High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 331 Chen Feng, please open the door, I know you are at home!

Chapter 331 Chen Feng, please open the door, I know you are at home!
"You didn't go out?"

Zhao Gongming himself was stunned.

But think about it, the big Luo people in the prehistoric era are basically older otakus and otakus.

Unless there is a script that requires them to act, they usually stay in their own caves.

Zhao Gongming himself did the same for the entire prehistoric era.

Except for the conferment of gods, or the conflicts between Jie and Chan religions, he basically spent his whole life in the Luofu Cave in Mount Emei.

In comparison, Sanxiao is even more low-key.

The three sisters eat, drink and have fun on Sanxian Island every day. Even though they are disciples of Jiejiao, they rarely interact with each other.

In this era, Chen Feng has given them a lot of advice.

But the three of them played the so-called "landlord fight" for a while and soon got tired of it.

But I suddenly became interested in "Mahjong", which can only be played by four people.

This is another important reason why they often call Chen Feng to come to Sanxian Island.

"Brother, is it possible that there is something happening on the Chanjiao side?"

Seeing the anxious look on Zhao Gongming's face, Yun Xiao asked tentatively.

The former shook his head and drank a glass of water sent by Bixiao, which seemed to calm him down.

He randomly found a place to sit down, and when he saw San Xiao coming around, he explained: "It's basically like this. Brother Wei suddenly felt restless before, so he wanted to talk to those people about life in Chanjiao, but he jumped over there. No one came out, and that’s when you knew something was wrong.”

"So weird?"

Sure enough, Yunxiao also discovered a problem.

"Every time eldest brother opens his mouth, the person who explains the teaching will naturally quarrel with us for a while, but before becoming a god, what can they do."

Sanxiao became confused at the same time.

Zhao Gongming sighed.

"That is to say, this matter is not my fault, nor is it yours. Who else could it be? It can't be that boy Chen Feng, uh, wait..."

As soon as Chen Feng's name came out, Zhao Gongming and San Xiao looked at each other in disbelief.

"Is it really Chen Feng?"

Among Daluo, the closest relatives are the ones who can feel the connection.

Although Zhao Gongming is unwilling to admit it, now looking at the entire Jiejiao, the one closest to him is only Sanxiao.

The others can only be regarded as fellow disciples.

If Fengshen doesn't come, they, the fellow apprentices, don't move around much on weekdays.

If we really want to say that this era is close, it will really fall on Chen Feng.

"What trouble has this kid caused again?"

Zhao Gongming had a strange expression, both worried and happy.

When it comes to teaching, what worries me is that Chen Feng can't withstand the other party's methods. After all, he already suffered a loss last time.

Although Chen Feng regained his position in the end and became a powerful figure, he was usually weak and incomparable to the group of Chanjiao.

The good news is that if Chen Feng takes the lead again, Zhao Gongming won't mind continuing to attack Yuxu Palace again.

It’s a mixed bag anyway.

But Sanxiao was simply anxious.

There is no way, who gives Chen Feng so many ideas?

Since they met Chen Feng, although they haven't seen each other in person a few times, their Sanxian Island has a lot of entertainment projects because of Chen Feng's few clever ideas.

This is a talent, especially with the incident of storming Yuxu Palace in anger.

Chen Feng's popularity is very high among the entire Jiaojiao.

It can't be ignored anyway.

Especially Bi Xiao, whose eyes were red at this time, was shaking Zhao Gongming's arm.

"Brother, you can't ignore Brother Feng's affairs. You should go to his dojo and have a look."

There was a cry in these words, which made Zhao Gongming stunned for a while, but after seeing a hint of cunning deep in his eyes, he quickly waved his hand.

"I can go, but you can't follow me. If that kid's lair is exposed, I'll be prepared to annoy him to death."

Bixiao's conspiracy was exposed and she stuck out her tongue and stopped talking.It was Yunxiao who pulled Zhao Gongming up and said, "Brother, just go and have a look, and we won't join in the fun."

"That's fine." Zhao Gongming nodded, Sanxiao was special after all.

He also has a high role in Fengshen, so it is really hard to show up.

After all, the group of people from Chanjiao are keeping a close eye on Sanxian Island. Although they don’t dare to kill anyone until they are granted the title of God, but if they use a trick to deceive Sanxiao’s Hunyuan Jindou, then Jiejiao will be destined to do so when they are granted the title of God. You will suffer a big loss.

People from both religions know this very well.

As long as Sanxiao doesn't leave Sanxian Island, the people who explain the teaching will never have a chance.

You can't invade the Three Immortals Island. That would be like tearing up the script.

After making up his mind, Zhao Gongming immediately left Sanxian Island and drifted towards Chen Feng's land as Sanxiao watched him off.


"This kid..."

When they arrived at Chen Feng's land, Zhao Gongming, who was still riding the clouds, couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the scenery at his feet.

At this time, he was in a relatively remote area in the southern part of the wilderness.

There is not a single famous mountain for countless billions of miles around.

There are quite a few big mountains, but the short mountain at the foot is a bit inconspicuous in this remote area.

But Chen Feng just got his cave here.

It was simply a hole drilled on a low mountain without even a plaque hanging on it.

Except for a few tea trees at the entrance of the cave and the newly sprouted peach trees, there is nothing else.

If there is anything else, it is the deck chair under the tea tree.

This recliner also became popular in the prehistoric era because of Chen Feng, and Zhao Gongming himself liked it very much.

I can't live without it on weekdays.

But compared with the dojos of other Daluo people, Chen Feng's place is a bit plain and simple after all.

But if you say he is low-key, Zhao Gongming will not admit it.

At that time, just because he suffered a little loss from Chanjiao, this guy mobilized an army and stormed Yuxu Palace angrily.

But if you call him high-profile, it's not his own business, and he never gets involved.

"Maybe this is the secret to this kid's success."

Zhao Gongming sighed while thinking about whether he should learn from Chen Feng's behavior in the future.

While the clouds descended, they came under the tea trees.

After getting off the Black Tiger, Zhao Gongming's heart skipped a beat when he looked up at the growth of the tea trees.

But I saw that the tea tree was withered and yellow, and there were a few insects gnawing on it. It was Huanshi.

"It's over. I haven't taken care of it for a few days."

Zhao Gongming secretly yelled, "This is a sign that Chen Feng is probably not at home."

But with the last bit of luck, he started knocking on the door.

"Brother, open the door, I am Zhao Gongming!"

"Open the door, I know you are at home!"

"If you don't open the door, I'll kick you!"

There is a stone gate outside the cave, which was banged by Zhao Gongming's photo.

But for a long time, there was no response from the cave behind the stone gate.

"It's really broken!"

Zhao Gongming finally determined that the source of this matter did lie with Chen Feng.

Although Daluo people sometimes retreat, it is generally a formality.

He knocked on the door like this, but Chen Feng didn't respond. There was only one reason.

At this time, Chen Feng is no longer in the wilderness!

(End of this chapter)

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