describe the meaning in the figure's eyes when he looked at him.

Because those eyes are so deep, they seem to contain everything in the endless heavens and worlds.

Or perhaps, his description was just a speck of dust in the other person's eyes.

He had never seen such a look.

Because there was no emotion at all in those eyes, only endless depth.

He didn't know how to describe it.

Because it couldn't be described correctly, as if the other person was a creature in another dimension that he couldn't understand.

"You... who are you!"

The Taoist shouted loudly, but it was really emboldening.

Because he found that if he continued to stare at this figure carefully, all his thinking would collapse directly.

Of course, at the same time, he was communicating with the Taoist temple crazily in his heart.

"System, what happened? Why didn't you warn me when this person showed up?"

"Give me all the information about this person quickly!"

He urged somewhat frantically.

It seemed to be in response to Zhao Wuxia's previous evaluation of him as a frog in the well.

Apart from that Taoist temple, he is nothing.

He was even less vulnerable than most mortal beings at this time.


Desperately, he waited for a long time, but the Taoist temple seemed to be stuck and there was no response at all.

This has never happened since he got the Taoist temple.

From that moment on, he believed that he was invincible because Taoism was omnipotent.

But now, the so-called invincibility and the so-called omnipotence seem to no longer exist.

"who are you!"

The Taoist shouted angrily again, but this time, his tone was just because he was about to collapse inside.

His eyes were blood red, as if he was suffering from pain that should not be endured at his age.

Of course, it's nothing more than incompetent rage.

At the same time, I have to lament that the plot reversed too quickly.

Facing Zhao Wuxia, the Taoist claimed to be invincible and wiped out a whole universe with his hands.

Even if Zhao Wuxia becomes stronger, he can kill the second sword of Jie Jiao's Seven Swords.

But he was still invincible because he was not damaged at all.

In a sense, the pressure he put on Zhao Wuxia even exceeded that of the Dark Immortal Emperor.

Because he is much more arrogant than the Dark Immortal Lord.

He is also a standard smiling tiger, who will kill him if he can't reach an agreement.

And without mercy.

Just a few minutes ago, this man was so aloof, looking down at Zhao Wuxia.

But now, I just looked at the sudden appearance.

His whole body trembled violently.

He was actually scared!

(End of this chapter)

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